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Game of September 17, 2011 at 03:06, 4 players - after 17 words played
1. 483 pts yab
2. 186 pts TwoFold
3. 128 pts albee2411

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ademos   H8    74    74   oedemas
 2. beenrtu   8G    61   135   bountree
 3. eilotxy   J4    72   207   xylonite
 4. adgggio   K2    29   236   agio
 5. bdiorrt  11E    40   276   briered
 6. ?adilrt   M2    72   348   tailored
 7. eilnpsv   O4    69   417   vines
 8. aaimtww   N1    27   444   waw
 9. acegmpt   O1    32   476   em
10. aeoprtz  14B    76   552   topazes
11. aeegilr  15C    30   582   regal
12. aaeiosy  12J    36   618   soya
13. efgiqst  N10    40   658   qis
14. acehiin  12A    32   690   hance
15. aeehort   A7    36   726   hearth
16. dejoouu   B4    33   759   dojo
17. efgiknu   A1    40   799   kufi


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6936 Fileyab         4 16:22  -316  483     1.6936 yab         4 16:22  -316  483 
  2.6421 FileTwoFold     3  5:41  -613  186     2.6421 TwoFold     3  5:41  -613  186 
  3.4418 Filealbee2411   1 11:12  -671  128            Group: not rated
  4.4228 FileSuzette     0  3:42  -752   47     1.4418 albee2411   1 11:12  -671  128 
                                             2.4228 Suzette     0  3:42  -752   47 

On 1st draw, O(E)DEMAS H8 74 --- OEDEMA edema [n]
Other tops: A(P)EDOMS H7 74, DAMOSE(L) H2 74, DE(F)OAMS H7 74, MASO(N)ED H4 74, MEADO(W)S H4 74, MODE(N)AS H4 74, MO(N)ADES H4 74, OED(E)MAS H8 74, SAMO(Y)ED H2 74, SOMEDA(Y) H2 74, (N)OMADES H2 74, (P)OMADES H2 74, (R)ADOMES H8 74, (V)AMOSED H2 74
Other moves: DAEMO(N)S H4 72, DAMOSE(L) H4 72, DE(F)OAMS H4 72, MASO(N)ED H6 72, MODE(N)AS H2 72

On 2nd draw, BOUNTREE 8G 61 --- BOUNTREE the elder-tree [n]
Other moves: SUBRENT 14H 30, SUBTEEN 14H 30, BENET G9 29, BERET G9 29, BUTENE I7 25

On 3rd draw, XYLONITE J4 72 --- XYLONITE a plastic [n]
Other moves: ILEX I10 45, EXIT I12 42, EXO I12 41, LEX I11 41, LOX I11 41

On 4th draw, AGIO K2 29 --- AGIO a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n]
Other moves: GIO K3 27, AXOID 4I 26, OXID 4I 24, IO K4 23, ADAGIO 13H 20
IO K4 23 yab

On 5th draw, BRIERED 11E 40 --- BRIERED covered with briers [adj]
Other moves: TIREDER 11E 32, TRIOXID 4F 32, DEBITOR M7 30, DIXIT 4H 30, BARDO 2J 28
BARRIO 2J 28 yab

On 6th draw, TAIL(O)RED M2 72 --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other tops: ARTI(C)LED M2 72, DETAIL(E)R M7 72, DETRI(T)AL M7 72, LARI(A)TED M2 72, LI(B)RATED M2 72, L(A)RIATED M2 72, REDTAIL(S) M7 72, R(E)TAILED M2 72, TRIA(L)LED M2 72
Other moves: DETAIL(E)R N7 70, DETRI(T)AL N7 70, DE(T)RITAL M7 70, DE(T)RITAL N7 70, DIA(S)TRAL 13B 70
DRAIL(S) O3 51 yab

On 7th draw, VINES O4 69 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: PELVIS O3 69, VEILS O4 69, VEINS O4 69, VLEIS O4 69, VLIES O4 69
Other moves: LEVINS O3 63, LIVENS O3 63, PEINS O4 63, PENIS O4 63, PILES O4 63
PELVIS O3 69 yab

On 8th draw, WAW N1 27 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other moves: MAW N1 25, MATAI 12A 24, WAWA 12B 24, RAW I11 23, RAMI I11 22
MAW N1 25 yab

On 9th draw, EM O1 32 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: ET O1 24, CRAMP F10 23, EPACT 12K 23, IMP G11 23, PREACT F10 22
EM O1 32 yab

On 10th draw, TOPAZES 14B 76 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: ZAPATEO 13G 62, ZAP G13 47, ZEP G13 47, ZEA G13 45, ZOA G13 45
ZAP G13 47 yab
POSTER 14F 16 albee2411

On 11th draw, REGAL 15C 30 --- REGAL a small portable organ [n] --- REGAL of or befitting a king [adj]
Other moves: AERIE 15A 29, LAREE 15A 29, LEEAR 15A 29, EGAL 15D 27, GARE 15A 27
GARE 15A 27 yab
GILA 12B 14 albee2411

On 12th draw, SOYA 12J 36 --- SOYA the soybean [n]
Other moves: SAY 12J 34, SEY 12J 34, SOY 12J 34, MESA 12H 30, SAE 12J 28
AY J1 26 yab
AY(E) 9F 20 TwoFold
DAISY K11 9 albee2411

On 13th draw, QIS N10 40 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FEGS 13K 34, FEG 13K 32, FEIST 13K 32, FEIS 13K 30, FEST 13K 30
QIS N10 40 TwoFold
QATS M11 26 yab
SAGE M11 10 albee2411

On 14th draw, HANCE 12A 32 --- HANCE a side of an arch [n]
Other moves: NAH 13K 31, CHINA 12A 30, CHINE 12A 30, NAH 13C 30, CAN 13C 29
CAN 13C 29 yab
EH J1 26 TwoFold
CHEAT B10 16 albee2411

On 15th draw, HEARTH A7 36 --- HEARTH the floor of a fireplace [n]
Other moves: HEATH A8 33, HORAH A8 33, RAH 13K 31, REH 13K 31, HAE 13K 28
HEARTH A7 36 albee2411, TwoFold, yab
HEART B10 16 Suzette

On 16th draw, DOJO B4 33 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other tops: JOE B6 33
Other moves: JO B6 30, JODEL 6F 29, JA 2J 25, JURE L6 24, OUD 13K 23
JOE B6 33 TwoFold, yab
JOB G6 13 Suzette
HOOD 7A 9 albee2411

On 17th draw, KUFI A1 40 --- KUFI a cap worn by Muslim men [n]
Other tops: FIKE A1 40
Other moves: FEG 13K 32, FUG 13K 32, KINE A1 31, KUNE A1 31, NUKE A1 31
KINE A1 31 TwoFold, yab
DIKE 4B 18 Suzette, albee2411

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