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Game sheet of ginalee (file), Game of September 18, 2011 at 14:09

Word find
Word played
1 ?AAEESS SEESA(W) H4 12 -52 12 3/5 (C)ASEASE H3 64 64 3/5
2 ?CDINRT STR(A)IN 5H 10 -64 22 3/4 DIC(E)NTRA 4A 74 138 3/5
3 ABEIORW WORD A1 24 -15 46 4/4 BAWDIER A1 39 177 3/5
4 AEGOORT             ROOTAGE I9 63 240 3/5
5 ADEIIOW             DAW H13 42 282 3/5
6 AFHLMTY             HAYLOFT 11E 64 346 3/5
7 EGILLSU             LIGULES L5 76 422 4/5
8 AEIIORS             ARIOSE 12B 24 446 5/6
9 EIMNQTU             QUAINT B10 70 516 6/6
10 AEILNOT             ELATION J3 62 578 6/6
11 CDEINTV             INV(E)CTED D1 66 644 6/6
12 ADHIMOY             DAIMYO 2J 45 689 6/6
13 FHIMNOO             HOMO 1L 65 754 6/7
14 EIKNOUV             OKE 10E 46 800 7/7
15 BEEIJNU             BENI C7 31 831 7/7
16 EGPPUVZ             ZEE 6F 32 863 7/7

Total: 46/863 or -817 for 5.330%
Rank: -

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