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Game of September 19, 2011 at 04:36, 3 players - after 16 words played
1. 450 pts dabbler
2. 366 pts asni
3. 84 pts maddie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceilnr   H4    74    74   carline
 2. aefjosx  11D    40   114   faxes
 3. aelmnst   5G    70   184   talesman
 4. ?aceelo   4B    75   259   coalesce
 5. ?aaehuy   4L    43   302   ayah
 6. ?dekopu   C1    80   382   uplooked
 7. bdegitw  12C    41   423   debit
 8. aensvwy   8A    45   468   wady
 9. bdginor   K5    74   542   songbird
10. eeflmrs   1A    42   584   flumes
11. einoopt  J10    31   615   pointe
12. ijorstw  13B    48   663   jows
13. aiorttv  15C    86   749   rotative
14. aeghnqu   M1    42   791   quayage
15. ghinoru   2F    34   825   hoing
16. eeinorz  14A    40   865   zo

Remaining tiles: deeiiinrrrtuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5828 Filedabbler     1 15:57  -415  450     1.5828 dabbler     1 15:57  -415  450 
  2.5796 Fileasni        2 12:44  -499  366     2.5796 asni        2 12:44  -499  366 
  3.4563 Filemaddie      0  3:04  -781   84            Group: not rated
                                             1.4563 maddie      0  3:04  -781   84 

On 1st draw, CARLINE H4 74 --- CARLINE a beam supporting a ship's deck [n]
Other moves: CARLINE H2 70, CARLINE H3 70, CARLINE H6 70, CARLINE H7 70, CARLINE H8 70
CLEAN H4 20 dabbler

On 2nd draw, FAXES 11D 40 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: FOXES 11D 40
Other moves: FOREX 6F 39, FAXES I8 33, FOXES I8 33, AXES 11E 32, JOES 11E 32
FAXES 11D 40 dabbler

On 3rd draw, TALESMAN 5G 70 --- TALESMAN a person summoned to fill a vacancy on a jury [n]
Other tops: TALESMAN 5B 70, TALESMAN E5 70
CALMEST 4H 22 dabbler

On 4th draw, COALE(S)CE 4B 75 --- COALESCE to blend [v]
Other moves: CAMELEO(N) L3 74, COENA(C)LE N2 72, (C)OENACLE N2 72, ESCALO(P)E K4 68, ESCA(R)OLE K4 68
COLA 10C 26 dabbler

On 5th draw, AYAH 4L 43 --- AYAH a native maid or nurse in India [n]
Other tops: HA(Y)EY 12A 43
Other moves: HA(Z)Y 12A 42, HE(R)Y 12A 42, HU(G)Y 12A 42, (B)EACHY B1 42, (L)EACHY B1 42
(B)EACHY B1 42 dabbler
AYE 10F 24 asni

On 6th draw, UP(L)OOKED C1 80 --- UPLOOK to look up [v]
Other moves: UPLO(C)KED E2 78, UPLO(O)KED E2 78, UPL(O)OKED E2 78, UPLO(C)KED 7F 70, UPLO(O)KED 7F 70
KO 10E 25 asni
COKED B4 22 dabbler

On 7th draw, DEBIT 12C 41 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other moves: BETID 12C 40, WIDGET 8A 39, WITED 12A 39, BEDEW J2 38, GIBED 12A 35
WIDGET 8A 39 dabbler
EWE 10F 24 asni

On 8th draw, WADY 8A 45 --- WADY the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: EYAS 13C 44, SPEWY 2B 42, VAWS 13B 40, WANY 13B 40, WAYS 13B 40
YAWS 13B 40 asni
WASH O1 30 dabbler

On 9th draw, SONGBIRD K5 74 --- SONGBIRD a bird that utters a musical call [n]
Other moves: BOUDIN 1A 33, DORB 13B 33, INORB 13A 33, BRANDING N2 32, DRUB 1A 30
BOUND 1A 27 dabbler
BROD 13A 27 asni

On 10th draw, FLUMES 1A 42 --- FLUME to convey by means of an artificial water channel [v]
Other moves: FLUME 1A 39, FEMS 13B 37, SEME J4 36, FEERS 13A 33, FLEES 13A 33
MESH O1 27 asni, dabbler

On 11th draw, POINTE J10 31 --- POINTE a ballet position [n]
Other moves: POINT J10 30, GENIP 8K 27, GIPON 8K 27, OPE J9 27, PE 3M 27
PITH O1 27 dabbler
PE 3N 14 asni

On 12th draw, JOWS 13B 48 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: JOSH O1 42, JOW 13B 41, JORS 13B 39, JOTS 13B 39, SEW J4 39
JOWS 13B 48 asni
JOSH O1 42 dabbler
WISH O1 30 maddie

On 13th draw, ROTATIVE 15C 86 --- ROTATION the act or an instance of rotating [adj] --- ROTATIVE pertaining to a rotation [adj]
Other moves: VAR 14A 34, VAT 14A 34, VOR 14A 34, TAIVERT 15F 33, TORTIVE 15D 33
VAT 14A 34 asni
OVERT 15H 27 dabbler
RATH O1 21 maddie

On 14th draw, QUAYAGE M1 42 --- QUAYAGE a charge for the use of a quay [n]
Other moves: HAE 14A 35, LUACH B1 34, HAG 14F 33, HUG 14F 33, EUGH L12 32
HAE 14A 35 asni
QUEAN N1 28 dabbler

On 15th draw, HOING 2F 34 --- HO to stop [v]
Other moves: HIGH O1 33, HOGH O1 33, HUG 14F 33, HONGI 2F 32, GOR 14A 31
HIGH O1 33 maddie
HO 14A 28 asni

On 16th draw, ZO 14A 40 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZA F14 31, NOR 14A 29, ROE 14A 29, TOZIE 14J 28, OE 14B 27
ZO 14A 40 asni
ZA F14 31 dabbler

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