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Game of September 19, 2011 at 08:28, 5 players - after 16 words played
1. 357 pts fatcat
2. 301 pts strykyster
3. 291 pts asni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eenrtuy   H4    24    24   yente
 2. ?aeoouv   I3    23    47   value
 3. diilqsu   9B    79   126   liquids
 4. adelnot   J6    70   196   taloned
 5. eilorss   E5    82   278   soilures
 6. aiorrtz  12A    48   326   zatis
 7. aahikpt  A12    39   365   zati
 8. ?accepr   C6    84   449   accipiter
 9. agorstu  12G    72   521   outdrags
10. demnovx   F4    56   577   vox
11. adefhkw   B1    49   626   hawked
12. efgiopt   1A    36   662   thief
13. aeehior  N10    34   696   hosier
14. bdeegno  14G    64   760   edgebone
15. ilmopry  15L    50   810   yorp
16. afijmor   O7    51   861   joram

Remaining tiles: abefgiilmnnnruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4913 Filefatcat      1 19:43  -504  357     1.7079 Stranger    1  6:20  -666  195 
  2.4539 Filestrykyster  1 15:58  -560  301            Group: intermediate
  3.5904 Fileasni        1 10:38  -570  291     1.6503 Kenpachi    1  0:20  -837   24 
  4.7079 FileStranger    1  6:20  -666  195            Group: novice
  5.6503 FileKenpachi    1  0:20  -837   24     1.5904 asni        1 10:38  -570  291 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4913 fatcat      1 19:43  -504  357 
                                             2.4539 strykyster  1 15:58  -560  301 

On 1st draw, YENTE H4 24 --- YENTE a gossipy woman [n]
Other tops: ENTRY H8 24, RENEY H8 24, RUNTY H8 24, TEENY H8 24, YRENT H4 24
Other moves: TUYERE H3 20, TUYERE H4 20, TUYERE H7 20, TUYERE H8 20, ENTRY H4 18
ENTRY H8 24 Kenpachi, fatcat
YEN H6 12 strykyster

On 2nd draw, VA(L)UE I3 23 --- VALUE to estimate the value (the quality that renders a thing useful or desirable) of [v]
Other tops: VO(D)OU G3 23, VO(L)AE I3 23
Other moves: VO(G)UEY 4C 22, VAU(D)OO I2 21, E(N)VOY 4D 20, OVA(R)Y 4D 20, VEA(L)Y 4D 20
VAN 6F 14 strykyster
OUTVO(T)E 7F 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, LIQUIDS 9B 79 --- LIQUID a substance that flows freely [n]
Other moves: LIQUIDS J7 72, SQUID 9H 34, QUE(L)LS 5F 28, QUIDS 9D 26, QIS 9F 22
SQUID 9H 34 fatcat
QUITES 7E 16 Stranger
QUITE 7E 15 strykyster

On 4th draw, TALONED J6 70 --- TALON a claw of a bird of prey [adj] --- TALONED having a talon [adj]
Other moves: DELATION F4 63, TALONED J7 63, DELATION C4 60, ETNA J4 22, NALED J6 20
VOTED 3I 18 fatcat

On 5th draw, SOILURES E5 82 --- SOILURE a stain or smudge [n]
Other moves: ROYALISES 4F 74, SOLDIERS 12G 70, LOERIES 11E 28, LORISES 11E 28, LOSSIER 11E 28
ROLES K2 14 fatcat
RES K4 10 strykyster

On 6th draw, ZATIS 12A 48 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZORIS 12A 48
Other moves: RIZA D4 41, RITZ F11 37, RIZ D4 37, RAZOR D11 36, ROZIT D11 36
ZA 8A 35 Stranger
ZO D4 24 fatcat
ZOO 6D 14 strykyster

On 7th draw, ZATI A12 39 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: HAIKA K11 37, KAPH D4 37, HAIK K11 35, HAKA K11 35, HAIKA D1 34
ZATI A12 39 Stranger
AHA 13A 32 asni
HAP 8A 30 strykyster
PEAK 11I 20 fatcat

On 8th draw, ACCIP(I)TER C6 84 --- ACCIPITER [n]
Other moves: ACCEP(T)ER 11G 76, CECR(O)PIA C3 76, CREPA(N)CE 11H 76, LACER(S) 8J 30, LAC(I)ER 8J 30
PR(I)CE D1 24 asni
LA(N)CER 8J 21 fatcat

On 9th draw, OUTDRAGS 12G 72 --- OUTDRAG to surpass in drag racing [v]
Other moves: SOUTAR 15C 36, LARGOS 8J 24, TAROS K7 24, TORAS K7 24, TORUS K7 24
STAG 15C 21 asni
STAR 15C 20 fatcat
SORT 15C 20 strykyster

On 10th draw, VOX F4 56 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: NOX F4 53, OX F5 52, MUXED H11 45, VENOM B2 42, AXON B12 40
VOX F4 56 asni, strykyster
OX F5 52 fatcat

On 11th draw, HAWKED B1 49 --- HAWK to peddle [v]
Other moves: FASHED N10 42, WASHED N10 42, FAKED B2 41, KAWED B2 41, WAKED B2 41
FAKES N8 22 fatcat
KAED 11L 20 asni

On 12th draw, THIEF 1A 36 --- THIEF one that steals [n]
Other moves: EF A1 35, OF A1 35, OP A1 31, PHOT 1A 30, THIG 1A 30
OF A1 35 strykyster
OP A1 31 asni
FIST N10 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, HOSIER N10 34 --- HOSIER one that makes hose [n]
Other moves: HIREAGE M7 32, HOSER N10 32, HOARIER K9 31, HOAR A5 30, HOER A5 30
HORE A5 30 Stranger
HOI 13L 25 asni
WHO 3B 18 fatcat
WERE 3B 14 strykyster

On 14th draw, EDGEBONE 14G 64 --- EDGEBONE the bone of the rump in cattle [n]
Other moves: BONGED O6 38, ENGOBE M10 35, DEBONER 15H 33, BEGONE O5 32, BODGE O6 32
BONGED O6 38 Stranger
BONED O7 32 fatcat
BODE O7 26 asni
BEE O8 20 strykyster

On 15th draw, YORP 15L 50 --- YORP to shout [v]
Other moves: PRIMO 15D 49, LIMPLY 8J 48, PRIMY O7 48, PYRO 15L 48, ROILY 15G 47
PLOY O8 37 Stranger
MO 15G 25 strykyster
PRO O8 20 asni
LIMP 8J 11 fatcat

On 16th draw, JORAM O7 51 --- JORAM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: ROMAJI O5 50, JORAM O6 49, MAJOR O7 49, FRAIM 15F 48, JIAO 15E 44
FROM O8 36 asni
FOAM O8 36 strykyster
WARM 3B 18 fatcat

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