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Game of September 19, 2011 at 15:19, 5 players - after 16 words played
1. 497 pts Kenpachi
2. 427 pts pandora1._
3. 411 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehilny   H3    84    84   hyaline
 2. eilotww   3G    42   126   whitlow
 3. abinopu   G7    30   156   bapu
 4. amnnosv   N1    31   187   mason
 5. ?egmprv   5E    52   239   revamps
 6. aciooru   1L    33   272   coma
 7. adeenxz   I5    66   338   mazed
 8. cginstu   E4    72   410   crusting
 9. aaeijru   8A    39   449   jurat
10. egilnor   O4    29   478   region
11. ?aeefln   N9    74   552   enflame
12. adeilux  O12    69   621   ilex
13. aefirst   C7    82   703   fratries
14. dhinors  14A    78   781   dishorns
15. deiootv  15H    39   820   ovoid
16. abeeoqu  10J    34   854   queen

Remaining tiles: abdeegikorttty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6504 FileKenpachi    3 14:21  -357  497     1.7105 mylover81   0  1:55  -792   62 
  2.6179 Filepandora1._  0 14:15  -427  427            Group: intermediate
  3.5921 FileHasni       0 15:46  -443  411     1.6504 Kenpachi    3 14:21  -357  497 
  4.4743 Fileleobill     1 13:23  -596  258     2.6179 pandora1._  0 14:15  -427  427 
  5.7105 Filemylover81   0  1:55  -792   62            Group: novice
                                             1.5921 Hasni       0 15:46  -443  411 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4743 leobill     1 13:23  -596  258 

On 1st draw, HYALINE H3 84 --- HYALINE a transparent substance [n]
Other tops: HYALINE H4 84
Other moves: HYALINE H2 78, HYALINE H6 78, HYALINE H7 78, HYALINE H8 78, HYALINE H5 76
HAILY H4 30 Kenpachi
LEANY H8 24 leobill
HAY H6 18 pandora1._

On 2nd draw, WHITLOW 3G 42 --- WHITLOW an inflammation of the finger or toe [n]
Other moves: TOWEL G7 27, TOWIE G7 27, HOWLET 3H 26, LOWE G7 26, LOWT G7 26
TOWEL G7 27 Kenpachi, pandora1._
WOW G9 22 Hasni
WELT 6F 15 leobill

On 3rd draw, BAPU G7 30 --- BAPU spiritual father [n]
Other moves: BAP G7 29, BOP G7 29, PUB G7 29, BONA 4L 27, BOP 4L 27
BOP G7 29 pandora1._
BAP G7 29 Kenpachi
BOP 2L 23 Hasni
POON L1 18 leobill

On 4th draw, MASON N1 31 --- MASON to build with stone or brick [v]
Other tops: NOMAS F8 31, SOMAN F8 31
Other moves: MONAS I5 30, NAMS F8 30, NOMA F8 30, NOMS F8 30, SOMA F8 30
MASON N1 31 Kenpachi
VAS N1 29 pandora1._
MUSO 10F 26 leobill
MUS 10F 25 Hasni

On 5th draw, REVAMP(S) 5E 52 --- REVAMP to make over [v]
Other moves: REV(A)MP 1J 48, PERV(E) O4 45, PERV(S) O4 45, M(O)VER O4 44, P(A)REV O4 44
REV(A)MP 1J 48 pandora1._
MEM(S) 1L 30 Hasni
EM O1 28 Kenpachi
G(A)ME 1L 24 leobill

On 6th draw, COMA 1L 33 --- COMA a tuft of silky hairs [n] --- COMA a condition of prolonged unconsciousness [n]
Other tops: CAMO 1L 33
Other moves: AURIC O5 23, CORIA 4A 22, CURIA 4A 22, CURIO 4A 22, COO F8 21
CAMO 1L 33 Kenpachi
COMA 1L 33 leobill
OR O1 20 Hasni
PER 9G 6 pandora1._

On 7th draw, MAZED I5 66 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: ZEX 6D 62, ZED I7 60, AXED F9 58, AXE F9 56, ZEA I7 56
ZEX 6D 62 Hasni, Kenpachi, mylover81
AXED F9 58 pandora1._
DEX F4 27 leobill

On 8th draw, CRUSTING E4 72 --- CRUST to form a crust (a hardened outer surface) [v]
Other moves: INCUS 10D 27, UNCUS 10D 27, SUING O4 26, CUTINS 11B 25, TUNICS 11B 25
C*NTS 11C 23 Kenpachi
USING O5 20 pandora1._
CIST 6L 18 leobill
BAPUS G7 9 Hasni

On 9th draw, JURAT 8A 39 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: AJAR O5 35, RAJA 2D 32, JA 2F 30, JUICE 4B 30, JEAN 10B 27
JURAT 8A 39 Kenpachi
AJAR O5 35 Hasni
JA 2F 30 pandora1._
JET 8C 11 leobill

On 10th draw, REGION O4 29 --- REGION an area or district; a tract of country [n]
Other moves: ERINGO 2B 27, PRE J5 27, NEGRO O4 26, NEROLI O4 26, REIGN O4 26
ONE 9A 18 Kenpachi
ORE 9A 18 Hasni
JINGLE A8 15 pandora1._
CROG L1 14 leobill

On 11th draw, ENFLA(M)E N9 74 --- ENFLAME to make excited or angry [v]
Other tops: EN(D)LEAF N9 74, FUNE(R)EAL B7 74
Other moves: FLANER(I)E C3 72, REFAL(L)EN C8 72, REFA(L)LEN C8 72, ENFLA(M)E M5 67, EN(D)LEAF M5 63
LEAF(S) 10K 22 Kenpachi
ELF(S) 10L 21 pandora1._
ANE 9A 18 Hasni
FLUE B6 15 leobill

On 12th draw, ILEX O12 69 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: DEX O13 64, DUX O13 64, AXLED 15K 63, AXED O12 61, LAX O13 60
DEX O13 64 Hasni, pandora1._, Kenpachi
DEX 15M 33 leobill

On 13th draw, FRATRIES C7 82 --- FRATRY a convent of friars [n]
Other moves: FRATRIES C4 63, TREIFA 2B 39, TARIFFS 11I 38, FIEFS 11K 34, RAFFS 11K 34
SIFTER 11G 27 pandora1._
STARE 11G 19 Hasni
STAIR 11G 19 Kenpachi

On 14th draw, DISHORNS 14A 78 --- DISHORN to deprive of horns [v]
Other moves: DROICH 4A 33, RHODINAL 13H 32, SHOD D12 31, TOPH J3 31, DUH 6D 28
HID B13 23 Kenpachi
SHOD 11G 17 pandora1._

On 15th draw, OVOID 15H 39 --- OVOID an egg-shaped body [n]
Other moves: DEV M13 37, OVIST H11 36, VIDE A12 36, VEST H12 33, VISE H12 33
VIDE A12 36 Hasni
OD 15A 21 Kenpachi
TIDE A12 18 pandora1._

On 16th draw, QUEEN 10J 34 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other tops: QUEAN 10J 34
Other moves: ABODE A11 33, QUA 2I 31, BADE A12 30, BEDE A12 30, BEDU A12 30
BADE A12 30 Hasni
QUAD L12 28 Kenpachi

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