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Game sheet of Kenpachi (file), Game of September 19, 2011 at 16:05

Word find
Word played
1 ?BKLUUV BULK(S) H4 26 -4 26 2/2 B(A)ULK H8 30 30 2/2
2 ADIPRST PADS I7 22 -53 48 1/2 DISPART 13F 75 105 1/2
3 DINNRSU DURNS M9 38   86 1/3       143 1/3
4 ABEIOPS BAP N8 26 -10 112 2/4 OBELIAS 11E 36 179 1/4
5 DEIOSTW OWE 14I 33   145 3/4       212 1/4
6 AAENORT NOTE 15G 23 -12 168 4/4 ATONER 15G 35 247 1/4
7 DEEILPV DEEP N7 26 -12 194 1/3 VEILED D8 38 285 1/4
8 ?ADEJLN JA 10J 52 -31 246 3/5 JAN(G)LED I3 83 368 1/5
9 AHIPRSU HAPUS 10J 35 -2 281 1/5 RUPIAH N5 37 405 1/5
10 AACEOSY CAY J2 28 -3 309 2/5 COSY J2 31 436 1/5
11 AAEILMR MALE C12 22 -11 331 4/5 MARVEL 8A 33 469 1/5
12 ACFINTW IF O7 34   365 2/5       503 1/5
13 AAENNTU EAT K5 18 -8 383 2/5 JOANNA 3I 26 529 1/5
14 EFGOTTY YE 10J 28 -5 411 3/5 FOGY C12 33 562 1/5
15 IINORTU TOY 15A 18 -3 429 3/5 TUN B13 21 583 1/5
16 EEGIOTT TO A14 28   457 2/5       611 1/5

Total: 457/611 or -154 for 74.79%
Rank: 7976

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