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Game of September 20, 2011 at 07:37, 7 players - after 16 words played
1. 397 pts Kenpachi
2. 394 pts asni
3. 251 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorsty   H7    26    26   estray
 2. ?abeeiu   8A    80   106   beauties
 3. acdmmru  11D   110   216   cardamum
 4. eehloot  12A    34   250   lethe
 5. ?dilptv   B4    72   322   depletive
 6. eggorsu   L5    77   399   gougers
 7. aeijoos   A1    40   439   jiao
 8. efinoos   8J    30   469   fogies
 9. adeilxz  10H    55   524   rax
10. acelnuw   K3    29   553   claw
11. beefoot   M3    31   584   beef
12. einnorv   O1    86   670   environs
13. deinotu  10A    24   694   ditone
14. aeghost  13F    73   767   hostage
15. inopruw  14J    33   800   worn
16. aknoruy   5B    78   878   eukaryon

Remaining tiles: adiiiilnpqtz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6519 FileKenpachi    1 16:12  -481  397     1.6519 Kenpachi    1 16:12  -481  397 
  2.5913 Fileasni        0 21:47  -484  394     2.6722 una         0  4:33  -803   75 
  3.5218 Filemarigold    0 13:04  -627  251     3.6142 babsbedi    0  1:50  -848   30 
  4.4580 FileCruiser     0  9:11  -667  211            Group: novice
  5.6722 Fileuna         0  4:33  -803   75     1.5913 asni        0 21:47  -484  394 
  6.6142 Filebabsbedi    0  1:50  -848   30     2.5218 marigold    0 13:04  -627  251 
  7.5312 Fileginalee     0  1:16  -854   24     3.5312 ginalee     0  1:16  -854   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4580 Cruiser     0  9:11  -667  211 

On 1st draw, ESTRAY H7 26 --- ESTRAY to stray [v]
Other tops: OYSTER H3 26, REASTY H7 26, ROSETY H7 26, STOREY H7 26, TYROES H3 26, YAREST H4 26, YARTOS H4 26
Other moves: ARSEY H8 24, ARTSY H8 24, OTARY H8 24, RESAY H8 24, RESTY H8 24
YEAST H4 24 asni, marigold, ginalee
YORES H4 24 Kenpachi

On 2nd draw, BEAU(T)IES 8A 80 --- BEAUTY one that is lovely [n] --- BEAUTY to beautify [v]
Other moves: BEAU(X)ITE 9B 62, BEAUTIE(D) 9D 61, BEAUTIE(S) 9D 61, BEAU(T) G7 25, BEAU G7 24
BEE G7 21 asni
AB(S) 13F 16 Kenpachi
BAI(T) G11 15 marigold

On 3rd draw, CARDAMUM 11D 110 --- CARDAMUM a tropical herb [n]
Other moves: CARDAMUM C7 88, CARDAMUM 11G 80, CARDAMUM C4 70, CRUMMY 12C 30, DRUMMY 12C 28
DUMMY 12D 26 marigold
MEM 7G 20 Kenpachi
MAM I11 19 asni

On 4th draw, LETHE 12A 34 --- LETHE forgetfulness [n]
Other moves: THEE 12C 32, ETHE 12B 30, LOTH 12A 30, CLOTH D11 28, THE 12C 28
HOLE 12J 23 Kenpachi, asni
CH D11 14 marigold

On 5th draw, D(E)PLETIVE B4 72 --- DEPLETIVE [adj]
Other moves: (S)PIV L11 31, D(A)TIVAL C3 30, P(U)LVIL A10 30, VLEI(S) B10 30, (S)LIPT L11 29
(S)PLIT L11 29 Kenpachi
(S)LIP L11 25 asni
PED(A)L 7G 19 marigold

On 6th draw, GOUGERS L5 77 --- GOUGER one that gouges [n]
Other moves: GOUGERES G2 69, GOUGERS I1 64, GORSE L8 32, GROUSE L7 32, RUGOSE L7 32
SOGER L11 30 asni
GORGES L6 25 marigold
SOUR L11 24 Kenpachi
GUMS K9 7 Cruiser

On 7th draw, JIAO A1 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: SIJO A1 40, SJOE A1 40, SOJA A1 40
Other moves: GAJO 8L 36, JIAO C3 30, JIAO K3 30, JIAOS M2 29, SJOE 13H 29
JAI K4 28 Kenpachi
JUS J10 26 marigold
JOGS 5J 24 Cruiser
JOE C2 23 asni

On 8th draw, FOGIES 8J 30 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: NEIFS M3 29, NIFE M7 29, OF B1 29, FREONS F10 28, FREON F10 27
OF B1 29 Kenpachi, asni
FIGS 5J 16 Cruiser

On 9th draw, RAX 10H 55 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other tops: REX 10H 55
Other moves: ZAX C3 50, ZEX C3 50, ZAX I5 44, ZEX I5 44, LUXE 7K 40
ZEX I5 44 asni
LAZE A12 39 Kenpachi, Cruiser
DAZED G11 31 marigold

On 10th draw, CLAW K3 29 --- CLAW to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) [v]
Other moves: CAW K4 27, UNLAW K2 27, AWE 10D 26, UNWEAL K1 26, AWEE G6 24
CLAW K3 29 Kenpachi
LAWN A12 21 Cruiser, marigold, una
WEN 7G 20 asni

On 11th draw, BEEF M3 31 --- BEEF the flesh of domestic cattle as food [n] --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other moves: OF B1 29, FOOTIE M4 27, FREET F10 27, BEEF C2 26, BOOTEE M1 26
OF B1 29 Kenpachi, asni, una
LOFT A12 21 Cruiser
BEEF N6 15 marigold

On 12th draw, ENVIRONS O1 86 --- ENVIRON to encircle [v]
Other moves: NOVERIN(T) E1 70, ENVIRON I1 68, ENVIRON N8 36, OVINE N1 27, EVO 10D 26
ENVIRONS O1 36 Cruiser
VIER N2 25 una
LIVE A12 21 Kenpachi, asni
VIER N1 20 marigold

On 13th draw, DITONE 10A 24 --- DITONE an old musical scale interval [n]
Other moves: IDE 10D 22, INTOED 2A 22, ODE 10D 22, DRENT F10 21, OD B1 21
OD B1 21 Kenpachi, asni
LUDO A12 15 Cruiser
LEND A12 15 marigold

On 14th draw, HOSTAGE 13F 73 --- HOSTAGE a person held as security [n]
Other moves: HOSTAGE I1 66, SEAHOG 13H 32, S(E)AHOG 5A 30, THESE 7F 29, ETH 9G 26
HETE 7G 26 asni
LOGS A12 15 Cruiser

On 15th draw, WORN 14J 33 --- WORN affected by wear or use [adj]
Other tops: WINO 14J 33
Other moves: WIN 14J 32, WON 14J 32, WO 14J 29, OW 14I 28, LOWP A12 27
WON 14J 32 Kenpachi
PEW 7G 22 asni
TROP C12 12 Cruiser

On 16th draw, (E)UKARYON 5B 78 --- EUKARYON a type of cell nucleus [n]
Other moves: KYAR 15L 65, KAYO 15L 62, KAON 15L 53, KARN 15L 53, KARO 15L 53
LAKY A12 33 Kenpachi
OKRA 15G 30 babsbedi
YON 14E 17 asni
RAGE 5J 5 Cruiser

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