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Game of September 20, 2011 at 12:16, 7 players - after 16 words played
1. 352 pts ginalee
2. 303 pts Suzette
3. 257 pts haminadoki

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dinowz   H4    52    52   zowie
 2. aeeorrt   4H    28    80   zoeae
 3. almnotw   3I    45   125   woman
 4. deenrsy   5G    43   168   donsy
 5. cdeilrx   G7    41   209   xeric
 6. agnostv   N1    25   234   vast
 7. ?eelruu  11E    32   266   lecture
 8. addfint   1L    30   296   diva
 9. aaeghlp   O4    36   332   alpha
10. bdegntu  L11    32   364   debug
11. aefkrst   E7    65   429   fartleks
12. beeinos   D1    75   504   ebonise
13. aeiortv  15H   158   662   ravigote
14. adillop   C1    34   696   podia
15. elmntty   2B    36   732   nobly
16. himoqrt  14K    47   779   quoit


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5333 Fileginalee     0 15:11  -427  352     1.6217 haminadoki  0 12:57  -522  257 
  2.4390 FileSuzette     0 14:14  -476  303     2.6439 danmarcy    0  8:56  -582  197 
  3.6217 Filehaminadoki  0 12:57  -522  257            Group: novice
  4.4729 Fileleobill     0 14:00  -548  231     1.5333 ginalee     0 15:11  -427  352 
  5.6439 Filedanmarcy    0  8:56  -582  197            Group: not rated
  6.4967 Filegmills0     0 10:25  -646  133     1.4390 Suzette     0 14:14  -476  303 
  7.3621 Filemormor      0  0:50  -771    8     2.4729 leobill     0 14:00  -548  231 
                                             3.4967 gmills0     0 10:25  -646  133 
                                             4.3621 mormor      0  0:50  -771    8 

On 1st draw, ZOWI(E) H4 52 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: ZON(O)ID H4 50, Z(O)NOID H4 50, ZOND(A) H4 48, ZON(E)D H4 48, ZO(O)ID H4 48
ZON(E)D H4 48 ginalee

On 2nd draw, ZOEAE 4H 28 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ARETE I4 28
Other moves: ARET I4 26, RETORE I1 25, RARE I3 23, RORE I3 23, TARE I3 23
ZEE 4H 12 ginalee

On 3rd draw, WOMAN 3I 45 --- WOMAN an adult female human [n] --- WOMAN to play the part of a woman [v]
Other moves: WOOLMAN 5G 38, MANTO 3I 33, MONAL 3I 33, MATLOW 5J 32, TOOLMAN 5G 32
MAW 5K 26 Suzette
WOW 6F 17 leobill
WOMEN L1 14 ginalee

On 4th draw, DONSY 5G 43 --- DONSY unlucky [adj]
Other moves: DESYNE N1 35, RESEND N1 33, SYED 2K 29, DEMAYNES K1 28, SYEN 2K 27
YERD 2L 24 haminadoki
REMANDS K1 20 ginalee
MAYS K3 18 Suzette
WRY 6H 17 leobill

On 5th draw, XERIC G7 41 --- XERIC requiring only a small amount of moisture [adj]
Other moves: DEX 2L 28, DEX G7 27, DEX I7 27, EXILIC 7F 24, DIXIE 7G 23
DEX 2L 28 haminadoki
(E)XCEL 8H 14 Suzette
(E)XILE 8H 12 leobill

On 6th draw, VAST N1 25 --- VAST a great space [n] --- VAST of great extent or size [adj]
Other tops: VAG F8 25
Other moves: VAGS 2L 24, VANG 2L 24, VAS N1 23, GOVS 2L 22, VAG 2L 22
VAGS 2L 24 haminadoki
SANG N3 20 Suzette
VOTINGS 10D 15 ginalee
CANTS 11G 14 gmills0

On 7th draw, LEC(T)URE 11E 32 --- LECTURE to expound on a specific subject [v]
Other tops: LUCER(N)E 11E 32, RECLU(S)E 11E 32, RECULE(D) 11E 32, RECULE(S) 11E 32, RECU(I)LE 11E 32, ULCERE(D) 11E 32
Other moves: LURVE 1K 27, RELEV(E) 1J 27, REL(E)VE 1J 27, REL(I)VE 1J 27, R(E)LEVE 1J 27
REL(I)VE 1J 27 leobill
LE(A)VE 1K 24 ginalee, haminadoki
EVE 1M 18 Suzette
(L)EVE 1L 18 gmills0

On 8th draw, DIVA 1L 30 --- DIVA a distinguished female operatic singer [n]
Other moves: FADED F8 28, FADEIN F8 28, DAFT L11 26, FADE F8 26, FITNA 12A 26
DAFT L11 26 ginalee, leobill
DEFAT F10 22 Suzette
FRIT J10 15 haminadoki
TRIAD J10 12 gmills0

On 9th draw, ALPHA O4 36 --- ALPHA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: AHEAP O4 36, ALEPH O4 36
Other moves: AHEAP 12H 33, AHEAP F9 33, AGAPE O4 30, ALEPH 12K 30, APAGE O4 30
HELP F10 30 haminadoki, danmarcy, Suzette
AGAPE O4 30 ginalee
GRAPE J10 14 gmills0

On 10th draw, DEBUG L11 32 --- DEBUG to remove bugs from [v]
Other tops: BUNDE L8 32, BUNDT L8 32
Other moves: BEDUNG L9 30, BUDGET L9 30, BEDUNG F10 28, BETED F10 28, BUDGE L9 28
BEGUN F10 26 danmarcy
(T)UBED H11 24 ginalee
DEBT L11 24 leobill
BENT F10 22 Suzette
BRUNT J10 15 gmills0

On 11th draw, FARTLEKS E7 65 --- FARTLEK alternate fast and slow running [n]
Other moves: FAKEERS F8 49, FAKEER F8 46, FAKERS F8 46, FAKER F8 45, FAKES F8 45
KEETS F10 37 haminadoki
FAKES 9K 28 Suzette
FAKES N8 27 danmarcy
BAKE 13L 20 ginalee
GRAT 15L 15 gmills0

On 12th draw, EBONISE D1 75 --- EBONISE to stain black in imitation of ebony [v]
Other moves: EBONIES N8 74, EBONISE N8 74, EBONIES 9I 72, EBONIES N7 70, EBONISE N7 70
BEINGS 15H 27 ginalee, haminadoki
GIBE 15L 21 leobill, gmills0
GOBS 15L 21 danmarcy
SEEING 15G 21 Suzette

On 13th draw, RAVIGOTE 15H 158 --- RAVIGOTE a spiced vinegar sauce [n]
Other moves: AVOURE 14I 34, VERTIGO 15G 33, VIRGATE 15I 33, VITRAGE 15G 33, VAUTE 14J 32
GIVE 15L 24 danmarcy, leobill
VOTER 1A 24 ginalee, haminadoki
GAVE 15L 24 Suzette

On 14th draw, PODIA C1 34 --- PODIUM a small platform [n]
Other tops: PODAL C1 34
Other moves: APOD C2 31, DOPA C1 31, APOD E2 30, OEDIPAL 1C 30, PADI C1 30
PILED 1A 24 danmarcy, ginalee
PALED 1A 24 Suzette, haminadoki
PLIED 1A 24 gmills0
POLE 1A 18 leobill
PALS 6A 8 mormor

On 15th draw, NOBLY 2B 36 --- NOBLY in a noble manner [adv]
Other moves: MULEY 14K 35, PENTYL 1C 33, YMPE 1A 33, MY M12 32, PELMET 1C 30
MOBY 2B 22 Suzette, ginalee
BYE 13L 16 danmarcy
YOB 2B 16 leobill

On 16th draw, QUOIT 14K 47 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other moves: MORISH 14A 38, MIRTH 1F 37, HOMO M12 35, OHM F13 35, MOHR 1F 34
HOPE 1A 29 leobill
OHM 1F 29 danmarcy
HOKI 13C 22 ginalee
MORTS 14A 14 Suzette

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