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Game of September 20, 2011 at 19:11, 3 players - after 16 words played
1. 471 pts jeff
2. 213 pts lesft
3. 33 pts coffeeman

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bfioosw   H4    30    30   woofs
 2. aagnnox   I3    27    57   gox
 3. eeinrrs   8A    77   134   resiners
 4. ?efhntt   5G    38   172   foxhunt
 5. deklstu   M2    82   254   skuttled
 6. aaegirt   E2    68   322   aerating
 7. ?dhiijo   8L    63   385   jehu
 8. cenortw   C1    78   463   crownets
 9. abdeiln   A1    86   549   bilander
10. aelpprt   J4    75   624   thrapple
11. aaimrsv  11E    48   672   misaver
12. aaeiovy   B6    32   704   yae
13. abdeioo  H11    33   737   abide
14. aaenouv   N8    22   759   hovea
15. aeiilno  O11    23   782   aioli
16. aeeituz  14C    36   818   teazed


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7093 Filejeff        2 11:07  -347  471     1.7093 jeff        2 11:07  -347  471 
  2.3961 Filelesft       0  8:39  -605  213            Group: novice
  3.5141 Filecoffeeman   0  1:48  -785   33     1.5141 coffeeman   0  1:48  -785   33 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3961 lesft       0  8:39  -605  213 

On 1st draw, WOOFS H4 30 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: WOOFS H8 24, WOOFS H5 22, WOOFS H6 22, WOOFS H7 22, SOWF H5 20
WOOFS H4 30 jeff

On 2nd draw, GOX I3 27 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: AXON G2 26, AXON I2 26, XOANON 5D 26, XOANON 5G 26, NOX I3 25
AXON G2 26 jeff

On 3rd draw, RESINERS 8A 77 --- RESINER a resin gatherer [n]
Other moves: REFINERS 7F 64, RESINERS 8F 59, SNEER G5 27, SNEE G5 25, NOXES 5G 24
OXEN 5H 22 jeff

On 4th draw, FOXH(U)NT 5G 38 --- FOXHUNT to hunt with hounds for a fox [v]
Other moves: F(O)HN J4 35, F(O)H J4 34, FET(C)H G2 31, ETHOX(Y) 5E 30, F(O)EHN J4 30
FOXE(S) 5G 28 jeff

On 5th draw, SKUTTLED M2 82 --- SKUTTLE to make a hole in [v]
Other moves: SKUTTLED M1 78, DUSTLIKE D3 76, LUSKED N3 41, TUSKED N3 41, DUKES N1 40
TUSKED N3 41 jeff

On 6th draw, AERATING E2 68 --- AERATE to supply with air [v]
Other moves: GRANITA E5 32, GRANITE E5 32, ARIGHT J1 24, EIGHT J2 23, RIGHT J2 23
GEAR 8L 21 jeff

On 7th draw, JEH(U) 8L 63 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JEDI 8L 60, JED(I) 8L 57, JE(E)D 8L 57, JEO(N) 8L 54, JE(D)I 8L 54
JEDI 8L 60 jeff
HE(A)D 8L 33 lesft

On 8th draw, CROWNETS C1 78 --- CROWNET a small crown [n]
Other moves: WORSEN 2J 34, WORSET 2J 34, OWRE F1 32, WORSE 2J 32, WORST 2J 32
OWE F1 29 jeff
CREST 2J 26 lesft

On 9th draw, BILANDER A1 86 --- BILANDER a two-masted cargo vessel [n]
Other moves: HIDABLE N8 37, JIBED L8 33, ELAIN B2 31, JAILED L8 31, JELAB L8 31
JIBED L8 33 jeff
DICE 1A 24 lesft

On 10th draw, THRAPPLE J4 75 --- THRAPPLE to throttle [v]
Other moves: JAPER L8 31, PLASTE 2J 28, PARSE 2J 26, PERST 2J 26, PLAST 2J 26
PRASE 2J 26 lesft
TAP N2 24 jeff

On 11th draw, MISAVER 11E 48 --- MISAVER to speak erroneously [v]
Other moves: AJIVAS L7 37, JAVAS L8 33, ARS N3 31, MAVIS 12F 30, SIMAR 12J 30
MARS K11 20 jeff
MARES 11G 14 lesft

On 12th draw, YAE B6 32 --- YAE (Scots) one [adj]
Other moves: AY B5 31, OY B5 31, YAE F2 31, AYE F1 29, OYE F1 29
OY B5 31 jeff
VASE 2K 14 lesft

On 13th draw, ABIDE H11 33 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other tops: ABODE H11 33
Other moves: BOODIE 12C 32, DEB 12J 31, ADOBE H11 30, ADOBO H11 30, BIASED 2J 30
ABODE H11 33 jeff
BASED 2K 16 lesft

On 14th draw, HOVEA N8 22 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other tops: HAVEN N8 22, HOVEN N8 22, NOVAE 12A 22
Other moves: HAVE N8 21, HOVE N8 21, EOAN N1 20, OVEN 12C 20, NA D3 19
NA D3 19 jeff
VASE 2K 14 lesft

On 15th draw, AIOLI O11 23 --- AIOLI garlic mayonnaise [n]
Other tops: ALIEN O11 23, ALINE O11 23, ALOIN O11 23, ALONE O11 23, ANILE O11 23, ANOLE O11 23, ELAIN O11 23, ELOIN O11 23, LIANE O11 23
Other moves: AVINE I10 21, VENAL I11 21, VINAL I11 21, EOAN N1 20, EOLIAN 12A 20
LION N1 20 jeff
LINE 12B 12 lesft

On 16th draw, TEAZED 14C 36 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other moves: AZIDE 14E 35, DAZE 14H 34, TEAZE 12A 34, TEAZEL 14J 34, ZEAS 2J 33
DAZE 14H 34 jeff, lesft
ZED 14F 33 coffeeman

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