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Game of September 21, 2011 at 14:14, 5 players - after 16 words played
1. 482 pts mylover81
2. 441 pts una
3. 313 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adenov   H2    78    78   novated
 2. deikmor   I7    30   108   miked
 3. aeggnrs   J2    76   184   granges
 4. biortvw  H11    27   211   orbit
 5. aeijnor   G1    37   248   raj
 6. ?aeoquy   1A    75   323   opaquer
 7. agiortt  12A    72   395   grattoir
 8. ceeillw  13C    26   421   wee
 9. anostwx   2A    42   463   wax
10. deipssu   B7    91   554   dispurse
11. emnnost   A4    39   593   motes
12. aeinnou   8H    30   623   disunion
13. acefhln   3B    40   663   lech
14. enoorrt   D3    20   683   coronet
15. bcelltu  13H    24   707   bulblet
16. afinryz  N10    50   757   fritz


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7104 Filemylover81   5 15:43  -275  482     1.7104 mylover81   5 15:43  -275  482 
  2.6747 Fileuna         1 15:50  -316  441            Group: intermediate
  3.5339 Fileginalee     0 21:34  -444  313     1.6747 una         1 15:50  -316  441 
  4.6054 Fileraggedy01   1 19:23  -477  280     2.6054 raggedy01   1 19:23  -477  280 
  5.6558 Filemarcous     0  3:22  -658   99     3.6558 marcous     0  3:22  -658   99 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5339 ginalee     0 21:34  -444  313 

On 1st draw, NOVA(T)ED H2 78 --- NOVATED
Other moves: DO(G)VANE H4 74, NAEVO(I)D H6 74, NOVA(T)ED H6 74, DO(G)VANE H3 72, DO(G)VANE H6 72
VENDO(R) H4 26 una, mylover81

On 2nd draw, MIKED I7 30 --- MIKE to amplify or record by use of a microphone [v]
Other tops: MIKED G7 30
Other moves: MONIKER 2F 29, MIKE G7 28, MIKE I7 28, MOIDORE 3G 28, MOKE G7 28
MIKE G7 28 mylover81
DIKER G7 25 una
VIDEO 4H 18 ginalee

On 3rd draw, GRANGES J2 76 --- GRANGE a farmhouse [n]
Other moves: GANGERS J1 68, GRANGES J1 68, NAGGERS J1 68, ENGAGERS 10D 66, GARAGES 5E 36
NAGGER H10 35 una
RANGES H10 29 mylover81
DAGGERS 11I 20 ginalee

On 4th draw, ORBIT H11 27 --- ORBIT to move or revolve around [v]
Other moves: RAINBOW 5G 24, VOW G1 24, BOW G1 23, BOVID 11E 22, BOI K4 21
ORBIT H11 27 mylover81
VOW G1 24 una, raggedy01
DROIT 11I 12 ginalee

On 5th draw, RAJ G1 37 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JOINER 14F 31, INJERA 14H 29, REJOIN 14D 29, REJON 2D 28, RIOJA 14G 28
RAJ G1 37 mylover81, raggedy01
JOINTER 15D 22 una
JANITOR 15D 22 ginalee

On 6th draw, O(P)AQUER 1A 75 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj]
Other moves: EQUA(T)OR 1A 48, QUE(R)Y K1 48, EQUI(T)Y 14E 45, OB(S)EQUY 13G 42, JOYRO(D)E 3G 40
EQUA(T)E 10I 36 raggedy01
QUIE(T) 14F 33 mylover81, ginalee
Q(I) G14 22 una

On 7th draw, GRATTOIR 12A 72 --- GRATTOIR a scraper [n]
Other moves: AGITATOR C1 70, AVIATOR 4G 31, DISTRAIT 8H 30, RAGI 2A 28, ROTI 2A 25
ROTI 2A 25 una
RIG 2C 20 mylover81
QAT D1 12 ginalee
GROAT 15D 8 raggedy01

On 8th draw, WEE 13C 26 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v] --- WEE very small [adj]
Other tops: EWE 13B 26
Other moves: CLEW K8 25, EWE K3 23, WE 13C 22, CELLI K8 21, WEE 2A 21
WEE 13C 26 una
EWE 13B 26 mylover81
CLEW K8 25 raggedy01
WAIL C11 14 ginalee

On 9th draw, WAX 2A 42 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WAX 14B 42, WOX 2A 42
Other moves: WARST B10 39, WARTS B10 39, WORST B10 39, WORTS B10 39, WAX 14D 38
WAX 2A 42 mylover81
WAX 14D 38 una
SWANG A8 27 ginalee
EX 10I 25 raggedy01

On 10th draw, DISPURSE B7 91 --- DISPURSE to disburse [v]
Other moves: PUDSIEST 15A 86, PUDSIES(T) 6A 64, DISPUTES 15C 62, PEDS 3B 38, PURSED B10 37
PEDS 3B 38 una, mylover81
AXED C1 24 ginalee
PUSSIER B6 17 raggedy01

On 11th draw, MOTES A4 39 --- MOTE a small particle [n]
Other moves: DISTOMES 8H 36, MENO 3B 36, MENT 3B 36, METS 3B 36, NOME A6 35
MENT 3B 36 mylover81
TEMS 3B 34 una
MINES 8A 24 raggedy01
MINTS 8A 24 ginalee

On 12th draw, DISUNION 8H 30 --- DISUNION the state of being disunited [n]
Other tops: NEON 3B 30
Other moves: EAN 3C 26, EAU 3C 26, EON 3C 26, NE 3B 26, AXION C1 24
NEON 3B 30 mylover81
NE 3B 26 una
AXE C1 20 ginalee

On 13th draw, LECH 3B 40 --- LECH to engage in lechery [v]
Other moves: HALFEN J10 39, HEAL 3B 39, FECAL J10 37, HANCE J10 37, HEN 3B 37
HEAL 3B 39 marcous, mylover81
HALF J10 35 una
REACH 3J 20 ginalee
FILCH M7 18 raggedy01

On 14th draw, CORONET D3 20 --- CORONET a small crown [n]
Other tops: CORONER D3 20, CROONER D3 20, HONORER E3 20, HORRENT E3 20, RENTER 14A 20
Other moves: ENTER 14B 19, BOONER 13H 18, BOTONE 13H 18, BRETON 13H 18, CEROON D3 18
CORNER D3 18 marcous, ginalee
HOOTER E3 18 una
HONER E3 16 mylover81
ROOTER E9 12 raggedy01

On 15th draw, BULBLET 13H 24 --- BULBLET a small bulb [n]
Other moves: CLOTE F10 23, ELECT 14B 23, BULBEL 13H 22, BLOT F10 20, BODLE 11G 20
CLOTE F10 23 raggedy01
CLOT F10 20 una
HUE E3 18 marcous
BULLET 13H 18 ginalee
BE A14 16 mylover81

On 16th draw, FRITZ N10 50 --- FRITZ a non functioning state, out of order [n]
Other moves: FORZA F11 45, NAZIFY 5J 42, FIZ 14M 39, FORZA N7 37, AVIARY 4G 35
FIZ 14M 39 mylover81
ZI(T) 6F 31 ginalee, raggedy01
FAY 14M 27 una
ZA 7N 24 marcous

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