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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of September 21, 2011 at 15:46

Word find
Word played
1 ?ENNNOP PENNON(S) H4 22 -50 22 1/4     72 72 1/4
2 ACHILOV POACH 4H 24 -4 46 3/4 CHEVAL 5F 28 100 1/4
3 ?ACEISZ ZES(T) 4J 37 -52 83 5/6 CA(P)SIZE(S) 10A 89 189 1/6
4 EGLMORT AM J5 10 -23 93 5/5 CORMEL A10 33 222 4/6
5 ADEOPWX OX B13 40 -4 133 4/7 EXO B13 44 266 4/7
6 AABFGOT FA 11E 31 -8 164 5/7 GOB C13 39 305 3/7
7 AEEGINR             RAZEEING F8 70 375 4/7
8 BDEFIOR             FIBROSED D5 80 455 4/7
9 ADEHILS             HEADSAIL J3 68 523 5/7
10 DILORTT             ADROIT 8J 24 547 6/7
11 NOOSTTW             WHOOTS 3I 32 579 7/7
12 AEELMTU             MULETA C2 30 609 7/7
13 AEENRTU             GAUNTREE 15F 80 689 7/7
14 GISUVWY             IVY E10 37 726 7/7
15 AAIKPUW             UMIAK 2B 42 768 7/7
16 AEIIPWY             YAWP 14L 31 799 7/7

Total: 164/799 or -635 for 20.52%
Rank: 5974

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