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Game of September 21, 2011 at 18:05, 6 players - after 16 words played
1. 517 pts PIThompson
2. 490 pts jeff
3. 475 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aginpsu   H4    76    76   pausing
 2. aeeknos  11H    31   107   skeane
 3. ?aeelov   4A    76   183   overleap
 4. eilnrsx   K8    65   248   relaxins
 5. adeeinp   A4    83   331   oedipean
 6. aceeiru  15H   149   480   causerie
 7. ?ddillu   B8    82   562   illuded
 8. bchinot   8J    42   604   bricht
 9. bdefiir   6G    70   674   rubified
10. aejnooy   N2    32   706   joyed
11. aaehmos   O1    55   761   mahoe
12. aagtuvy  A13    28   789   yag
13. inorstt  13F    70   859   introits
14. agnootu   5J    31   890   goatee
15. anorrtz   C3    48   938   nertz
16. amoqtvw  C11    34   972   tow

Remaining tiles: afmooqruvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7673 FilePIThompson  2 14:12  -455  517     1.7673 PIThompson  2 14:12  -455  517 
  2.7103 Filejeff        1 10:21  -482  490     2.7103 jeff        1 10:21  -482  490 
  3.5976 FileHasni       1 14:01  -497  475            Group: intermediate
  4.4525 FileSuzette     0 13:28  -635  337     1.6067 raggedy01   0  9:48  -773  199 
  5.6067 Fileraggedy01   0  9:48  -773  199     2.6440 danmarcy    1  4:59  -870  102 
  6.6440 Filedanmarcy    1  4:59  -870  102            Group: novice
                                             1.5976 Hasni       1 14:01  -497  475 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4525 Suzette     0 13:28  -635  337 

On 1st draw, PAUSING H4 76 --- PAUSE to stop temporarily [v] --- PAUSING the act of pausing [n]
Other moves: PAUSING H6 74, PAUSING H2 72, PAUSING H3 72, PAUSING H7 72, PAUSING H8 72
PAUSING H4 26 PIThompson, Suzette
PANGS H4 22 jeff
PINGS H4 22 Hasni

On 2nd draw, SKEANE 11H 31 --- SKEANE a length of yarn wound in a loose coil [n]
Other tops: AKENES 11C 31, KEENOS 11C 31, SOAKEN 11H 31
Other moves: AKEES 11D 29, KANES 11D 29, KAONS 11D 29, KEENOS I3 29, KEENS 11D 29
SOAKEN 11H 31 PIThompson
KEENS 11D 29 Hasni
SNEAK 11H 29 jeff
SNEAKS 7C 16 Suzette

On 3rd draw, OVE(R)LEAP 4A 76 --- OVERLEAP to leap over [v]
Other moves: OVENA(B)LE L8 74, ALVEO(L)ES 7A 65, A(L)VEOLES 7A 65, VO(C)ALESE 7B 63, LOVESEA(T) 7D 62
(S)OLVE N11 24 PIThompson
(S)LAVE N11 24 Hasni, jeff
LOVE(S) N7 19 Suzette

On 4th draw, RELAXINS K8 65 --- RELAXIN a female hormone [n]
Other moves: SILVEX B1 64, LEXIS 12K 41, OREXIS A4 39, OXERS A4 36, LEX 12K 35
OXERS A4 36 PIThompson
REX 12K 35 jeff
SIXER N11 35 Hasni
VEX B4 29 Suzette

On 5th draw, OEDIPEAN A4 83 --- OEDIPEAN pertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent [adj]
Other moves: ESPIED 15J 36, ASPINE 15J 33, AXED 12J 33, EXED 12J 33, NIDE L11 33
ESPIED 15J 36 PIThompson
SPADE 15K 33 jeff
AXED 12J 33 Hasni
DEEPS 15G 24 Suzette

On 6th draw, CAUSERIE 15H 149 --- CAUSERIE an informal conversation [n]
Other moves: XERIC 12K 40, CUVEE B2 31, CESURAE 15I 30, RANI L9 30, SCARE 15K 30
SCARE 15K 30 PIThompson, jeff
RANI L9 30 Hasni
RACES 15G 21 Suzette

On 7th draw, ILLUD(E)D B8 82 --- ILLUDE to deceive [v]
Other moves: ILLUD(E)D L3 70, ILLUD(E)D J3 64, DULL(E)D B10 31, DU(E)LLI B10 29, NID L11 29
DULL(E)D B10 31 jeff, PIThompson
NID L11 29 Hasni
DILL(S) N7 17 Suzette

On 8th draw, BRICHT 8J 42 --- BRICHT (Scots) bright [adj]
Other moves: BLOTCH 10J 39, BIOTECH M7 36, RHINO 8K 36, TROCHI 8J 36, RICHT 8K 33
ROTCH 8K 33 PIThompson
HOB A13 31 jeff
BOH A13 30 Hasni
BITCH 13J 24 Suzette

On 9th draw, RUBIFIED 6G 70 --- RUBIFY to redden [v]
Other moves: FI(R)EBIRD D2 64, DEBRIEF C3 51, BIFID C11 41, REIFIED C3 39, FLIED 10J 38
BIFID C11 41 PIThompson
FLED 10J 34 jeff
FIB A13 31 Hasni, raggedy01
BEEF C2 18 Suzette

On 10th draw, JOYED N2 32 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other tops: AXONE 12J 32
Other moves: AXON 12J 30, EXON 12J 30, JOEY F2 30, HAJ N8 29, YEAN 3C 29
JOYED N2 32 jeff
JOEY F2 30 Hasni, PIThompson
(E)NJOY 13B 28 Suzette
JOG 10F 27 raggedy01

On 11th draw, MAHOE O1 55 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: HAMES O1 54, HOMAS O1 54, HOMES O1 54, HAME O1 49, HOMA O1 49
HOMES O1 54 PIThompson, jeff, raggedy01
HAMES O1 54 Hasni
HAMS N8 26 Suzette

On 12th draw, YAG A13 28 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other moves: NUT L11 26, YUK I9 26, CAVEAT M8 24, VAULTY E1 24, DAVY 12B 22
YAG A13 28 Hasni, danmarcy
NUT L11 26 PIThompson, jeff
TAY A13 22 raggedy01
G(R)AVY D3 11 Suzette

On 13th draw, INTROITS 13F 70 --- INTROIT psalm or antiphon sung or said at the start of a service [n]
Other moves: TRITON C10 35, TRINS C10 33, TRONS C10 33, TROTS C10 33, NITS C11 28
TINS C11 28 PIThompson
NIT L11 26 jeff, danmarcy
TINS I1 18 Suzette
TONS I1 18 Hasni

On 14th draw, GOATEE 5J 31 --- GOATEE a small pointed beard [n]
Other moves: NUT L11 24, XU 12K 24, GOA 5J 23, GOO 5J 23, GOT 5J 23
NUT L11 24 raggedy01, jeff, PIThompson
TOG 5J 23 Hasni
NOG C13 22 danmarcy
G(R)OUT D3 5 Suzette

On 15th draw, NERTZ C3 48 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: AZO C13 47, AZO 10M 34, DZO 6A 33, RIZA F12 33, ZAG 10F 33
ZAG 10F 33 Suzette, Hasni, jeff
RIZA F12 33 PIThompson
ZONE C1 26 danmarcy
ZA G3 21 raggedy01

On 16th draw, TOW C11 34 --- TOW to pull by means of a chain or rope [v]
Other tops: TAW C11 34
Other moves: WOT C13 32, WO C13 30, ATOM C12 29, AW C12 29, OW C12 29
TOW C11 34 PIThompson
QAT 12D 26 jeff, Hasni
QI N14 22 Suzette
AW D7 20 raggedy01

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