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Game of September 21, 2011 at 18:48, 8 players - after 16 words played
1. 556 pts PIThompson
2. 491 pts jeff
3. 402 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeikox   H3    48    48   oxlike
 2. adilnpr   3G    28    76   poniard
 3. ijlostv   L1    38   114   jors
 4. aaeirtt   I7    69   183   arietta
 5. aaegilo   1L    36   219   jaga
 6. ?ffoosv   2F    39   258   mofos
 7. acgosuz  H13    50   308   zag
 8. adimors  14B    84   392   dioramas
 9. emrstuw   4D    33   425   murex
10. cfhilos  15A    56   481   fish
11. abenowy  E10    42   523   bowery
12. aeinuvw   1A    40   563   unwive
13. dehioru  11G    74   637   outhired
14. belntvy   F6    39   676   benty
15. deeglor   8A    30   706   golden
16. celnptu   5C    26   732   cep


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7663 FilePIThompson  5 12:13  -176  556     1.7663 PIThompson  5 12:13  -176  556 
  2.7101 Filejeff        5 10:01  -241  491     2.7101 jeff        5 10:01  -241  491 
  3.5970 FileHasni       0 15:54  -330  402            Group: intermediate
  4.6080 Fileraggedy01   3 24:23  -341  391     1.6080 raggedy01   3 24:23  -341  391 
  5.5357 Fileayoba       2 13:41  -407  325            Group: novice
  6.5296 FileAndy1990    0 12:01  -490  242     1.5970 Hasni       0 15:54  -330  402 
  7.3538 FileZEHAVARON   0 14:31  -589  143     2.5357 ayoba       2 13:41  -407  325 
  8.5329 Filemagictwig   0  5:45  -615  117     3.5296 Andy1990    0 12:01  -490  242 
                                             4.5329 magictwig   0  5:45  -615  117 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3538 ZEHAVARON   0 14:31  -589  143 

On 1st draw, OX(L)IKE H3 48 --- OXLIKE resembling an ox [adj]
Other moves: OX(L)IKE H8 42, KEXE(S) H4 40, OX(L)IKE H4 34, OX(L)IKE H7 34, OX(L)IKE H5 32
KEXE(S) H4 40 PIThompson
OXI(D)E H8 24 Hasni
OXE(N) H7 20 jeff
EXI(T) H5 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, PONIARD 3G 28 --- PONIARD a small dagger [n] --- PONIARD to stab with this small dagger [v]
Other tops: PIAN I3 28
Other moves: RADIX 4D 26, LIPA G1 25, NIPA G1 25, PIA I3 25, PA G3 23
PIAN I3 28 jeff
RADIX 4D 26 PIThompson
PA G3 23 ayoba, raggedy01
DAN I6 17 Hasni

On 3rd draw, JORS L1 38 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other tops: JOIST 2K 38
Other moves: SIJO 2D 31, JILTS J2 30, JOIST 6F 30, JO 2F 29, JILT J2 27
JORS L1 38 jeff
JOIST 2K 38 PIThompson, raggedy01
JO 2F 29 Hasni, ayoba

On 4th draw, ARIETTA I7 69 --- ARIETTA a little aria [n]
Other moves: ARIETTA G8 61, ARIETTA I8 61, JEAT 1L 33, RETAX 4D 28, PEAT G3 18
JEAT 1L 33 PIThompson, Hasni
PEAT G3 18 jeff
TAX 4F 14 ayoba, raggedy01

On 5th draw, JAGA 1L 36 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n] --- JAGA to guard [v]
Other moves: JAIL 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JOLE 1L 33, GALAX 4D 30, AGLOO 2I 24
JAGA 1L 36 jeff, ayoba
JAIL 1L 33 PIThompson, ZEHAVARON, raggedy01
JOLE 1L 33 Hasni

On 6th draw, (M)OFOS 2F 39 --- MOFO motherfucker (obscene insult) [n]
Other moves: (B)OFFOS J5 37, (U)FOS 2G 37, (A)FF J8 36, eFF J8 36, FOO(D)S J10 35
FOO(T)S J10 35 PIThompson
FOO(L)S J10 35 jeff
(R)OOF 2E 32 raggedy01
SOF(T) 14I 16 ayoba
ARIETTAS I7 8 Hasni, Andy1990

On 7th draw, ZAG H13 50 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZAS H13 47, ZOA H13 47, ZOS H13 47, ZAGS 14F 42, AZO H13 38
ZAG H13 50 PIThompson, ayoba, jeff, raggedy01
ZOA H13 47 Hasni
ZAS H13 47 Andy1990

On 8th draw, DIORAMAS 14B 84 --- DIORAMA a three-dimensional exhibit [n]
Other moves: DIADROMS M3 68, MOAS J10 38, ZAMIAS 13H 34, DISARM 1A 33, DAIS J10 32
MOAS J10 38 PIThompson
ROMA J8 29 jeff
SOM J13 19 Hasni
SAD J13 18 raggedy01
PONIARDS 3G 11 Andy1990

On 9th draw, MUREX 4D 33 --- MUREX a marine mollusc [n]
Other tops: SWUM 13C 33
Other moves: WETS 15A 32, WEMS 13A 31, ESTRUM 1A 30, METS 15A 29, SMEW 15C 28
WETS 15A 32 jeff, Hasni
METS 15A 29 PIThompson
WET 15A 23 Andy1990, ayoba
SKA 7G 8 raggedy01

On 10th draw, FISH 15A 56 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: COSH 15A 53, LOSH 15A 47, FOH J8 38, FOHS 13A 35, CHOOF D11 34
COSH 15A 53 Andy1990
FOH J8 38 PIThompson
OF J9 28 jeff
SH J9 28 Hasni
SICH 3A 25 raggedy01

On 11th draw, BOWERY E10 42 --- BOWERY a colonial Dutch farm [n]
Other moves: WEARY E11 36, WOE 13C 32, NOWAY 3A 31, WANEY 3A 31, BYWONER E8 30
WOE 13C 32 PIThompson
WAY 3C 27 Hasni, jeff
BUOY E3 18 raggedy01
TOWN 12I 14 Andy1990
AWAY O1 14 ayoba

On 12th draw, UNWIVE 1A 40 --- UNWIVE to deprive of a wife [v]
Other moves: VINEW 12A 30, WANE J7 28, WENA J7 28, WAIVE F6 27, WEAN J6 27
UNWIVE 1A 40 PIThompson
WAVE 3A 24 jeff, Hasni
WAN J7 21 ayoba
WAW 12C 18 Andy1990
VIEW 10G 18 magictwig
NEW J5 18 raggedy01

On 13th draw, OUTHIRED 11G 74 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: HOED 13C 37, EDH J8 34, HOED 2A 33, HUED 2A 33, HIE J10 31
HOED 13C 37 jeff, PIThompson
HOE J10 31 Hasni, ayoba
HIED J6 29 raggedy01
HERD J6 29 magictwig
HIDER 5A 26 Andy1990

On 14th draw, BENTY F6 39 --- BENTY like wiry grass [adj]
Other moves: BEVY F7 35, ENVY F7 33, LEVY F7 33, BLEY F7 32, VLY F8 32
BENTY F6 39 PIThompson
BEVY F7 35 jeff, ayoba
BEY F8 31 magictwig
ENVY M11 20 Andy1990
VENT M10 14 raggedy01
RYE L11 12 Hasni

On 15th draw, GOLDEN 8A 30 --- GOLDEN of the colour of gold [adj] --- GOLDEN to become golden [v]
Other moves: GEED 2A 27, GOEL 13C 26, GLOWED 12B 25, GREWED 12B 25, GEODE 10H 24
GOLDEN 8A 30 jeff, raggedy01
LODGED N9 22 magictwig
GOE 13C 22 PIThompson
LORE 10K 17 ayoba
DORE 3A 14 Hasni
ERODE M11 12 Andy1990

On 16th draw, CEP 5C 26 --- CEP a large mushroom [n]
Other tops: CUP 5C 26, LETUP 5A 26
Other moves: CENT J6 24, CLEEP M9 24, CLEPE M9 24, CLEPT M9 24, HEP J11 24
CUP 5C 26 PIThompson
HEP J11 24 jeff, Hasni
PEN J6 21 raggedy01
PUNTED N6 17 magictwig
PET 10M 16 ayoba
DUNE N11 10 Andy1990

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