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Game of September 21, 2011 at 22:43, 4 players - after 16 words played
1. 535 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 531 pts sunshine12
3. 510 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dejlors   H4    44    44   jodels
 2. ?aflouy   9C    69   113   famously
 3. bdegirt   5E    44   157   bigoted
 4. coorstu   7H    64   221   ecotours
 5. deegnuy   N4    71   292   ungreedy
 6. ?aemrtw   D8    82   374   waterman
 7. hiknotw   8L    62   436   whet
 8. aaknrsv   O1    39   475   kvas
 9. deiotux  O11    68   543   oxide
10. aeinnor   8A    26   569   enow
11. aafilmt   4D    39   608   falaj
12. aailpru  15A   131   739   planuria
13. abciint   6J    32   771   cit
14. aeginrv  12A    65   836   averring
15. eimnrst   A2    61   897   misenter
16. abeeinp   6C    35   932   neaped

Remaining tiles: behiiinooqrz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6787 FileGLOBEMAN    3 19:05  -397  535     1.6787 GLOBEMAN    3 19:05  -397  535 
  2.6827 Filesunshine12  2 20:04  -401  531     2.6827 sunshine12  2 20:04  -401  531 
  3.6311 FileGrace_Tjie  0 13:13  -422  510     3.6311 Grace_Tjie  0 13:13  -422  510 
  4.5301 FileAndy1990    0  3:23  -855   77            Group: novice
                                             1.5301 Andy1990    0  3:23  -855   77 

On 1st draw, JODELS H4 44 --- JODEL to sing with rapidly fluctuating pitch [v]
Other moves: JODEL H4 42, JOLED H4 42, JOLES H4 40, JODELS H3 30, JODELS H7 30
JOLED H4 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, Andy1990
JOLES H4 40 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, FA(M)OUSLY 9C 69 --- FAMOUS well-known [adv] --- FAMOUSLY in a famous manner [adv]
Other moves: ALOOF(L)Y 5E 48, A(L)OOFLY 5E 48, JOYFUL 4H 38, JOYFU(L) 4H 36, JOYF(U)L 4H 36
FOY I3 27 Grace_Tjie
FAY I3 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JOY 4H 13 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, BIGOTED 5E 44 --- BIGOTED intolerant [adj]
Other moves: BEGIRD 8J 43, TRIBE 8A 43, DIEB 8A 42, DRIB 8A 42, BRIDE 8A 41
DRIB 8A 42 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DIET 8A 26 Grace_Tjie
FRIDGE C9 22 Andy1990

On 4th draw, ECOTOURS 7H 64 --- ECOTOUR a tour of a natural habitat [n]
Other moves: OUTSCORE 7A 62, OCTUOR 8J 32, COOT 8A 29, SCOT 8A 29, OUTROS 8J 26
COOT 8A 29 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 5th draw, UNGREEDY N4 71 --- GREEDY marked by greed [adj] --- UNGREEDY not greedy [adj]
Other moves: UNEYED 8A 60, EYED 8A 40, NYED 8A 40, YEED 8A 40, GEED 8A 34
YEED 8A 40 Grace_Tjie
GEY 10D 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 6th draw, WATERMA(N) D8 82 --- WATERMAN a boatman [n]
Other moves: MAW(M)ETRY 11G 80, (M)AWMETRY 11G 80, (P)OMWATER L6 80, WOR(K)MATE L6 76, TIREWOMA(N) F4 71
WARM O1 43 Grace_Tjie
MAW(S) 10D 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 7th draw, WHET 8L 62 --- WHET to sharpen by friction [v]
Other moves: HOIST O4 56, KITH O1 54, WITH O1 51, THANK 14B 44, TWANK 14B 44
WHOW 8A 44 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KNOW 8A 38 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, KVAS O1 39 --- KVAS a Russian bear [n]
Other moves: SNARK 14B 38, ARAKS O11 35, KAVAS M11 33, KAVAS 6B 32, SMAAK 13C 32
KARN O1 30 Grace_Tjie, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, OXIDE O11 68 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: DETOX 10B 64, DEX 6H 58, TEXT 10D 55, XI 6J 55, TEX 10D 52
DETOX 10B 64 sunshine12
TUX 10D 52 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, ENOW 8A 26 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other tops: ANEW 8A 26, ANOW 8A 26, AREW 8A 26, AROW 8A 26
Other moves: EROTICAL I2 25, ANODE 6E 24, ENATION 10A 23, AEON C11 22, EOAN C11 22
AROW 8A 26 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
REAN C11 22 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, FALAJ 4D 39 --- FALAJ water channel [n]
Other moves: LIFTMAN B2 36, TAILFAN B2 36, ALIF 6C 32, MIL 6J 32, FID 6F 31
TIFT 10D 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
IF 6E 30 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, PLA(N)URIA 15A 131 --- PLANURIA a discharge of abnormal urine [n]
Other moves: PADI 6F 33, ALAP 6C 28, PAAL C11 28, PAUA C11 28, PAUL C11 28
RAP 6D 27 Grace_Tjie
PAR N13 22 sunshine12

On 13th draw, CIT 6J 32 --- CIT not a gentleman [n]
Other moves: IAMBIC 13B 30, CAB 6D 29, CABIN 3A 28, BAD 6F 27, NAB 6D 27
CIT 6J 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CAB 6D 29 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, AVERRING 12A 65 --- AVER to declare positively [v]
Other moves: VARIED 14J 36, VEINAL B10 34, VENIAL B10 34, VERNAL B10 34, VINEAL B10 34
VIG 3C 25 Grace_Tjie
GAR N13 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, MISENTER A2 61 --- MISENTER to enter erroneously [v]
Other moves: MINTED 14J 30, MISTED 14J 30, MITRED 14J 30, MITTENS 10A 26, MISTED 6C 25
REMIT 3A 24 Grace_Tjie
MET N13 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, NEAPED 6C 35 --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other moves: NAPED 6D 34, ABED 6E 33, APED 6E 33, BEANED 14J 30, PAINED 14J 30
NAPED 6D 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BAP N13 28 Grace_Tjie

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