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Game sheet of rabeeact9 (file), Game of September 22, 2011 at 09:20

Word find
Word played
1 ?EORSTU STORE H8 12 -52 12 2/7 OU(T)SERT H8 64 64 2/7
2 AEFIRSY             FRAYS 15D 66 130 7/7
3 ABEEHPR             HATER 14F 36 166 7/7
4 EHIMNOU             HEMIONUS 11A 76 242 7/7
5 CDGIIRT DIRT J12 5 -31 17 6/6 DICHT A8 36 278 7/7
6 DEELPSU             DEPLUMES C6 80 358 7/7
7 AABDENN ABODE 8F 8 -22 25 7/7 BANNED B2 30 388 7/7
8 ILOSTYZ             ZLOTYS D1 60 448 7/7
9 AABEELV             VALE A1 33 481 7/7
10 ?EIMOQT             Z(Y)MITE 1D 48 529 7/7
11 ABGINRT             REBATING 12G 74 603 7/7
12 DEEGIOR             EDGIER 15J 32 635 7/7
13 AAELNOP             APNOEAL 2I 82 717 7/7
14 EIOOQRX             ILEX O1 57 774 8/8
15 AIKOOTU             TAKI 11J 30 804 8/8
16 ANOOQUW             QUINO M9 48 852 8/8

Total: 25/852 or -827 for 2.934%
Rank: -

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