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Game of September 22, 2011 at 14:40, 4 players - after 15 words played
1. 578 pts raggedy01
2. 534 pts marcous
3. 469 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehssv   H3    34    34   shaved
 2. ?efimsw   8D    70   104   wifedoms
 3. aginswy   3H    88   192   swayings
 4. denoptu   K5    94   286   outspend
 5. ?aeoort   O3    74   360   sororate
 6. abhjoty   2J    62   422   job
 7. deglmnu   H1    45   467   unshaved
 8. eiimors   1K    38   505   moire
 9. aekloty  N10    53   558   yokel
10. eelostx   J5    52   610   ox
11. aaegqst  15K    37   647   agast
12. aeginrt   D8    78   725   watering
13. aeiqrtu   5A    84   809   taqueria
14. cdeinov  14A    94   903   connived
15. eehprtu  A12    42   945   pech


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6089 Fileraggedy01   4 18:57  -367  578     1.6089 raggedy01   4 18:57  -367  578 
  2.6556 Filemarcous     5 14:57  -411  534     2.6556 marcous     5 14:57  -411  534 
  3.5973 FileHasni       2 15:03  -476  469            Group: novice
  4.4517 FileSuzette     1  5:55  -783  162     1.5973 Hasni       2 15:03  -476  469 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4517 Suzette     1  5:55  -783  162 

On 1st draw, SHAVED H3 34 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [v]
Other moves: SHAVES H3 32, SHEVAS H3 32, HAVES H4 30, SHAVED H7 30, SHADES H3 28
SHAVED H3 34 marcous, Suzette, raggedy01

On 2nd draw, WIFED(O)MS 8D 70 --- WIFEDOM the status or function of a wife [n]
Other moves: MIDW(I)FES 8F 67, M(I)DWIFES 8F 67, I(N)FAMES 5E 44, (R)ESHAVED H1 42, WIFES G7 31
(R)ESHAVED H1 42 raggedy01
WIFES G7 31 Hasni
FEM I7 27 marcous
FAMES 5G 20 Suzette

On 3rd draw, SWAYINGS 3H 88 --- SWAYING the act of swaying [n]
Other moves: SWAYINGS 3A 84, SWAYINGS K1 80, SWAYINGS K8 80, SWAYING 3H 36, SWINGY 3H 34
SWAYINGS 3H 88 raggedy01
YEW 7G 34 marcous
WEY 7G 34 Hasni
SWAGS K8 18 Suzette

On 4th draw, OUTSPEND K5 94 --- OUTSPEND to exceed the limits of in spending [v]
Other moves: UNSHAVED H1 45, PHONED 4G 42, OUTSPED K5 40, SPOUTED O3 39, DESPOT O1 36
UNSHAVED H1 45 Hasni
SPOUTED O3 39 marcous
POSTED O1 30 Suzette
STOUND O3 24 raggedy01

On 5th draw, SO(R)ORATE O3 74 --- SORORATE the marriage of a man usually with his deceased wife's sister [n]
Other tops: SORO(R)ATE O3 74
Other moves: WATER(L)OO D8 72, AEROTO(N)E 7A 71, (F)OOTWEAR D4 70, RATOO(N)ED 12D 68, TOREADO(R) 12F 68
RESHAVED H1 45 raggedy01, Hasni
RE(S)TO 13I 21 marcous
RESO(R)T O1 18 Suzette

On 6th draw, JOB 2J 62 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other tops: JAB 2J 62
Other moves: JATO 2J 61, JAY N6 61, JOTA 2J 61, JOY N6 61, JAB N6 59
JOB 2J 62 Hasni, marcous
JOY N6 61 raggedy01
JET 10J 26 Suzette

On 7th draw, UNSHAVED H1 45 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [adj] --- UNSHAVED not shaved [adj]
Other moves: MUNGED N10 42, MUGGED N1 41, MULED N6 41, LUMINED E5 40, MUDGE N10 40
UNSHAVED H1 45 Hasni
MUM J6 25 marcous
HEM 4H 25 raggedy01
GLAM 5F 7 Suzette

On 8th draw, MOIRE 1K 38 --- MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n]
Other tops: MOERS 1K 38, MOIRES N10 38, MOISER N10 38, MORES 1K 38, MORSE 1K 38
Other moves: MERIS N10 36, MIRES N10 36, MISER N10 36, MOERS N10 36, MOIRE N10 36
MOIRES N10 38 marcous
MORES 1K 38 raggedy01
SOME 13K 24 Hasni
SWIM D7 9 Suzette

On 9th draw, YOKEL N10 53 --- YOKEL a naive or gullible rustic [n]
Other moves: TOKAY N6 49, OKAY N5 45, KAY N6 43, KEY N6 43, OKAY N7 42
KALE N6 40 marcous
TAKE N6 24 Hasni
FAKE F8 21 raggedy01

On 10th draw, OX J5 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: SEX 9E 42, TEX 9E 42, EX 9F 39, EXTOLS 13F 34, LOX O13 34
OX J5 52 raggedy01, marcous
SOX O13 34 Hasni

On 11th draw, AGAST 15K 37 --- AGAST stupefied with horror [adj]
Other moves: GAST 15L 34, GEST 15L 34, RAGTAG N1 34, QAT M9 30, QATS M7 30
GAST 15L 34 Hasni
GAT N6 19 marcous
WAGES D8 18 raggedy01

On 12th draw, WATERING D8 78 --- WATERING the act of one that waters [n]
Other moves: TWANGIER D7 74, TEARING M5 69, INTERAGE 10D 65, GRANITE 14E 64, GRATINE 14E 64
WEARING D8 22 raggedy01
GAN N6 19 marcous
TRINE M6 13 Hasni

On 13th draw, TAQUERIA 5A 84 --- TAQUERIA a restaurant specializing in tacos and burritos [n]
Other moves: QUARTIER 12A 78, ANTIQUER 14C 71, QUA C13 51, QI C13 46, QUAG 15A 42
QUA C13 51 marcous, Hasni
QUAG 15A 42 raggedy01

On 14th draw, CONNIVED 14A 94 --- CONNIVE to feign ignorance of wrongdoing [v]
Other moves: CONNIVED 14B 82, VOIDANCE B1 82, CODRIVEN 12A 68, INCAVED B2 42, CONNIVE 14A 40
COVET A1 33 raggedy01
DINE 6B 31 marcous

On 15th draw, PECH A12 42 --- PECH to pant [v]
Other moves: PERCH A11 39, HE 15A 38, HEP 15G 38, PRUTAH B1 38, PETHER A3 36
PECH A12 42 marcous
PUCE A12 33 raggedy01
PRUDE H11 27 Hasni

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