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Game of September 23, 2011 at 04:27, 1 player - after 15 words played
1. 310 pts luna1841

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailorsu   H7    66    66   ouralis
 2. adnnrty   7B    68   134   dynatron
 3. adeioqt   8A    36   170   qi
 4. adistuv  11E    32   202   dualist
 5. aehilov  12A    33   235   halve
 6. aeginrt  13G    72   307   astringe
 7. ?eemouw   O8    42   349   meowed
 8. ?aaehop   F1    70   419   apholate
 9. bdilmoy  N10    55   474   yodel
10. egikott  A12    33   507   hoke
11. aeeimor  B11    32   539   ramie
12. cginrtu   1C    86   625   curating
13. abiloss  15L    37   662   boss
14. befglot   C3    24   686   fogey
15. aefnuwx   6H    44   730   waxen


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4238 Fileluna1841    1 15:05  -420  310     1.4238 luna1841    1 15:05  -420  310 

On 1st draw, OURALIS H7 66 --- OURALI a plant which yields curare [n]
Other tops: OURALIS H2 66, OURALIS H3 66, OURALIS H4 66, OURALIS H6 66, OURALIS H8 66
Other moves: OURALIS H5 64, OURALI H3 14, OURALI H4 14, OURALI H7 14, OURALI H8 14
SAILOR H4 14 luna1841

On 2nd draw, DYNATRON 7B 68 --- DYNATRON a type of electron tube [n]
Other moves: SYNTAN 13H 26, DANNY G3 24, DANNY I3 24, RANDY G3 23, RANDY I3 23
RANDY G4 21 luna1841

On 3rd draw, QI 8A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI G12 29, QAID G12 29, QAT G12 27, QI G12 26, TOEA 8A 26
IDIOT 12H 12 luna1841

On 4th draw, DUALIST 11E 32 --- DUALIST an adherent of dualism [n]
Other moves: DAVITS J2 29, DIVS J4 29, TAVS J4 28, SUAVITY C1 26, VIDS J4 25
QUIDS A8 16 luna1841

On 5th draw, HALVE 12A 33 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other tops: HOVEA 12A 33
Other moves: HEAVILY C1 32, SHAVIE 13H 32, SHOVEL 13H 32, HALVE 12J 29, HOVEA 12J 29
VIOLA E3 16 luna1841

On 6th draw, ASTRINGE 13G 72 --- ASTRINGE to bind or draw together [v]
Other tops: TASERING 13F 72
Other moves: STEARING 13H 70, ANGSTIER J8 65, INGRATE 6I 64, REASTING J8 63, ARETTING K7 59
THINE A11 24 luna1841

On 7th draw, MEOWE(D) O8 42 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: M(A)HEWU A10 39, WHE(L)M A11 36, WHOM(P) A11 36, WHUM(P) A11 36, WH(A)MO A11 36
WOMEN D3 20 luna1841

On 8th draw, APHO(L)ATE F1 70 --- APHOLATE a chemical used to control houseflies [n]
Other moves: A(M)PHORAE 9C 65, HOPE(D) N10 56, HOPE(R) N10 56, HOPE(S) N10 56, HOAE(D) N10 50
HOPE A12 27 luna1841

On 9th draw, YODEL N10 55 --- YODEL to sing with a fluctuating voice [v]
Other moves: BOYED N10 54, IMBODY N5 48, MODEL N10 46, AMYLOID 1F 45, LIMBY N6 45
BALDY 1E 33 luna1841

On 10th draw, HOKE A12 33 --- HOKE to give false value to [v]
Other tops: HIKE A12 33, HOIK A12 33, HOKI A12 33
Other moves: KEIGHT 3B 30, KIGHT 3C 28, ATOKE 1F 27, KAGO 1E 27, KATTI 1E 27
HIKE A12 33 luna1841

On 11th draw, RAMIE B11 32 --- RAMIE an Asian shrub [n]
Other moves: AMIA B12 30, AMIE B12 30, AMIR B12 30, MAARE 1D 30, MARAE B11 30
ROMAINE D2 20 luna1841

On 12th draw, CURATING 1C 86 --- CURATE to act as curator of [v]
Other moves: COURTING 4E 74, CRATING 1D 39, CRAIG 1D 33, TRACING 1D 33, RUCHING 3C 32
GRAIN 1D 24 luna1841

On 13th draw, BOSS 15L 37 --- BOSS hollow [adj] --- BOSS to domineer over [v]
Other tops: BASS 15L 37
Other moves: BASSI 15K 34, BASSO 15K 34, BIALYS C3 34, BLISS 15K 34, BISSON L8 31
B(L)ISS 5E 12 luna1841

On 14th draw, FOGEY C3 24 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: BEFOOL 4C 24
Other moves: FLOG 10C 23, GELATO E4 23, BEFOG 4C 22, BEFOOL 4B 22, BELONG D3 22
OGLE 2J 12 luna1841

On 15th draw, WAXEN 6H 44 --- WAXEN covered with wax [adj]
Other moves: WAX 6H 42, WEX 6H 42, AX D3 41, EX D3 41, XU D4 39
FOX 4B 26 luna1841

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