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Game of September 23, 2011 at 11:24, 4 players - after 15 words played
1. 380 pts Andy1990
2. 250 pts luckymoo2
3. 241 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aamorsy   H8    30    30   morays
 2. aennosv   I3    70   100   novenas
 3. ?iijoww   H1    50   150   whow
 4. adeghtz   G7    64   214   hazed
 5. eiklntt  13A    76   290   knittles
 6. aeiorst   F2    72   362   otaries
 7. aegiorv   D7    76   438   ravigote
 8. ainooru  A11    30   468   nikau
 9. aeflrst   6H    71   539   reflates
10. abdeipr   M1    78   617   biparted
11. bddeimo   1J    48   665   bombed
12. ceeilnt   C1    73   738   centile
13. eintuuy  B10    34   772   tunny
14. ?ceefgr   K5    44   816   flecker
15. aghioou   1A    39   855   ouch

Remaining tiles: adggiiijlopqux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5263 FileAndy1990    0 16:15  -475  380     1.5263 Andy1990    0 16:15  -475  380 
  2.5504 Fileluckymoo2   0 15:54  -605  250     2.5504 luckymoo2   0 15:54  -605  250 
  3.5023 Filegmills0     1 11:06  -614  241     3.5023 gmills0     1 11:06  -614  241 
  4.5602 Filesabs        0  0:19  -837   18     4.5602 sabs        0  0:19  -837   18 

On 1st draw, MORAYS H8 30 --- MORAY a tropical eel [n]
Other moves: MAYORS H4 28, MORAY H8 28, MORAYS H4 28, MAYAS H4 26, MAYOR H4 26
YAMS H8 18 sabs
MAYS H6 18 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, NOVENAS I3 70 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other tops: NOVENAS G3 70
Other moves: ENVOYS 12D 24, NOSEAN G7 24, VANES I7 24, NOVENA G5 23, ENVOY 12D 22
YEANS 12H 16 Andy1990
SONNY 12D 16 luckymoo2

On 3rd draw, W(H)OW H1 50 --- WHOW of deploration [interj]
Other moves: J(A)W G7 38, JI(A)O H1 37, JOW J2 36, JOW(L)Y 12D 34, J(A)W J2 34
JOI(N) H1 33 luckymoo2
WO(V)E 6F 14 Andy1990

On 4th draw, HAZED G7 64 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: GAZED G7 60, HAZE G7 59, DAZE G7 55, GAZE G7 55, ZETA G9 54
ADZE 11H 28 Andy1990
ZONE 3G 23 luckymoo2

On 5th draw, KNITTLES 13A 76 --- KNITTLE a nautical line made by twisting yarns [n]
Other moves: TENTLIKE 6H 74, KNITTLE F1 70, LENTISK 13C 34, SKITTLE 13H 32, SKLENT 13H 30
WOKEN 4H 24 Andy1990

On 6th draw, OTARIES F2 72 --- OTARY a big-eared seal [n]
Other moves: OTARIES F1 66, AIRDATES 11D 36, TROIKAS A9 36, ATOKES A10 33, RESOAK A8 33
SKIT A12 27 Andy1990, gmills0

On 7th draw, RAVIGOTE D7 76 --- RAVIGOTE a spiced vinegar sauce [n]
Other moves: VOGIER 1A 41, VAINER B10 34, OAKER A11 30, VIRGATE D8 30, OKRA A12 27
KEG A13 24 luckymoo2
KOR A13 21 gmills0
EVE 6I 14 Andy1990

On 8th draw, NIKAU A11 30 --- NIKAU a New Zealand palm tree [n]
Other moves: AKIN A12 27, IKAN A12 27, IKON A12 27, OKRA A12 27, KAI A13 21
AKIN A12 27 gmills0
KIN A13 21 Andy1990
KOR A13 21 luckymoo2

On 9th draw, REFLATES 6H 71 --- REFLATE to inflate again [v]
Other moves: SAFTER 15D 44, STRAFE 15D 44, SAFER 15D 41, GRADATES 11D 40, FALSER 1A 38
SAFER 15D 41 Andy1990
WOLFS 4H 22 gmills0
VEST 5I 14 luckymoo2

On 10th draw, BIPARTED M1 78 --- BIPARTED having two parts [adj]
Other moves: BEDIAPER N5 69, DIAPER 1A 44, ABIDER 1A 41, BIPED E2 37, BIPEDS O1 36
BRIDES O1 33 Andy1990
SPADE O6 24 gmills0, luckymoo2

On 11th draw, BOMBED 1J 48 --- BOMB to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) [v]
Other tops: MOBBED 1J 48
Other moves: DIBBED 1J 45, DOBBED 1J 45, MOBBIE 1J 45, DOBBIE 1J 42, BIOMES O1 39
DOBBED 1J 45 Andy1990
BODED 8K 30 gmills0
WOMB 1H 11 luckymoo2

On 12th draw, CENTILE C1 73 --- CENTILE a value of a statistical variable [n]
Other tops: LICENTE C1 73
Other moves: LENTICEL K6 70, LENTICLE K6 70, CENTILE B5 65, LICENTE B5 65, SELENIC O6 36
SILENCE O6 30 luckymoo2
SILENT O6 18 Andy1990

On 13th draw, TUNNY B10 34 --- TUNNY a tuna fish [n]
Other tops: TENNY B10 34
Other moves: TINSEY O3 30, YE 2J 30, YU 2J 30, YEAN L4 28, YITE 2L 28
STEY O6 21 Andy1990
DEY 8M 21 gmills0
STUN O6 12 luckymoo2

On 14th draw, FLEC(K)ER K5 44 --- FLECKER to mark with spots [v]
Other tops: FLEEC(E)R K5 44, FLE(E)CER K5 44, FL(E)ECER K5 44
Other moves: FESC(U)E O4 42, FEARE L4 36, FEARE(D) L4 36, FEARE(R) L4 36, FEARE(S) L4 36
F(A)CER 1A 30 gmills0, Andy1990, luckymoo2

On 15th draw, OUCH 1A 39 --- OUCH to ornament with ouches (settings for precious stones) [v]
Other moves: OHIA L3 34, HO F10 31, HAG J10 30, HOG J10 30, HUG J10 30
OUCH 1A 39 gmills0
HOG J10 30 Andy1990
HOE 2A 12 luckymoo2

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