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Game of September 23, 2011 at 13:45, 8 players - after 15 words played
1. 528 pts PIThompson
2. 417 pts danmarcy
3. 376 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcilxz   H4    50    50   zilch
 2. aeiiotw   4H    34    84   zowie
 3. aaeehor   3I    29   113   hoar
 4. ceegprv   2J    52   165   preve
 5. efloops   5E    33   198   folies
 6. bdeimot   O1    42   240   idem
 7. aaegluy   6B    39   279   gluey
 8. aaegisu   N4    66   345   ageusia
 9. ?aagnrt   O9    81   426   tangram
10. cdeilru  14J    30   456   cedula
11. bdeoruw   B3    73   529   budgerow
12. ahimqst   4A    50   579   quim
13. aaefnrt   A7    39   618   feta
14. bhinors  15H    36   654   bohs
15. aapstvx  13K    50   704   pax


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7688 FilePIThompson  8  8:38  -176  528     1.7688 PIThompson  8  8:38  -176  528 
  2.6397 Filedanmarcy    2 14:13  -287  417     2.7110 jeff        2  3:39  -543  161 
  3.5835 Filenaomiari    1 14:14  -328  376            Group: intermediate
  4.5392 Fileginalee     1 17:51  -350  354     1.6397 danmarcy    2 14:13  -287  417 
  5.6138 Fileraggedy01   2 16:59  -386  318     2.6138 raggedy01   2 16:59  -386  318 
  6.7110 Filejeff        2  3:39  -543  161            Group: novice
  7.4607 Filestrykyster  0 10:56  -556  148     1.5835 naomiari    1 14:14  -328  376 
  8.5813 Filenarisa      0  2:31  -646   58     2.5392 ginalee     1 17:51  -350  354 
                                             3.5813 narisa      0  2:31  -646   58 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4607 strykyster  0 10:56  -556  148 

On 1st draw, ZILC(H) H4 50 --- ZILCH nothing [n]
Other tops: BLI(T)Z H8 50
Other moves: B(O)LIX H8 42, C(A)LIX H8 42, C(Y)LIX H8 42, X(Y)LIC H4 42, BLI(T)Z H4 36
ZILC(H) H4 50 ginalee
BLI(T)Z H8 50 PIThompson
Z(E)X H6 36 naomiari
Z(E)X H7 36 raggedy01
BIZ H6 28 strykyster
B(O)X H7 22 danmarcy

On 2nd draw, ZOWIE 4H 34 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: WAT I3 23, WOT I3 23, TWA I2 21, TWO I2 21, IOTA I3 20
ZOWIE 4H 34 PIThompson
WAT I3 23 naomiari, danmarcy
WOT I3 23 strykyster, ginalee

On 3rd draw, HOAR 3I 29 --- HOAR a white coating [n] --- HOAR to make hoary [v]
Other tops: HAAR 3I 29
Other moves: HAO 3I 26, HOA 3I 26, HEARE I7 25, HEROE I7 25, AHA I6 24
HOAR 3I 29 PIThompson
HO 3I 23 danmarcy, strykyster
HA 3I 23 naomiari
HARE 3L 19 ginalee

On 4th draw, PREVE 2J 52 --- PREVE to prove [v]
Other moves: CREEP 2J 50, CREPE 2J 50, PERV 2G 40, VIPER 5G 40, RECIPE 5E 34
PREVE 2J 52 PIThompson, danmarcy
PERV 2L 23 strykyster
VOWER J2 21 naomiari, ginalee

On 5th draw, FOLIES 5E 33 --- FOLIE folly [n]
Other tops: FOLIOS 5E 33
Other moves: POLIES 5E 31, POLIOS 5E 31, FLIPS 5F 27, LOOIES 5E 27, FLOOSIE 5C 26
SPOOF O2 22 ginalee
FE 1N 20 naomiari
SLOOP O2 19 PIThompson
SLOPE O2 19 danmarcy
ZILC(H)ES H4 17 raggedy01
PO 1N 16 strykyster

On 6th draw, IDEM O1 42 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other moves: BOLD 6F 33, MILD 6F 33, MOLD 6F 33, TOMBED 4A 32, EDIT O1 30
IDEM O1 42 PIThompson
EDIT O1 30 danmarcy, ginalee
EM 6E 25 naomiari
MOTED 4B 24 raggedy01
DOME F4 13 strykyster

On 7th draw, GLUEY 6B 39 --- GLUEY resembling glue [adj]
Other moves: AGLEY 6B 37, GAYAL 6D 37, GLEY 6C 34, ALAY 6C 33, GAY 6D 33
AGLEY 6B 37 PIThompson
GAY 6D 33 naomiari, danmarcy
GEY 4D 24 raggedy01
GLUE 6B 14 ginalee
AYE N4 12 strykyster

On 8th draw, AGEUSIA N4 66 --- AGEUSIA lack of a sense of taste [n]
Other moves: AGEUSIA G8 62, AGEUSIA I8 62, AGES 7C 24, AGUE 7C 24, FEAGUES E5 22
AGES 7C 24 PIThompson
ZILC(H)ES H4 17 ginalee
AGES N4 11 naomiari
GAUGES B6 10 strykyster
CAGES 7H 9 danmarcy
GAE 5A 9 raggedy01

On 9th draw, TANGRA(M) O9 81 --- TANGRAM a Chinese puzzle [n]
Other moves: TANAGR(A) O9 78, TANAG(E)R O9 78, TRANGA(M) O9 78, T(A)NAGRA O9 77, GAR(D)ANT M9 75
GRAT(I)N O10 24 PIThompson
AFEAR(I)NG E4 22 raggedy01
GAST 8L 21 danmarcy
GRAS(S) 8K 18 naomiari
G(U)ST 8L 18 ginalee

On 10th draw, CEDULA 14J 30 --- CEDULA a Philippine tax [n]
Other moves: CULLIED C3 26, CURDIER 13I 26, CURDLER 13I 26, CURLIER 13I 24, DECURIA 14I 24
CULLED C3 20 PIThompson
CURLED C3 20 raggedy01
CRUDER 13J 18 ginalee
DE 7E 16 naomiari
DE N14 13 danmarcy

On 11th draw, BUDGEROW B3 73 --- BUDGEROW an Indian barge [n]
Other moves: BOWLDER C3 32, BOULDER C3 26, BOWERED K9 26, BOWLED C3 26, BURWEED K9 26
BOWERED K9 26 raggedy01
BROWED L9 24 PIThompson
WORDED L9 22 danmarcy
WE 7E 20 naomiari

On 12th draw, QUIM 4A 50 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: SHAM A1 47, QUAI 4A 46, QUAT 4A 46, QUIT 4A 46, HAM A7 39
QUIM 4A 50 PIThompson, raggedy01, jeff
QUIT 4A 46 ginalee
QUAT 4A 46 danmarcy
QAIDS L11 32 naomiari

On 13th draw, FETA A7 39 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other moves: TREFA 8A 36, TREF 8A 33, FAN A7 31, FAT A7 31, FEN A7 31
FETA A7 39 PIThompson
TREF 8A 33 danmarcy
FEN A7 31 jeff
FRATER 8A 30 naomiari
FRET 8A 24 ginalee
RAFTED L9 20 raggedy01

On 14th draw, BOHS 15H 36 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other moves: BISH 15G 34, BOSH 15G 34, SHORN 11B 32, BOH 15H 31, SHIN 11B 30
BOSH 15G 34 PIThompson
SHORN 11B 32 ginalee
SHIN 11B 30 jeff, narisa
SOB 11B 21 danmarcy
INSHORE K8 20 raggedy01
NIBS C10 18 naomiari

On 15th draw, PAX 13K 50 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: TAX 13K 44, AX 13L 39, AX M6 36, PASTA C9 34, PAX C9 29
PAX 13K 50 PIThompson, naomiari, jeff, danmarcy, raggedy01
SPAT 11B 28 narisa
TUX M13 20 ginalee

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