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Game of September 23, 2011 at 14:31, 8 players - after 15 words played
1. 445 pts jeff
2. 334 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 331 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?glmost   H4    22    22   mongst
 2. abinrsw   5C    76    98   rainbows
 3. aaeiiln   4H    21   119   maile
 4. aeiorrs   8A    77   196   rosaries
 5. ?ainpuy   3E    41   237   unpays
 6. efinstt   D7    72   309   faintest
 7. abeklqv   4A    40   349   beak
 8. aegiirz   M2    42   391   agrize
 9. eeilnuy   6F    30   421   yen
10. aefhilo   A6    65   486   forhaile
11. acdeprt   8K    45   531   cadre
12. cdegoru  13D    65   596   scrouged
13. aenoopt   2J    37   633   potae
14. dehnotw  14J    50   683   honed
15. ainotvx  15K    58   741   toxin


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7113 Filejeff        5 11:33  -296  445     1.7113 jeff        5 11:33  -296  445 
  2.6335 FileGrace_Tjie  1 12:26  -407  334            Group: intermediate
  3.6136 Fileraggedy01   0 20:03  -410  331     1.6335 Grace_Tjie  1 12:26  -407  334 
  4.5408 Fileginalee     0 17:42  -413  328     2.6136 raggedy01   0 20:03  -410  331 
  5.6004 FileHasni       0 18:22  -413  328     3.6004 Hasni       0 18:22  -413  328 
  6.6551 Filemarcous     1  9:47  -454  287     4.6551 marcous     1  9:47  -454  287 
  7.5826 Filenarisa      1  6:29  -521  220     5.6805 sunshine12  0  5:20  -603  138 
  8.6805 Filesunshine12  0  5:20  -603  138            Group: novice
                                             1.5408 ginalee     0 17:42  -413  328 
                                             2.5826 narisa      1  6:29  -521  220 

On 1st draw, MO(N)GST H4 22 --- MONGST amongst [prep]
Other tops: GLO(A)MS H8 22, GLO(O)MS H8 22, GL(O)OMS H8 22, GOL(E)MS H8 22, MOG(U)LS H4 22, M(A)GOTS H4 22
Other moves: GLOMS H4 20, GLOM(U)S H4 20, GLO(A)M H8 20, GLO(A)MS H4 20, GLO(O)M H8 20
GLO(O)MS H8 22 jeff
M(A)GOTS H4 22 Grace_Tjie
MOSTL(Y) H4 20 narisa, raggedy01
MO(I)ST H4 18 ginalee

On 2nd draw, RAINBOWS 5C 76 --- RAINBOW an arc of spectral colours formed in the sky [n]
Other moves: ABRINS 3H 31, BAWNS 3G 26, BAWRS 3G 26, BAWN 3G 25, BAWR 3G 25
SWAB I2 21 Grace_Tjie
MAINS 4H 14 ginalee
WA(N)S 6F 14 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, MAILE 4H 21 --- MAILE a Pacific island vine [n]
Other moves: LANAI 4B 20, LIANA 4A 20, AIRLINE C3 18, AI(N)E 6F 18, ALAE 4C 18
NEAL 4A 16 jeff
MAIL 4H 13 ginalee, Hasni
ALINE 4J 12 Grace_Tjie
ALIEN 4J 12 raggedy01

On 4th draw, ROSARIES 8A 77 --- ROSARY a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church [n]
REARS 3F 26 jeff
RAISER M1 20 ginalee
ARES M1 16 Hasni
SORER C3 12 Grace_Tjie
ARE 3K 10 raggedy01

On 5th draw, UNPAY(S) 3E 41 --- UNPAY to make good, do away by payment [v]
Other moves: PAY(S) 3G 39, UNPAY 3E 39, U(N)PAY 3E 38, (U)NPAY 3E 38, PAY 3G 37
UNPAY(S) 3E 41 jeff
YAP 3G 35 raggedy01
PAY(S) 4B 29 Hasni
PAY 4B 28 Grace_Tjie
RA(S)PY E8 18 ginalee

On 6th draw, FAINTEST D7 72 --- FAINT lacking strength or vigor [adj]
Other moves: NIFTIEST F7 65, FEINTEST L3 62, NIEF 4A 28, SERIFS C3 26, FEIST M1 24
FEIST M1 24 jeff
FIST M2 22 ginalee
FITS M1 22 Hasni
FENS 3L 19 Grace_Tjie
FINE 3L 19 marcous
FINEST L1 13 raggedy01

On 7th draw, BEAK 4A 40 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: LEAK 4A 32, BEAK C12 30, KAB 4B 28, KEB 4B 28, LEK 4B 28
BEAK 4A 40 jeff
BEAK C12 30 Hasni
VEAL 4A 28 marcous
BAKE 3L 24 ginalee, raggedy01
LAB 4B 20 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, AGRIZE M2 42 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: GRAZE M3 40, GRIZE M3 40, AGNIZE 10B 38, ZINGER 10B 38, ZANIER 10B 37
GRAZE M3 40 jeff
ZINGER 10B 38 ginalee
RAZE 3L 28 Grace_Tjie, Hasni
ZAGS 13A 28 marcous
GAZE B1 28 raggedy01

On 9th draw, YE(N) 6F 30 --- YEN to yearn [v]
Other tops: YI(N) 6F 30
Other moves: NY 6E 28, EYEFUL 7A 27, YEELIN L7 25, LUNARIES C1 24, NY 3B 24
NY 6E 28 jeff
EYE C11 23 Hasni
NY N1 20 marcous
YEN L7 12 raggedy01
YE B3 5 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, FORHAILE A6 65 --- FORHAILE to distract [v]
Other moves: OARFISH C3 51, FAH N5 34, FOH N5 34, FAIBLE A1 33, FOIBLE A1 33
FOH N5 34 jeff, marcous, Grace_Tjie
FAH N5 34 Hasni
FOLIE N5 30 raggedy01
FLAB A1 27 ginalee, narisa

On 11th draw, CADRE 8K 45 --- CADRE a nucleus of trained personnel [n]
Other tops: CADET 8K 45, CEDAR 8K 45, PADRE 8K 45
Other moves: PREACT 2J 43, PARADE 2J 41, PETARD 2J 41, PETARA 2J 39, PARAE 2J 37
CADET 8K 45 jeff
DART 14A 26 narisa, marcous
DRAT 14A 26 ginalee
DARE N5 25 Grace_Tjie
TARED N5 25 Hasni
PEAT C12 22 raggedy01
POET B7 21 sunshine12

On 12th draw, SCROUGED 13D 65 --- SCROUGE to crowd [v]
Other tops: SCOURGED 13D 65
Other moves: DOUTER 14A 34, DUCT 14A 30, CARGOS C3 26, DORT 14A 26, DOUT 14A 26
DORT 14A 26 marcous, narisa, Hasni
DOER N5 25 jeff
DORR N5 25 sunshine12
GRUB A1 21 ginalee
DRUB A1 21 raggedy01
DOER C12 19 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, POTAE 2J 37 --- POTAE (Maori) a hat [n]
Other tops: PAEAN 2J 37
Other moves: NAPOO 12H 29, PUNA H12 27, PUNT H12 27, TEOPAN 14J 27, OOP 3A 26
PUNT H12 27 ginalee, narisa
PONE 14H 22 raggedy01
POET B7 21 sunshine12
OP 3B 20 marcous
OAR N6 20 Grace_Tjie
PANT 12J 19 jeff
PEAT 12J 19 Hasni

On 14th draw, HONED 14J 50 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: HOTEN 14J 48, DOETH 14A 41, DOETH 14J 36, HUED H12 36, HARDEST C3 35
HONED 14J 50 marcous, jeff
HUED H12 36 narisa, sunshine12
HEWN 14J 34 Grace_Tjie
HUNT H12 33 raggedy01
WOUND H11 30 ginalee
HOWE 12J 28 Hasni

On 15th draw, TOXIN 15K 58 --- TOXIN a poisonous substance [n]
Other tops: TAXON 15K 58
Other moves: AXON 15L 51, TAXON B11 37, TOXIN B11 37, OX 12G 36, NIX 15M 35
TAXON 15K 58 narisa
OX 12G 36 marcous
NOX 15M 35 sunshine12
TAX 15M 35 raggedy01, jeff, Grace_Tjie, Hasni
OX 15N 30 ginalee

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