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Game of September 24, 2011 at 06:30, 2 players - after 15 words played
1. 283 pts pandora1._
2. 43 pts suitable

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeikux   H3    48    48   axlike
 2. ?denoop   3F    78   126   epanodos
 3. bdeeinu   5B    70   196   unedible
 4. adehltu   2J    53   249   haled
 5. aacentz   1H    57   306   caz
 6. beijnor   4A    46   352   join
 7. aademtv   2A    33   385   amated
 8. aefqsvy   1A    60   445   feys
 9. ceinstw   4L    30   475   stew
10. agilrst   8G    60   535   regalist
11. ceehior   N8    36   571   techier
12. aeinrtv   I8    64   635   grievant
13. enoprsv  10C    67   702   overspin
14. bgioqtw   1M    32   734   bow
15. agimoru  14D    65   799   origanum


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6186 Filepandora1._  0 12:43  -516  283     1.6186 pandora1._  0 12:43  -516  283 
  2.5779 Filesuitable    0  2:27  -756   43            Group: novice
                                             1.5779 suitable    0  2:27  -756   43 

On 1st draw, AX(L)IKE H3 48 --- AXLIKE resembling an ax [adj]
Other moves: AX(L)IKE H8 42, A(D)IEUX H7 40, EXU(V)IA H3 40, XE(N)IA H4 38, (B)EAUX H8 38

On 2nd draw, EPANODO(S) 3F 78 --- EPANODOS a recapitulation of the chief points [n]
Other moves: OP(T)IONED 6E 68, POI(S)ONED 6F 68, PINE(W)OOD 6G 66, POON(C)ED G8 65, (S)POONED I8 64

On 3rd draw, UNEDIB(L)E 5B 70 --- UNEDIBLE not suitable for eating [adj]
Other moves: BEDUIN 2J 47, INDEX 4D 33, UNBED 2B 31, UNBID 2B 31, BEDE 2J 30

On 4th draw, HALED 2J 53 --- HALE to compel to go [v]
Other tops: HATED 2J 53
Other moves: DALETH 2A 49, HALED 6B 48, HATED 6B 48, DEATH 2B 47, DALETH 2J 41
THE 6A 29 pandora1._

On 5th draw, CAZ 1H 57 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: ZANTE D1 48, ZLOTE L1 48, CADENZA K1 38, CEAZE D1 38, CLOZE L1 38
CENT 1G 24 pandora1._

On 6th draw, JOIN 4A 46 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: JOINER D1 42, INORB 2B 36, JIBER 2B 36, JOINER 2A 34, OBJURE B2 34
JIB 2D 28 pandora1._

On 7th draw, AMATED 2A 33 --- AMATE to daunt [v]
Other moves: MAAED 2B 31, MATED 2B 31, TAMED 2B 31, MAD 1M 25, MED 1M 25
VINE C3 14 pandora1._

On 8th draw, FEYS 1A 60 --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: FAYS 1A 60
Other moves: FAY 1A 51, FEY 1A 51, YEAS 1A 48, FAE 1A 39, YAE 1A 39
YEAS 1A 48 pandora1._

On 9th draw, STEW 4L 30 --- STEW to cook by boiling slowly [v]
Other moves: XIS 4H 29, CLOWNS L1 28, CLOWN L1 26, CLOWS L1 26, CLOW L1 24
WIT 6D 21 pandora1._

On 10th draw, REGALIST 8G 60 --- REGALIST one who advocates regalism [n]
Other tops: GLARIEST 8C 60
Other moves: WILGAS O4 30, XIS 4H 29, TWIRLS O3 27, WILGA O4 27, WAILS O4 24
WRIST O4 24 pandora1._

On 11th draw, TECHIER N8 36 --- TECHY irritable [adj]
Other moves: HIC 1M 33, HOC 1M 33, THEORIC N8 28, TROCHEE N8 28, HER 1M 27
OH 1N 18 pandora1._

On 12th draw, GRIEVANT I8 64 --- GRIEVANT one that submits a complaint for arbitration [n]
Other moves: INTER O11 30, AVENTRE 13H 28, EVIRATE 13H 28, RATLINE K5 28, VAE 1M 27
NAVE 13K 14 pandora1._

On 13th draw, OVERSPIN 10C 67 --- OVERSPIN a forward spin imparted to a ball [n]
Other tops: PROVINES 10E 67
Other moves: OWNERS O3 57, WEROS O4 54, WRENS O4 54, POSE O6 50, OPS O6 45
PROVEN 11E 22 suitable
PONTS 15F 21 pandora1._

On 14th draw, BOW 1M 32 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: WIG 1M 30, W*G 1M 30, BOI H13 27, WIT 1M 27, WOT 1M 27
BIGOT 15E 24 pandora1._

On 15th draw, ORIGANUM 14D 65 --- ORIGANUM an aromatic herb [n]
Other moves: VAGROM D10 30, AMOUR M11 29, ATRIUM 15H 27, GOMUTI 15E 27, MOA H13 27
AGOUTI 15E 21 suitable
GROUT 15E 18 pandora1._

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