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Game of September 25, 2011 at 05:24, 6 players - after 15 words played
1. 433 pts yab
2. 418 pts TwoFold
3. 323 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeflou   H4    24    24   foule
 2. ??imort   8A    83   107   formiate
 3. deennry   9E    30   137   needy
 4. fimnort   C3    32   169   triform
 5. eegilnu   B2    30   199   liege
 6. aabdeho   D1    40   239   hoaed
 7. adenors   1D    86   325   hardnose
 8. aijnorw   5G    32   357   jowari
 9. agioouy   4J    29   386   yogi
10. eilnpqt   3M    44   430   qi
11. aeinprw   6J    43   473   wanier
12. aceklos   O4    95   568   earlocks
13. abittxz   2N    36   604   xi
14. elnnrtu  11H    66   670   trunnels
15. acestuv   A1    38   708   tavs


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6940 Fileyab         4 15:11  -275  433     1.6940 yab         4 15:11  -275  433 
  2.6513 FileTwoFold     4 10:57  -290  418     2.6513 TwoFold     4 10:57  -290  418 
  3.5291 Filemarigold    2 17:24  -385  323     3.6021 jonb5       1  1:03  -684   24 
  4.5443 Fileayoba       0  3:34  -646   62     4.6101 Lucylulu    0  0:36  -686   22 
  5.6021 Filejonb5       1  1:03  -684   24            Group: novice
  6.6101 FileLucylulu    0  0:36  -686   22     1.5291 marigold    2 17:24  -385  323 
                                             2.5443 ayoba       0  3:34  -646   62 

On 1st draw, FOULE H4 24 --- FOULE fulled cloth [n]
Other tops: FEO(D)AL H4 24, FEU(D)AL H4 24, FE(C)ULA H4 24, FE(R)ULA H4 24, FLAU(N)E H4 24, FLOU(S)E H4 24, FLO(R)AE H4 24, FLUA(T)E H4 24, FOALE(D) H4 24, FOE(T)AL H4 24, FOLA(T)E H4 24, FOULE(D) H4 24, FOULE(R) H4 24, FOULE(S) H4 24, FOUL(I)E H4 24, FO(V)EAL H4 24, FU(R)OLE H4 24
Other moves: ALO(O)F H8 22, AL(O)OF H8 22, FAL(S)E H4 22, FAUL(D) H4 22, FAUL(T) H4 22
FOULE(D) H4 24 yab
FOULE(R) H4 24 jonb5
FLOU(R) H4 22 TwoFold, Lucylulu
FAUL(T) H4 22 marigold

On 2nd draw, (F)ORMI(A)TE 8A 83 --- FORMIATE a salt of formic acid [n]
Other tops: E(N)ORMIT(Y) 8H 83
Other moves: IM(P)O(S)TOR 5E 82, MI(C)RO(D)OT 5D 82, MORO(N)IT(Y) 5E 82, MORO(S)IT(Y) 5E 82, MOTIO(N)(E)R 5D 82
TIMORO(U)(S) 5E 32 yab
TRIM(S) 9D 17 TwoFold
TR(A)M I2 14 marigold

On 3rd draw, NEEDY 9E 30 --- NEEDY in a state of poverty [adj]
Other moves: DYER 9E 28, NYED 9E 28, REDYE 9F 28, ENDER 9D 27, YEDE 9F 27
REDENY C8 22 yab
FERNY 4H 22 TwoFold
DEFY 4F 11 marigold

On 4th draw, TRIFORM C3 32 --- TRIFORM having three forms [adj]
Other moves: TRIFORM C7 28, INFIRM E8 22, INFORM 5E 22, INFORM D3 22, INFORM E8 22
FORINT 4H 18 yab
FROM B6 17 marigold
FIT G3 17 TwoFold

On 5th draw, LIEGE B2 30 --- LIEGE a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: FEELING 4H 22, FLEEING 4H 22, FUELING 4H 22, EUGE B3 21, FEEING 4H 20
FUELING 4H 22 yab
GLEE D1 20 TwoFold
ELFING 6A 16 marigold

On 6th draw, HOAED D1 40 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: BAAED D1 36, BAH A1 32, HERBED 4A 32, HAED D2 30, DAH A1 29
BAH A1 32 yab, TwoFold, marigold

On 7th draw, HARDNOSE 1D 86 --- HARDNOSE a stubborn person [n]
Other moves: LADRONES 7H 61, HADRONS 1D 33, HANDERS 1D 33, HARDENS 1D 33, HADRON 1D 30
HARDNOSE 1D 36 yab
HARDENS 1D 33 marigold
SHARED 1C 30 TwoFold

On 8th draw, JOWARI 5G 32 --- JOWARI durra (Indian millet) [n]
Other moves: JAW I3 31, JOW G3 31, JOWAR 5G 30, JA A1 29, JOIN G3 28
JAW I3 31 marigold
JA A1 29 TwoFold, yab

On 9th draw, YOGI 4J 29 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: YAGI 4J 29, YOGA 4J 29, YUGA 4J 29
Other moves: YAG 4J 27, YUG 4J 27, YOU 6F 23, GYAL 7E 22, GAY 4L 20
YOGA 4J 29 marigold, TwoFold
GUY 4L 20 yab

On 10th draw, QI 3M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PENI 6J 33, PENT 6J 33, PEN 6J 32, PET 6J 32, PINTLE 2I 30
QI 3M 44 TwoFold, marigold, yab

On 11th draw, WANIER 6J 43 --- WANY waning in some parts [adj]
Other moves: WAP 6J 42, WANE 6J 39, WENA 6J 39, WAE 6J 38, WAN 6J 38
WANIER 6J 43 yab
WAP A1 32 TwoFold
YAWN J4 18 marigold

On 12th draw, EARLOCKS O4 95 --- EARLOCK a curl of hair near the ear [n]
Other moves: CASK O1 57, CARKS O4 42, CORKS O4 42, EARLOCK O4 42, KEROS O4 42
EARLOCKS O4 45 yab
CRAKES O5 36 TwoFold
RAKES O6 27 ayoba
QIS 3M 12 marigold

On 13th draw, XI 2N 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: ZA A1 35, AX 10I 30, ZATIS 11K 28, ZEREBA 4A 27, ZEA N5 25
XI 2N 36 TwoFold, yab
ZA A1 35 marigold, ayoba

On 14th draw, TRUNNELS 11H 66 --- TRUNNEL a wooden peg used to fasten timber [n]
Other moves: RUNLETS 11I 14, RUNNELS 11I 14, RUNNETS 11I 14, TUNNELS 11I 14, OURN 7C 13
TUNNELS 11I 14 TwoFold
EN 10I 9 marigold
(F)UNNEL A8 6 yab

On 15th draw, TAVS A1 38 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: VAUNCES L8 32, SAVINE E5 30, VAUNCE L8 30, VALES 7F 29, SAVIN E5 28
TAVS A1 38 TwoFold
TACES H11 24 yab

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