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Game of September 25, 2011 at 13:42, 9 players - after 15 words played
1. 650 pts PIThompson
2. 521 pts Stranger
3. 421 pts reynaritz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acenort   H8    70    70   enactor
 2. adeersx  15H    75   145   sexed
 3. aginost  11A    72   217   agnostic
 4. bdeiiou  14J    38   255   obied
 5. adertww   8C    66   321   wartweed
 6. aeiostv   E4    74   395   savoriest
 7. ?deghio   7I    78   473   hogtied
 8. blnoptu  13J    37   510   polt
 9. aacloru  14A    74   584   oracular
10. glnnosy   A7    42   626   nongay
11. eefjlnu   D1    48   674   jefe
12. ?abqrtu   O4    78   752   quadrat
13. aaeinsu   1D    39   791   jaunse
14. ahinpuz   N6    64   855   zea
15. ehiklmr  15A    45   900   hem


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7682 FilePIThompson  5 10:08  -250  650     1.7682 PIThompson  5 10:08  -250  650 
  2.7092 FileStranger    3 12:53  -379  521     2.7092 Stranger    3 12:53  -379  521 
  3.6946 Filereynaritz   1 10:54  -479  421            Group: intermediate
  4.5438 Fileginalee     1 14:31  -480  420     1.6946 reynaritz   1 10:54  -479  421 
  5.6571 Filern.roselle  2  6:25  -610  290     2.6571 rn.roselle  2  6:25  -610  290 
  6.6116 Fileraggedy01   1  5:12  -698  202     3.6116 raggedy01   1  5:12  -698  202 
  7.6469 Fileiwhist      1  1:40  -781  119     4.6469 iwhist      1  1:40  -781  119 
  8.5263 FileOasthouse1  1  3:13  -810   90     5.6769 chammy      1  3:27  -827   73 
  9.6769 Filechammy      1  3:27  -827   73            Group: novice
                                             1.5438 ginalee     1 14:31  -480  420 
                                             2.5263 Oasthouse1  1  3:13  -810   90 

On 1st draw, ENACTOR H8 70 --- ENACTOR one that enacts [n]
Other tops: ENACTOR H2 70, ENACTOR H3 70, ENACTOR H4 70, ENACTOR H6 70, ENACTOR H7 70
Other moves: ENACTOR H5 68, CANOER H4 22, CANTER H4 22, CANTOR H4 22, CARNET H4 22
TRANCE H8 22 iwhist
CARTON H4 22 PIThompson
NECTAR H4 18 ginalee

On 2nd draw, SEXED 15H 75 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: DEXES 15D 75
Other moves: AXSEED 15F 72, DESEX 15F 69, RAXES 15D 69, REXES 15D 69, SEXER 15H 69
SEXED 15H 75 PIThompson, iwhist
RAXES 15D 69 ginalee, Stranger

On 3rd draw, AGNOSTIC 11A 72 --- AGNOSTIC one who disclaims any knowledge of God [n]
Other tops: COASTING 11H 72, COATINGS 11H 72, COTINGAS 11H 72, TOASTING 12H 72
Other moves: TANGOIST 12A 70, TANGOIST 12H 70, TOASTING 12D 68, GITANOS I4 67, AGONIST G2 63
ROATING 14H 38 PIThompson
GROAN 14G 23 Stranger
AGNOSTIC 11A 22 iwhist
COSTING 11H 20 ginalee

On 4th draw, OBIED 14J 38 --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: DIEB 12A 36, ABIDE A11 33, ABODE A11 33, ADOBE A11 30, BORDE 14F 30
OBIED 14J 38 Stranger
ABODE A11 33 PIThompson
ED 14J 19 reynaritz
BODE D10 14 ginalee

On 5th draw, WARTWEED 8C 66 --- WARTWEED a kind of tropical plant [n]
Other tops: WARTWEED 8B 66
Other moves: WAWAED A10 51, WAWAED A8 42, AWARD A11 39, AWARE A11 36, ADWARE A8 33
AWARD A11 39 reynaritz, PIThompson

On 6th draw, SAVORIEST E4 74 --- SAVORY pleasant to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: VOTE 13J 40, SAVATE A10 39, AVAST A11 36, AVISE A11 36, AVISO A11 36
AVAST A11 36 PIThompson, reynaritz
VIES K5 30 ginalee
VESTA A7 24 Stranger

On 7th draw, HOG(T)IED 7I 78 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other tops: DOGESHI(P) 4A 78, DO(U)GHIER 14A 78, HO(N)GIED 7I 78
Other moves: SH(O)OGIED 4E 76, SHO(O)GIED 4E 74, DOGHO(L)E 13G 55, HOG(T)IE 13J 46, HO(R)DE 13J 46
HOG(T)IE 13J 46 PIThompson
HA(N)GED A10 30 ginalee
(T)HIG 13L 30 Stranger

On 8th draw, POLT 13J 37 --- POLT to beat [v]
Other tops: BOLT 13J 37, PONT 13J 37
Other moves: BUNDT O4 33, UPBLOWN C3 32, ABOUT A11 30, BUTANOL A8 30, OUTPLAN A6 30
BOLT 13J 37 PIThompson
DOUBT O7 24 Stranger
BLOAT A8 24 ginalee
BO 6N 23 reynaritz

On 9th draw, ORACULAR 14A 74 --- ORACLE a person through whom a deity is believed to speak [adj] --- ORACULAR pertaining to an oracle [adj]
Other moves: CAUDAL O4 36, CARLOAD O1 33, CAUDA O4 33, CAUL 6J 30, CRAAL 6I 29
CORAL D1 26 PIThompson
DRACO O7 24 reynaritz
CURLS 4A 20 Stranger
ART 12C 12 rn.roselle
CLOU(T) L3 12 ginalee

On 10th draw, NONGAY A7 42 --- NONGAY a person who is not a homosexual [n]
Other moves: GOLDY O4 36, NOSY 6G 36, ONLAY A8 36, GODLY O5 30, GONGS K4 30
NOSY 6G 36 PIThompson
GOLDY O4 36 Stranger, reynaritz
DOYS O7 24 rn.roselle
SOY A13 18 ginalee

On 11th draw, JEFE D1 48 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: JEFES 4A 46, JEELS 4A 40, FEE 15A 37, FEN 15A 37, NEEDFUL O4 36
JEFE D1 48 PIThompson
JEELS 4A 40 reynaritz, Stranger
FEN 15A 37 rn.roselle, raggedy01

On 12th draw, QU(A)DRAT O4 78 --- QUADRAT a piece of type metal used for filling spaces [n]
Other tops: QUADR(A)T O4 78
Other moves: QUAD(S) O4 72, D(I)QUAT O7 48, QUART(E)(T) L1 48, QUAG(S) K4 43, JAB(I)RU 1D 42
QUADR(A)T O4 78 PIThompson
QUAD(S) O4 72 ginalee, rn.roselle, reynaritz, Stranger
JAB(O)T 1D 39 raggedy01

On 13th draw, JAUNSE 1D 39 --- JAUNSE to prance [v]
Other moves: JANES 1D 36, JEANS 1D 36, ANISE 11K 27, ANSAE 11K 27, AUNES 11K 27
JEANS 1D 36 rn.roselle, PIThompson, ginalee, Stranger, raggedy01, reynaritz
QU(A)DRATS O4 17 Oasthouse1

On 14th draw, ZEA N6 64 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: AZO 13F 45, ZA G13 42, ZO 13G 42, HAZING K2 38, HIP C2 36
ZEA N6 64 Stranger, PIThompson, reynaritz, rn.roselle, raggedy01
HAZE 2A 32 ginalee
ZAP C13 28 Oasthouse1, chammy

On 15th draw, HEM 15A 45 --- HEM to provide with an edge [v]
Other moves: MELIK C2 39, HER 15A 37, MERK C2 37, MILK C2 37, MIRK C2 37
HEM 15A 45 Stranger, Oasthouse1, ginalee, rn.roselle, chammy
HEM C2 36 PIThompson
HIRE C2 32 reynaritz
HIKER 2A 26 raggedy01

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