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Game of September 25, 2011 at 20:35, 7 players - after 15 words played
1. 417 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 402 pts jeff
3. 388 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?alnrsw   H8    70    70   narwals
 2. egiinrt  13G    74   144   glintier
 3. aainrtv   L8    28   172   vitrain
 4. aeenpsw   I3    71   243   pawnees
 5. aiorstu   6B    62   305   sutorian
 6. abcdeou   H1    41   346   daub
 7. adehirt   N7    90   436   trihedra
 8. admosty  14F    42   478   mossy
 9. cdeello   D1    82   560   colleted
10. adegimo   F1    66   626   ideogram
11. ?aegktu  15A    34   660   uptake
12. aefhioy   8K    33   693   ivory
13. aehijnn  J10    31   724   jenny
14. ceegnoq   J2    27   751   cone
15. aboprtv   G8    27   778   avo


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6794 FileGLOBEMAN    1 17:03  -361  417     1.7093 jeff        1 11:34  -376  402 
  2.7093 Filejeff        1 11:34  -376  402     2.7166 mylover81   2  8:19  -437  341 
  3.6875 Filesunshine12  1 16:46  -390  388            Group: intermediate
  4.7166 Filemylover81   2  8:19  -437  341     1.6794 GLOBEMAN    1 17:03  -361  417 
  5.6128 Fileraggedy01   2 10:42  -590  188     2.6875 sunshine12  1 16:46  -390  388 
  6.3588 Filekp10        0  2:45  -718   60     3.6128 raggedy01   2 10:42  -590  188 
  7.2999 FileSPOILCHILD  0  0:54  -773    5            Group: not rated
                                             1.3588 kp10        0  2:45  -718   60 
                                             2.2999 SPOILCHILD  0  0:54  -773    5 

On 1st draw, N(A)RWALS H8 70 --- NARWAL an arctic aquatic mammal [n]
Other tops: NARW(A)LS H2 70, NARW(A)LS H3 70, NARW(A)LS H4 70, NARW(A)LS H6 70, NARW(A)LS H7 70, N(A)RWALS H2 70, N(A)RWALS H4 70, N(A)RWALS H6 70, N(A)RWALS H7 70
Other moves: NARW(A)LS H5 68, NARW(A)LS H8 68, N(A)RWALS H3 68, N(A)RWALS H5 68, AWN(E)RS H3 24

On 2nd draw, GLINTIER 13G 74 --- GLINTY glittering [adj]
Other moves: GIRNIEST 14B 72, IGNITERS 14A 72, STINGIER 14H 72, STRIGINE 14H 72, TIGRINE G4 66
WRITING 11H 22 jeff
TWIRING 11G 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 3rd draw, VITRAIN L8 28 --- VITRAIN the material in the vitreous layers of banded bituminous coal [n]
Other moves: VISTA 14F 27, ANTIWAR 11D 20, AVANTI L8 20, TRAVIS 14C 20, VARIANT 10F 20
STAIN 14H 17 sunshine12
VITA L12 16 jeff

On 4th draw, PAWNEES I3 71 --- PAWNEE one to whom something is pawned [n]
Other moves: PESEWA 15J 48, SPAW 15L 42, SPEW 15L 42, SWAP 15L 42, PAWNERS N8 40
SPAW 15L 42 GLOBEMAN, mylover81, sunshine12
SWAP 15L 42 jeff

On 5th draw, SUTORIAN 6B 62 --- SUTORIAN relating to cobbling [adj]
Other tops: RAINOUTS 6F 62
Other moves: ASTIR 15K 30, OSTIA 15K 30, SAIR 15L 27, SARI 15L 27, SATI 15L 27
ASTIR 15K 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
STAR 15L 27 mylover81
SOAR 15L 27 jeff

On 6th draw, DAUB H1 41 --- DAUB to smear [v]
Other moves: BAUD H1 36, ECOD H1 36, CABRE N10 30, COARB N10 30, COBRA N10 30
BAUD H1 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ABODE J1 26 jeff
VADE 8L 24 mylover81

On 7th draw, TRIHEDRA N7 90 --- TRIHEDRA figures having three plane surfaces meeting at a point [n] --- TRIHEDRON a solid figure with three plane surfaces meeting at a point [n]
Other moves: HAIRSTED B2 74, TRIHEDRA F5 66, HAIRED N10 36, HATRED N10 36, HARED 7C 35
HAIRED N10 36 mylover81
HAD 5E 29 jeff
HA G3 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 8th draw, MOSSY 14F 42 --- MOSSY covered with moss [adj]
Other moves: MAYOS 5C 40, MAYO 5C 36, TOSSY 14F 36, MAYST 5A 33, MOYAS 5A 33
VARY 8L 30 mylover81
SOY 14H 29 jeff
YON 14J 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MAYS 15I 22 raggedy01

On 9th draw, COLLETED D1 82 --- COLLET to set a gem in a rim or ring [v]
Other moves: CORDELLE F4 63, COED O6 32, CUPELLED 3G 32, CUPELED 3G 30, CODE J2 29
COED O6 32 jeff, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, raggedy01
LEED O6 26 mylover81

On 10th draw, IDEOGRAM F1 66 --- IDEOGRAM a type of written symbol [n]
Other moves: DEGAMI 15A 37, DOGIE O4 35, GODDAM 8A 33, DIADEM 8A 30, GAMED 5A 30
MAIDED 8A 30 jeff
GAED O6 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MOE O6 23 mylover81
GAMED 15C 19 raggedy01

On 11th draw, U(P)TAKE 15A 34 --- UPTAKE an upward ventilating shaft [n] --- UPTAKE to take up [v]
Other moves: AKE G8 31, E(L)K 15M 30, KAE(D) O6 30, KAE(S) O6 30, KEA G9 30
KAE O6 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AK(E)E O5 28 mylover81
KAED 8A 27 raggedy01
KEA K9 26 jeff

On 12th draw, IVORY 8K 33 --- IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n]
Other tops: HYED 8A 33, OVARY 8K 33
Other moves: AHOY J1 31, FOH J2 30, FOY J2 30, HOY J2 30, VARY 8L 30
OVARY 8K 33 mylover81, raggedy01
HOE O6 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EF O8 26 jeff
WAY 5I 18 kp10

On 13th draw, JENNY J10 31 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other tops: JA C2 31, JANNY J10 31
Other moves: HAJES B2 30, HAJIS B2 30, NEIGH 5C 29, BAJAN 4H 28, HAJI K5 28
JA C2 31 raggedy01, jeff, mylover81, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JET C13 20 kp10

On 14th draw, CONE J2 27 --- CONE to shape like a cone (a geometric solid) [v]
Other moves: GONE J2 24, COG J2 23, COED 8A 21, CON J2 21, COND 8A 21
GEE C2 17 mylover81
NEED 8A 15 kp10
GOE 14A 15 sunshine12

On 15th draw, AVO G8 27 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other moves: ROTA E5 25, ROTO E5 25, BA K5 24, BO K5 24, RUBATO C5 24
BO K5 24 mylover81, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BA K5 24 raggedy01
BORD 8A 21 jeff
COP 2J 7 kp10

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