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Game of September 26, 2011 at 06:36, 4 players - after 15 words played
1. 438 pts Stranger
2. 243 pts Lucylulu
3. 213 pts luckymoo2

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eehilpv   H4    30    30   helve
 2. aefnrst   5E    94   124   fenestra
 3. ?adegox   6B    62   186   dewax
 4. eiklnoo   K3    62   248   oerlikon
 5. ?befgmo  11F    46   294   befogs
 6. adepstw   8K    42   336   kawed
 7. ceimnrt  12D    38   374   crimen
 8. aioprst   3C    84   458   airpost
 9. adrsttu   N2    72   530   statured
10. alnoqru   D1    46   576   quin
11. ehiopuy   O1    57   633   pioye
12. abdeimw   4K    32   665   embay
13. adelnrw  H11    33   698   fewer
14. aeginsv  14H    90   788   envisage
15. diiiort  15L    35   823   irid


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7093 FileStranger    3 12:16  -385  438     1.7093 Stranger    3 12:16  -385  438 
  2.6113 FileLucylulu    2 10:17  -580  243            Group: intermediate
  3.5479 Fileluckymoo2   2  8:24  -610  213     1.6113 Lucylulu    2 10:17  -580  243 
  4.5614 FileVelly       0  3:11  -795   28            Group: novice
                                             1.5479 luckymoo2   2  8:24  -610  213 
                                             2.5614 Velly       0  3:11  -795   28 

On 1st draw, HELVE H4 30 --- HELVE to provide with a handle [v]
Other moves: HELVE H8 24, HELVE H5 22, HELVE H6 22, HELVE H7 22, HIVE H5 20
HIVE H5 20 Stranger

On 2nd draw, FENESTRA 5E 94 --- FENESTRA a small anatomical opening [n]
Other tops: FASTENER 5D 94
HAFTERS 4H 26 Stranger

On 3rd draw, DE(W)AX 6B 62 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: EXAL(T) 6E 60, AXEL 6E 59, (T)AXOL 6D 59, (C)ODEX 6B 58, (P)ODEX 6B 58
AXEL 6E 59 Lucylulu
DEX 6D 57 Stranger

On 4th draw, OERLIKON K3 62 --- OERLIKON a type of Swiss aircraft [n]
Other moves: INKLE M1 30, INKLE M2 30, KENO 4L 30, KILN 4L 30, KILO 4L 30
KOLO 4L 30 Stranger
LIKES I1 19 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, BEFOG(S) 11F 46 --- BEFOG to envelop in fog [v]
Other moves: EMBOG(S) 11F 44, FOME(S) 11G 42, KEMBO 8K 42, BE(S)OM 11I 40, FEM(S) 11H 40
FEM 7A 21 Lucylulu
EME 4K 18 Stranger

On 6th draw, KAWED 8K 42 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: FETWA H11 36, SKATED 8J 36, TAWSED M2 36, PAWED M2 34, SWEPT M3 34
KAWED 8K 42 Stranger
WASTED M3 34 luckymoo2
FEATS H11 27 Lucylulu

On 7th draw, CRIMEN 12D 38 --- CRIMEN a crime [n]
Other moves: CRIME 12D 34, FECIT H11 33, FERMI H11 33, CRIMEN M1 32, MINCER M1 32
FINER H11 27 Stranger
MET 7C 22 Lucylulu
CRIME C2 18 Velly

On 8th draw, AIRPOST 3C 84 --- AIRPOST a system of conveying mail by airplane [n]
Other moves: PAROTIS 3B 82, AIRPOST 9C 74, PAROTIS 9B 73, PARODIST B2 72, APRICOTS D8 64
FEAST H11 24 luckymoo2
FEARS H11 24 Stranger
STOOP 3I 16 Lucylulu

On 9th draw, STATURED N2 72 --- STATURED sculptured [adj]
Other moves: DUSTCART D8 64, STATURED 8B 60, DURST 13F 30, FEUDS H11 27, TUTS 13F 27
FEAST H11 24 Stranger
FEARS H11 24 luckymoo2
STATUED N3 10 Velly

On 10th draw, QUIN D1 46 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QUA M1 30, QUA 2A 26, EQUAL C6 25, FELON H11 24, FERAL H11 24
QUIN D1 46 Stranger, Lucylulu, luckymoo2

On 11th draw, PIOYE O1 57 --- PIOYE a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: PIOY O1 52, QUIPO 1D 48, HYPE 13H 35, HYPO 13H 35, HYP 13H 34
PHI O1 31 Stranger
EQUIP 1C 16 luckymoo2

On 12th draw, EMBAY 4K 32 --- EMBAY to enclose in a bay [v]
Other tops: WAMED 7A 32
Other moves: AIMED 7A 29, DEMOB 9H 29, DEW 13F 29, BAWD 9E 28, MEW 7C 28
DEW 13F 29 Stranger

On 13th draw, FEWER H11 33 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: WAWLED M8 32, DEW 13F 29, WARNED 9C 29, WANDER 9C 28, AWDL 9F 27
FEWER H11 33 luckymoo2, Lucylulu
DEW 13F 29 Stranger

On 14th draw, ENVISAGE 14H 90 --- ENVISAGE to form a mental image of [v]
Other moves: ENVISAGE 8A 89, WEAVINGS 13H 86, WEAVINGS M8 86, ENVISAGE 14A 78, VINEGARS 15B 63
RAVINGS 15H 12 luckymoo2

On 15th draw, IRID 15L 35 --- IRID a plant of the iris family [n]
Other tops: TROD 15L 35
Other moves: TIDIER O10 27, RID 15M 26, ROD 15M 26, TID 15M 26, TOD 15M 26
TROD 15L 35 Stranger
DOT 15M 24 luckymoo2

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