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Game of September 26, 2011 at 09:36, 4 players - after 15 words played
1. 214 pts yab
2. 41 pts JennyB
3. 39 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiorvx   H8    46    46   varix
 2. aeeiors  12G    26    72   ixoras
 3. ?eiikly  11G    44   116   kiley
 4. ?deentu   8H    86   202   ventured
 5. ?aaginq   N6    35   237   quena
 6. bdenops  13C    32   269   snoep
 7. abcdeps  O10    49   318   becaps
 8. aadeilo  14D    30   348   aide
 9. denstuw  15G    53   401   sundew
10. afilmru   O1    47   448   famuli
11. cginotv  15A    28   476   vint
12. aglmorr   N2    27   503   mog
13. ceginrt   J2    69   572   centring
14. ahorttz  N13    45   617   zoa
15. adeelru   M1    25   642   rad


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6943 Fileyab         2  9:34  -428  214     1.6943 yab         2  9:34  -428  214 
  2.6019 FileJennyB      0  2:34  -601   41     2.6019 JennyB      0  2:34  -601   41 
  3.5299 Filemarigold    0  2:49  -603   39            Group: novice
  4.3595 Filearivle      0  1:07  -631   11     1.5299 marigold    0  2:49  -603   39 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3595 arivle      0  1:07  -631   11 

On 1st draw, VARIX H8 46 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: VARIX H4 38, VARIX H5 30, VARIX H6 30, VARIX H7 30, IXORA H4 26

On 2nd draw, IXORAS 12G 26 --- IXORA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: SOREX 12D 24, AESIR I9 23, EASER G9 23, EASE G9 21, OSAR G10 18
AXES 12G 11 arivle

On 3rd draw, KILEY 11G 44 --- KILEY a boomerang [n]
Other moves: KIL(E)Y 11G 41, KI(L)EY 11G 41, d*K*Y 11G 41, (P)IKEY 11G 41, KILEY 11K 38

On 4th draw, VENTU(R)ED 8H 86 --- VENTURE to risk [v]
Other moves: TENU(R)ED 13A 78, UN(M)ETED 13A 78, (D)ETUNED 13A 78, (R)ETUNED 13A 78, DETENU(S) 13A 70

On 5th draw, Q(U)ENA N6 35 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other tops: Q(U)EAN N6 35
Other moves: QANA(T) 13C 32, GA(M)IN 13I 30, QANAT K4 28, QANAT(S) K4 28, QIN(D)A(R) M3 28

On 6th draw, SNOEP 13C 32 --- SNOEP (Afrikaans) tight-fisted [adj]
Other moves: BONED 13C 30, POSED 13C 30, SPEND 13C 30, SPODE 13J 29, BOEPS 13C 28

On 7th draw, BECAPS O10 49 --- BECAP to put a cap on [v]
Other moves: SCAPED O10 38, SPACED O10 38, SPACED 14F 31, BAPS 14E 30, BEDPANS D8 30
SPACED 14G 27 JennyB

On 8th draw, AIDE 14D 30 --- AIDE an assistant [n]
Other moves: IDEAL 14E 29, IDEA 14E 28, ODEA 14E 28, IDE 14E 27, ODE 14E 27
DI O5 14 JennyB

On 9th draw, SUNDEW 15G 53 --- SUNDEW a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: STEW 15A 43, SEWN 15G 32, STEW 15G 32, DEWS 15A 31, WED 13I 31
STEW 15A 43 yab

On 10th draw, FAMULI O1 47 --- FAMULUS a servant or attendant [n]
Other moves: FARM 15A 44, FILM 15A 44, FIRM 15A 44, FLAM 15A 44, FLIM 15A 44
FILM 15A 44 yab

On 11th draw, VINT 15A 28 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other moves: TING 15A 27, TONG 15A 27, CION 15A 25, COIN 15A 25, COIT 15A 25
COIN 15A 25 yab

On 12th draw, MOG N2 27 --- MOG to move away [v]
Other tops: MAG N2 27
Other moves: GAM 13I 25, OLM N1 25, MAG 12B 24, MOA N13 24, MOG 12B 24
MAG N2 27 yab

On 13th draw, CENTRING J2 69 --- CENTRING a temporary framework for an arch [n]
Other moves: GENTRICE I1 65, GREIN 13I 33, INTERCOM 3H 26, CIG 12B 24, GERT 13I 24
ENGIRT K3 14 yab

On 14th draw, ZOA N13 45 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZO N13 41, AZOTH 5G 34, RAH M1 33, AH M2 31, HAZER 3G 31
ZOA N13 45 yab
ZOOM 3L 30 marigold

On 15th draw, RAD M1 25 --- RAD radically trendy [adj] --- RAD to fear [v]
Other tops: LAD M1 25
Other moves: AD M2 23, DAE 13I 21, DEE 13I 21, EAR M1 21, LAR M1 21
RELATED 5F 16 yab
LEADER 6E 9 marigold

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