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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of September 26, 2011 at 19:37

Word find
Word played
1 EINQRTU             QUINTE H4 50 50  
2 ?IKLNVY             KIN(D)Y I3 43 93  
3 ADEEHRU HA J2 19 -11 19 3/3 HAUD G6 30 123 3/3
4 AEEILNT NEAT I9 10 -54 29 3/3 LINEATE I9 64 187 3/3
5 AACDEIN CANED 15F 24 -16 53 2/3 AIDANCE 11E 40 227 3/3
6 EEIILRV RELIVE 15H 39 -3 92 2/3 VEILIER 15D 42 269 3/3
7 AEORTWX REWAX 10B 60   152 3/3       329 3/3
8 EIOPSTU KIPES 3I 22 -49 174 4/4 PITEOUS L5 71 400 3/4
9 ?AGMORT MA(S) J2 27 -47 201 1/4 MORT(G)AGE C3 74 474 3/4
10 ABEITWY             AWAY 8A 42 516 3/4
11 DINNOTZ ZOOT 4A 46 -4 247 2/4 ZOOID 4A 50 566 3/4
12 CEFJLOS COZE A2 15 -36 262 4/4 CLOZES A1 51 617 3/4
13 BELORRS BOLES M2 20 -50 282 3/3 LABORERS 13H 70 687 3/4
14 ADENOPT PED 11A 20 -69 302 3/3 TONEPADS O6 89 776 3/4
15 EFINSTU             EFTS F1 31 807 3/5

Total: 302/807 or -505 for 37.42%
Rank: 5196

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