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Game of September 27, 2011 at 01:04, 5 players - after 15 words played
1. 412 pts immy
2. 404 pts iwhist
3. 109 pts paulineasb

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acilrtw   H4    26    26   crawl
 2. ?aijnry   6G    77   103   janisary
 3. bcgiosy   7F    36   139   cowy
 4. ?ehoott   K6    68   207   soothest
 5. benopru   H1    57   264   pubcrawler
 6. aeinnot   M3    70   334   inornate
 7. ehiimos  N10    51   385   homies
 8. beilstx  15J    63   448   sexist
 9. aeefgpt   8J    30   478   potage
10. adeeglu   L1    29   507   gelada
11. deiosuv  11B    92   599   devious
12. abeirtu   N2    30   629   beaty
13. adeinqr   O1    37   666   qi
14. adeirsv   C4    65   731   readvise
15. demnnor  15G    48   779   nonsexist


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6884 Fileimmy        2 10:52  -367  412     1.6884 immy        2 10:52  -367  412 
  2.6484 Fileiwhist      1 12:04  -375  404     2.6484 iwhist      1 12:04  -375  404 
  3.4603 Filepaulineasb  0  3:51  -670  109     3.6128 Lucylulu    0  1:18  -719   60 
  4.6128 FileLucylulu    0  1:18  -719   60            Group: not rated
  5.4965 Filejohnny55    0  1:28  -759   20     1.4603 paulineasb  0  3:51  -670  109 
                                             2.4965 johnny55    0  1:28  -759   20 

On 1st draw, CRAWL H4 26 --- CRAWL to move with the body on or near the ground [v]
Other moves: CITRAL H4 22, CRAWL H8 22, ARTIC H8 20, CITAL H4 20, CLART H4 20
CRAWL H4 26 iwhist, immy

On 2nd draw, JANI(S)ARY 6G 77 --- JANISARY a Turkish soldier [n]
Other tops: JANI(S)ARY 6C 77, JANI(Z)ARY 6C 77, JANI(Z)ARY 6G 77
Other moves: JARRIN(G) 5E 52, INJ(E)RA 3C 37, J(A)RINA 3C 37, JARIN(A) 3C 36, JAY 3G 36
JAY(S) 9E 27 immy, iwhist

On 3rd draw, COWY 7F 36 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other moves: CYBORGS M2 34, CYBORG M2 32, BOYGS 9F 28, BOY 5J 27, BOYG 9F 27
GOBY 9E 27 iwhist
BOY 5J 27 immy

On 4th draw, (S)OOTHE(S)T K6 68 --- SOOTH true [adj]
Other tops: (P)HOTO(S)ET K1 68
Other moves: EY(E)TOOTH N5 65, (E)YETOOTH N5 65, O(U)TCRAWL H1 36, TOOTH(S) 3C 34, TO(R)OTH 8A 34
HEL(E) 8F 28 immy
HOT 5J 21 iwhist

On 5th draw, PUBCRAWLER H1 57 --- PUBCRAWLER
Other moves: BOONER 8J 27, BOURNE 8J 27, PREBUY N1 26, PEON L8 25, PREBORN M1 24
PRO(S)E 12H 18 iwhist
PO L8 16 immy

On 6th draw, INORNATE M3 70 --- INORNATE not ornate [adj]
Other tops: ENACTION 4E 70, REANOINT M6 70
Other moves: ENATION(S) 12D 66, ANOINTER 10A 62, INTONATE 13E 60, NOINT L8 26, ANOINT L10 25

On 7th draw, HOMIES N10 51 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: HIEMS N10 49, HOMES N10 49, HOMIE N10 49, HIOIS N10 45, HOISE N10 45
HOMES 11D 40 iwhist, immy

On 8th draw, SEXIST 15J 63 --- SEXIST one that practices sexism [n]
Other moves: EXIST 15K 60, IXTLES 11C 46, EXIST 11E 44, EXITS 11D 44, LEXIS 11D 44
EXIST 15K 60 iwhist, immy
SIXES 15J 20 johnny55

On 9th draw, POTAGE 8J 30 --- POTAGE a thick soup [n]
Other moves: FATE L1 28, FETA L1 28, FETE L1 28, PAGE L1 27, GANEF 4K 26
APT 8M 15 iwhist
EF N2 15 immy

On 10th draw, GELADA L1 29 --- GELADA a baboon [n]
Other moves: GADE L1 23, GUDE L1 23, EDGE L1 21, P**D J8 21, DALE L1 20
LEANED 4J 18 iwhist
DAG G9 14 immy

On 11th draw, DEVIOUS 11B 92 --- DEVIOUS indirect [adj]
Other moves: DEVIOUS G9 71, VIDEOS 11C 40, DIVES 11D 38, DOVES 11D 38, VOIDS 11D 38
VIDEOS 11C 40 immy
DOVES 11D 38 iwhist
GIVE 1L 24 paulineasb

On 12th draw, BEATY N2 30 --- BEATY of music, having a marked beat [adj]
Other moves: BAGUET 1J 27, BEGIRT 1J 27, ABRI M12 26, BRAVE D8 26, BRAVI D8 26
BRAVE D8 26 iwhist
AB 10E 22 immy
GIBE 1L 21 paulineasb

On 13th draw, QI O1 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DARN O1 31, DERN O1 31, AIRN O1 28, EARN O1 28, QI 10E 28
QI O1 37 immy
QI 10E 28 iwhist
QAT 13I 22 paulineasb

On 14th draw, READVISE C4 65 --- READVISE to advise again [v]
Other moves: READVISE 9A 64, VARVED D8 34, SAVVIED D9 32, VARVES D8 32, ADVERBS 3C 30
VIERS C9 24 immy
VIVAS D11 24 Lucylulu
VIVERS D9 24 iwhist
SERVED C7 12 paulineasb

On 15th draw, NONSEXIST 15G 48 --- NONSEXIST [adj]
Other moves: ENORM B2 40, MOVED 8A 36, MOVER 8A 33, MODERN D1 32, DEVON 8A 30
MOVED 8A 36 iwhist, Lucylulu, immy
ROVED 8A 30 paulineasb

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