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Game of September 27, 2011 at 01:50, 5 players - after 15 words played
1. 263 pts iwhist
2. 242 pts immy
3. 87 pts Snook

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. noopsuv   H8    20    20   snoop
 2. eglnnos   8A    83   103   longness
 3. aeloprs   A1    83   186   reposall
 4. belmnoy  13C    97   283   benomyl
 5. aefghrs  14B    55   338   gerah
 6. ?cijrtx  11E    60   398   xerotic
 7. aeelnot  15A    33   431   tolan
 8. aeeehis  10E    34   465   ah
 9. ?efituv   K8    65   530   fructive
10. aefntuy   B2    37   567   fay
11. deeirst   D2    70   637   estridge
12. adeikuw  15K    51   688   ewked
13. eimrtuv   G1    67   755   vitreums
14. abeeirt   O8    86   841   rebaited
15. aegiijw   1E    42   883   jive


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6485 Fileiwhist      2  7:12  -620  263     1.6485 iwhist      2  7:12  -620  263 
  2.6865 Fileimmy        1  7:29  -641  242     2.6865 immy        1  7:29  -641  242 
  3.4965 FileSnook       0  5:02  -796   87     3.6515 TwoFold     1  2:45  -817   66 
  4.6515 FileTwoFold     1  2:45  -817   66     4.6131 Lucylulu    0  1:33  -867   16 
  5.6131 FileLucylulu    0  1:33  -867   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4965 Snook       0  5:02  -796   87 

On 1st draw, SNOOP H8 20 --- SNOOP to pry about [v]
Other tops: POONS H4 20
Other moves: NOOPS H4 16, NOOPS H8 16, NOUPS H4 16, NOUPS H8 16, POONS H8 16
POONS H4 20 immy
SNOOP H8 20 iwhist
SPOON H4 16 Lucylulu, Snook

On 2nd draw, LONGNESS 8A 83 --- LONGNESS the state of being long [n]
Other moves: LONGNESS 8B 60, ENNOGS 13C 26, LONGES 13C 24, ENNOGS G9 21, ENNOGS I9 21
LONGS 13D 16 iwhist
GOES G7 15 immy
OGLE 11H 10 Snook

On 3rd draw, REPOSALL A1 83 --- REPOSALL reposing [n]
Other moves: PAROLES 13B 78, PROLAPSE 12H 76, PROPALES 12H 76, PERSONAL C3 74, PROLAPSE 12C 74
POLERS 13C 26 immy
PEARLS 13C 26 Snook
PROPELS 12H 22 iwhist

On 4th draw, BENOMYL 13C 97 --- BENOMYL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: BENOMYLS G1 67, BENOMYL 11E 56, BOLONEY 11E 48, EMBOLY 2A 42, EMBOLY 13C 39
BOY B4 35 immy, iwhist
LEMONY 13C 35 Snook

On 5th draw, GERAH 14B 55 --- GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n]
Other moves: AFRESH J9 43, AFRESH 14I 42, FRESH J10 42, FASH B2 41, FAH 14D 37
FAH 14D 37 iwhist
FAGS J10 31 immy

On 6th draw, X(E)ROTIC 11E 60 --- XEROSIS abnormal dryness of a body part or tissue [adj] --- XEROTIC of abnormally dry body tissues [adj]
Other moves: (F)IX B4 53, (M)IX B4 53, (N)IX B4 53, (P)IX B4 53, (S)IX B4 53
(O)X B5 50 immy, iwhist

On 7th draw, TOLAN 15A 33 --- TOLAN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANOLE 15D 31, ATONE 15D 31, LONE 15A 27, LOTA 15A 27, LOTE 15A 27
NOTA 15A 27 iwhist
NOTE 15A 27 immy

On 8th draw, AH 10E 34 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other tops: EH 10E 34
Other moves: HIES J10 30, EISH B2 29, HAO B6 29, SHA J13 29, SHE J13 29
EH 10E 34 iwhist
SHE J13 29 immy

On 9th draw, F(R)UCTIVE K8 65 --- FRUCTIVE fruitful [adj]
Other moves: (R)EFIT B2 35, (R)IFTE B2 35, FIE(S)T J10 31, FE(E)T B2 29, FE(N)I B2 29
EF B1 22 iwhist
T(O)O B6 9 immy

On 10th draw, FAY B2 37 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other tops: FEY B2 37
Other moves: AUNTY L4 36, FAYNE 8K 36, FAYNE 15G 33, FAUT B2 32, FENT B2 32

On 11th draw, ESTRIDGE D2 70 --- ESTRIDGE the ostrich [n]
Other moves: DIESTERS G1 61, EDITRESS G1 61, DESTINE C3 38, STEDE C2 34, STEED C2 34

On 12th draw, EWKED 15K 51 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: WAUKED 15G 48, EWKED 15H 45, KAWED 15H 45, WAKED 15H 45, FAKED 8K 42

On 13th draw, VITREUMS G1 67 --- VITREUM a vitreous humour of the eye [n]
Other moves: FIVER 8K 36, VERITE N10 34, VERTUE N10 34, VIRTUE N10 34, FEMUR 8K 33

On 14th draw, REBAITED O8 86 --- REBAIT to bait again [v]
Other tops: EBRIATED O8 86
Other moves: TIEBREAK M8 80, EBRIATE L2 76, EBRIATE J2 68, VIBRATE 1G 39, EVIRATE 1F 33
EVERT 1F 24 TwoFold

On 15th draw, JIVE 1E 42 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JAI J6 31, VIEW 1G 30, WAVE 1E 30, WIVE 1E 30, JAK M13 28
JIVE 1E 42 TwoFold

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