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Game of September 27, 2011 at 07:54, 6 players - after 15 words played
1. 461 pts Stranger
2. 240 pts fatcat
3. 157 pts mylover81

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinpst   H2    76    76   dipnets
 2. abimoor   G3    29   105   moira
 3. ?ahilrx   I2    44   149   axe
 4. ailorsu   F7    62   211   ouralis
 5. afinoow   6E    34   245   owre
 6. abfntuy  11E    52   297   flaunty
 7. ?adeeel  13C    70   367   teaseled
 8. aeefluz   5C    52   419   fez
 9. beiiimo   4B    27   446   mib
10. akortuu   3A    39   485   tarok
11. eiloprv   8H    92   577   slipover
12. egnnoty  12A    31   608   goey
13. adghnot   A9    39   647   hangdog
14. acdiinu   N1    76   723   induciae
15. aeghqrt   B6    39   762   gerah


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7094 FileStranger    4 10:14  -301  461     1.7094 Stranger    4 10:14  -301  461 
  2.4916 Filefatcat      0 16:34  -522  240     2.7136 mylover81   0  7:06  -605  157 
  3.7136 Filemylover81   0  7:06  -605  157            Group: intermediate
  4.5614 FileVelly       0  4:40  -676   86     1.6755 una         0  3:21  -679   83 
  5.5934 Fileannelhynz   0  2:38  -679   83            Group: novice
  6.6755 Fileuna         0  3:21  -679   83     1.5614 Velly       0  4:40  -676   86 
                                             2.5934 annelhynz   0  2:38  -679   83 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4916 fatcat      0 16:34  -522  240 

On 1st draw, DIPNETS H2 76 --- DIPNET to scoop fish with a type of net [v]
Other moves: DIPNETS H4 74, STIPEND H6 74, DIPNETS H3 72, DIPNETS H6 72, DIPNETS H7 72
PINED H4 22 Stranger

On 2nd draw, MOIRA G3 29 --- MOIRA fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion [n]
Other moves: AMBROID 2B 28, BOOM G3 28, BOAR G3 24, BOOR G3 24, MOOR G3 24
MOOR G3 24 Stranger
BROOMS 8C 11 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AX(E) I2 44 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: H(E)X I1 42, H(O)X I1 42, LAX I1 41, RAX I1 41, AX I2 40
AX(E) I2 44 Stranger
MIX 3G 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, OURALIS F7 62 --- OURALI a plant which yields curare [n]
Other moves: OURALIS I8 61, INSULAR 5G 24, LAIRS F4 23, RAILS F4 23, ALOINS 5D 22
RAINS 5E 20 Stranger, Velly
SAILORS 8H 8 fatcat

On 5th draw, OWRE 6E 34 --- OWRE rock containing a valuable metal [n]
Other tops: WREN 6F 34
Other moves: AW J1 28, OW J1 28, INFLOW 11C 24, ONFLOW 11C 24, FAWNS 13B 22
AW J1 28 Stranger
WOLF 11D 20 Velly
FLOW 11E 20 fatcat

On 6th draw, FLAUNTY 11E 52 --- FLAUNTY gaudy [adj]
Other moves: ABY J1 42, BY J2 41, FUBSY 13C 34, FY J1 31, ANY J1 30
ABY J1 42 Stranger
FY J1 31 mylover81
BY J1 30 Velly
AUNTY 10F 16 fatcat

On 7th draw, (T)EASELED 13C 70 --- TEASEL to raise a soft surface on fabric with a bristly flower head [v]
Other tops: (W)EASELED 13C 70
Other moves: (R)ELEASED 13A 68, DELE(G)ATE J5 62, ELE(V)ATED J6 62, E(N)SEALED 13D 60, (R)ESEALED 13D 60
DE(Y) J1 23 Stranger
DEALS 13B 12 fatcat

On 8th draw, FEZ 5C 52 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: L*Z 5C 46, LUZ 5C 46, FEAZE 10K 45, L*Z H13 36, LUZ H13 36
FEZ 5C 52 Stranger
FEZ D12 30 fatcat
LAZY K8 16 Velly

On 9th draw, MIB 4B 27 --- MIB a type of playing marble [n]
Other tops: MOB 4B 27
Other moves: BIOME 14A 25, BIOME D1 24, MOBIE D1 24, MIB 12B 23, ZOBO E5 23
MOB 4B 27 Stranger
LOB H13 15 fatcat

On 10th draw, TAROK 3A 39 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other tops: KOA 3C 39, KOR 3C 39
Other moves: AUK 3A 38, OAK 3A 38, OUK 3A 38, ROK 3A 38, TAK 3A 38
ROK 3A 38 Stranger
KO 3C 37 annelhynz, mylover81
STARK 8H 14 fatcat

On 11th draw, SLIPOVER 8H 92 --- SLIPOVER a pullover [n]
Other moves: OVERPLY K5 30, PLOVERY K5 30, OLIVER 14J 27, PULLER H10 27, VIER 12A 27
VEEP D12 24 Stranger
VET A1 18 mylover81, annelhynz
SILVER 8H 10 fatcat

On 12th draw, GOEY 12A 31 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other tops: GEY J1 31
Other moves: ONY J1 30, NY J2 29, NY J1 28, OY J1 28, TOEY 12A 27
GOEY 12A 31 Stranger
OY J1 28 annelhynz
GEY 12B 25 mylover81
DAY 2H 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, HANGDOG A9 39 --- HANGDOG a contemptible person [n]
Other tops: HANGDOG A6 39
Other moves: HAGDON 14I 36, UHLAN H11 36, HAGDON A10 33, GATH 14B 29, GHAT 14B 29
AH J1 28 Stranger
THONG A8 27 fatcat, una
GHAT A12 24 mylover81

On 14th draw, INDUCIAE N1 76 --- INDUCIAE a Scottish legal time limit for a defendant [n]
Other moves: INDICAN 5G 31, INDICIA 5G 31, CANID B6 30, ADUNC 12K 27, NICAD B6 26
ACID B7 23 una
CAD B8 22 mylover81, Stranger
DRAIN O7 6 fatcat

On 15th draw, GERAH B6 39 --- GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n]
Other moves: QAT A1 36, THEIR 1K 36, HAIR 1L 33, HEIR 1L 33, RAH B8 32
QAT A1 36 Stranger
THEIR 1K 36 fatcat
HEIR 1L 33 una

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