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Game of September 27, 2011 at 15:27, 7 players - after 15 words played
1. 434 pts musdrive
2. 407 pts jeff
3. 396 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefgips   H4    28    28   fices
 2. aehoopt   G7    27    55   hope
 3. aeirrty  11B    80   135   retiary
 4. eilostz  10F   125   260   zeolites
 5. ?adhmnu   B7    80   340   unharmed
 6. ceiorsu  12H    77   417   scourie
 7. egsttuv   O8    32   449   tegus
 8. ?agnpvw   5E    52   501   wavings
 9. aekoorw   A4    50   551   karoo
10. adilotu   C1    76   627   outlaid
11. aeeijlm  A12    40   667   meal
12. abbdint   1C    33   700   obtain
13. beginot  12D    27   727   eng
14. abiinoq   2B    42   769   quoin
15. aabejwy   I7    28   797   weal


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7231 Filemusdrive    4 14:55  -363  434     1.7231 musdrive    4 14:55  -363  434 
  2.7081 Filejeff        1 13:48  -390  407     2.7081 jeff        1 13:48  -390  407 
  3.6408 FileGrace_Tjie  2 11:19  -401  396            Group: intermediate
  4.6510 FileKenpachi    2 15:43  -425  372     1.6408 Grace_Tjie  2 11:19  -401  396 
  5.6401 Filedanmarcy    2 18:26  -425  372     2.6510 Kenpachi    2 15:43  -425  372 
  6.6515 FileTwoFold     1 16:32  -458  339     3.6401 danmarcy    2 18:26  -425  372 
  7.6069 Fileraggedy01   2 15:10  -484  313     4.6515 TwoFold     1 16:32  -458  339 
                                             5.6069 raggedy01   2 15:10  -484  313 

On 1st draw, FICES H4 28 --- FICE a small dog of mixed breed [n]
Other moves: SEPIC H8 24, FICES H8 22, EPICS H4 20, EPICS H8 20, FICES H5 20
FICES H4 28 musdrive, Grace_Tjie, danmarcy, raggedy01, Kenpachi
SPICE H4 20 jeff

On 2nd draw, HOPE G7 27 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other tops: HEPT G7 27, HOPE I7 27
Other moves: HAP G7 26, HEP G7 26, HOP G7 26, HOP I7 26, PATH I3 26
HOPE G7 27 jeff, Grace_Tjie, TwoFold, Kenpachi
HOPE I7 27 danmarcy
PATH I3 26 musdrive

On 3rd draw, RETIARY 11B 80 --- RETIARY resembling a net [adj]
Other tops: RETIARY 11G 80
Other moves: RETIARY I7 76, RETIARY 5E 40, ARTERY H10 32, RARITY H10 32, YARER F10 31
YETI F10 28 jeff
YEAR I7 28 Grace_Tjie, musdrive, Kenpachi, TwoFold
YEAR F10 28 danmarcy
RETRY 11D 26 raggedy01

On 4th draw, ZEOLITES 10F 125 --- ZEOLITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ZLOTIES F1 76, ZEOLITE 10F 74, ZEOLITES C5 69, ZLOTIES D8 52, ZLOTE D8 48
COZ 6H 34 jeff
TOZES G1 31 Grace_Tjie
ZIT G3 29 Kenpachi
ZOS G3 29 TwoFold
ZO F8 27 raggedy01
ZITS D9 26 musdrive
ZEES C10 26 danmarcy

On 5th draw, UNHARM(E)D B7 80 --- HARM to injure [adj] --- UNHARMED not harmed [adj]
Other moves: UNSHAM(E)D M8 78, UN(S)HAMED L4 78, NUMDAH(S) F1 77, DUT(C)HMAN K8 76, HUMAN(O)ID 5B 76
MAD(S) 12C 34 jeff
HUNT(E)D D8 26 musdrive
HAD 12C 26 Grace_Tjie
SHAM(E)D M10 22 danmarcy
HAD I3 19 Kenpachi
H(E)M 12A 16 TwoFold
HUMANS M5 15 raggedy01

On 6th draw, SCOURIE 12H 77 --- SCOURIE a young gull [n]
Other moves: SCOURIES M3 74, COURIES C1 73, CITREOUS K8 70, OUTCRIES K8 70, COURIES F1 69
ROUSE A6 30 Grace_Tjie
ICE A8 30 musdrive
CRUSIES M7 26 Kenpachi
SCOUR 12H 23 jeff
ROC A13 19 TwoFold
ZAS F10 12 danmarcy

On 7th draw, TEGUS O8 32 --- TEGU a lizard [n]
Other tops: TEGUS A5 32
Other moves: GEST A7 31, GUST A7 31, GUE A7 26, GUS A7 26, SETT O12 26
GEST A7 31 Grace_Tjie
STET O12 26 musdrive, TwoFold
SUET O12 26 jeff
GNUS 8A 18 raggedy01
GUTS O9 17 danmarcy, Kenpachi

On 8th draw, WAVING(S) 5E 52 --- WAVING the act of waving [n]
Other moves: PAVING(S) 5E 48, W(O)NGA A4 45, GNAWN 8A 39, P(A)NGA A4 39, P(O)NGA A4 39
GA(S)P A7 35 Grace_Tjie
WAV(I)NG C2 33 raggedy01
WAP A13 31 Kenpachi, danmarcy, jeff
PAW A13 30 TwoFold
P(E)W A13 26 musdrive

On 9th draw, KAROO A4 50 --- KAROO a dry plateau [n]
Other moves: KNAWE 8A 48, KNOWE 8A 48, KNEW 8A 45, KNOW 8A 45, OAK A8 38
KNOW 8A 45 danmarcy, jeff
WOK A13 37 Kenpachi, musdrive
KOW 6D 36 TwoFold
R(E)AWOKE 13A 28 raggedy01
WOO A6 26 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, OUTLAID C1 76 --- OUTLAY to pay out [v]
Other moves: OUTLAID N3 65, IDEAL C9 29, ADIT A12 28, ODAL A12 28, UDAL A12 28
ODAL A12 28 musdrive
ADIT A12 28 raggedy01
MAID 12B 23 jeff
TOAD B2 19 danmarcy
DUAL B2 18 Kenpachi
LOAD 4C 18 Grace_Tjie
DOT A13 17 TwoFold

On 11th draw, MEAL A12 40 --- MEAL the food served and eaten in one sitting [n] --- MEAL to cover with a grain [v]
Other tops: MAIL A12 40
Other moves: AMIE A12 32, AJEE N5 29, MEALIE C10 29, JAI N6 28, JEE N6 28
JEE N6 28 jeff
EM 6E 25 musdrive, danmarcy
OJIME 1C 22 Grace_Tjie
MAL A13 21 Kenpachi, TwoFold
JA 10A 9 raggedy01

On 12th draw, OBTAIN 1C 33 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: DUBBIN 2B 26, BIONT 1A 24, BIOTA 1A 24, DINGBAT J2 21, DIOTA 1A 21
OBTAIN 1C 33 musdrive
BIOTA 1A 24 raggedy01
BIO 1A 15 Grace_Tjie
ABB 4K 15 Kenpachi
BIBS M7 14 TwoFold
AB 4E 13 jeff
ID 12D 13 danmarcy

On 13th draw, ENG 12D 27 --- ENG a phonetic symbol [n]
Other moves: BETTING D8 26, BETTONG D8 26, BOET 2F 26, BOTTING D8 26, OB 6E 25
OB 6E 25 Grace_Tjie, musdrive, Kenpachi, danmarcy
BESTING M8 22 jeff, TwoFold
BEGIN N5 14 raggedy01

On 14th draw, QUOIN 2B 42 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUAI 2B 32, NIQABS M5 30, QUA 2B 28, *B* 2E 25, BOA 2F 25
QUOIN 2B 42 raggedy01, musdrive
QUA 2B 28 jeff, danmarcy, Grace_Tjie, TwoFold
OB 6E 25 Kenpachi

On 15th draw, WEAL I7 28 --- WEAL a mark left by a whip lash [n]
Other moves: JAWS M7 26, JAYS M7 26, J*WS M7 26, HEJAB 7G 25, WE I7 25
WEAL I7 28 musdrive
JAWS M7 26 Kenpachi
JAYS M7 26 Grace_Tjie, TwoFold, danmarcy
YE I7 25 jeff
AWAY 4K 21 raggedy01

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