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Game of September 28, 2011 at 01:30, 6 players - after 15 words played
1. 509 pts mylover81
2. 386 pts Suzette
3. 382 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adegiot   H2    72    72   godetia
 2. aimoqrt   G7    46   118   qat
 3. benorsu  10A    76   194   bournes
 4. ?aaeefs   E5    90   284   feasance
 5. aemnors  13B    81   365   oarsmen
 6. ?efgirr   3G    82   447   forgiver
 7. adinnrt   A8    30   477   tabid
 8. adeemno  14F    33   510   meaned
 9. cehnotv  15H    52   562   hoten
10. aenuuwy  14B    35   597   wye
11. eeilpst   N1    74   671   perlites
12. adgijnx   O6    56   727   axing
13. bdijruv  13J    38   765   jird
14. llooprt   1J    33   798   troppo
15. cilnovz   D1    57   855   zinco


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7147 Filemylover81   1 13:56  -346  509     1.7147 mylover81   1 13:56  -346  509 
  2.4511 FileSuzette     0 13:59  -469  386            Group: intermediate
  3.6376 FileZweep       0 10:48  -473  382     1.6376 Zweep       0 10:48  -473  382 
  4.4611 Filepaulineasb  0 16:33  -499  356     2.6652 ceosickey   0 14:16  -504  351 
  5.6652 Fileceosickey   0 14:16  -504  351            Group: novice
  6.5865 Filenarisa      0  5:21  -759   96     1.5865 narisa      0  5:21  -759   96 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4511 Suzette     0 13:59  -469  386 
                                             2.4611 paulineasb  0 16:33  -499  356 

On 1st draw, GODETIA H2 72 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other tops: GODETIA H4 72
Other moves: GODETIA H3 70, GODETIA H6 70, GODETIA H7 70, GODETIA H8 70, GODETIA H5 68
GAITED H7 20 mylover81
GATED H4 18 Suzette, narisa

On 2nd draw, QAT G7 46 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6F 32, MORAT G3 28, MORAT I3 28, MORIA G3 28, QORMA 3G 27
QAT 6F 32 paulineasb
QORMA 3G 27 mylover81
QI 7G 21 Suzette

On 3rd draw, BOURNES 10A 76 --- BOURNE a stream [n]
Other tops: UNROBES 10A 76, UNSOBER 10E 76
BOURNES 10A 26 mylover81
UNROBES 10A 26 narisa
BURNOOSE 3C 24 ceosickey
BORES 10C 22 paulineasb
BONES 5E 14 Suzette

On 4th draw, FEASAN(C)E E5 90 --- FEASANCE the performance of a condition, obligation, or duty [n]
Other moves: SEAFARE(R) D5 78, AF(F)EARES D5 72, A(F)FEARES D5 72, (L)EAFAGES 2C 71, SEAFA(R)ER D3 70
FA(R)ES I3 40 mylover81
FAB(L)ES A8 33 paulineasb, Suzette
FABS A8 27 narisa

On 5th draw, OARSMEN 13B 81 --- OARSMAN a person who rows a boat [n]
MARES I3 38 mylover81
BREAMS A10 33 Zweep
AMBER A8 30 ceosickey
MANES 13A 25 narisa
ROBES A8 24 paulineasb
BRANS A10 8 Suzette

On 6th draw, FORGI(V)ER 3G 82 --- FORGIVER one that forgives [n]
Other moves: FIG(U)RER 12G 80, FROG(G)IER 3F 78, F(A)IRGOER 3C 78, FRO(G)GIER 3F 74, FERRI(A)GE 5G 72
FIRE(S) I3 38 mylover81
FIBER A8 33 paulineasb, Zweep
REF F4 32 ceosickey
FRIB A7 27 Suzette

On 7th draw, TABID A8 30 --- TABID affected with tabes [adj]
Other tops: RABID A8 30
Other moves: DINNA D4 26, NARDS 8A 24, RAIDS 8A 24, RANDS 8A 24, RINDS 8A 24
RAIDS 8A 24 Zweep
DRAB A7 21 Suzette
TAD F4 20 mylover81
DAB A8 18 paulineasb

On 8th draw, MEANED 14F 33 --- MEAN to intend [v]
Other tops: AMENDE D3 33
Other moves: MEANED D1 32, MOANED D1 32, MEANE 14F 31, MONDE D4 31, DAEMON D1 29
MEAD 14F 29 Zweep
DAEMON D1 29 ceosickey
MANED H11 27 Suzette, paulineasb
DAM F4 27 mylover81

On 9th draw, HOTEN 15H 52 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: TECHNO 15J 47, HONE 15H 46, HOTE 15H 46, HEN 15H 40, HET 15H 40
HOTEN 15H 52 mylover81
HOTE 15H 46 Zweep
HONE 15H 46 Suzette
VETCH 5G 26 ceosickey
VENT M2 7 paulineasb

On 10th draw, WYE 14B 35 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: WANEY D2 32, WYE 14A 30, WYN 14A 30, WA(V)EY L1 28, WEY D4 28
WYE 14A 30 Zweep
YEW D4 28 ceosickey
WEY D4 28 mylover81
WA(V)Y L1 26 Suzette
WARY N1 20 paulineasb

On 11th draw, PERLITES N1 74 --- PERLITE a volcanic glass [n]
Other tops: EPISTLE B2 74
Other moves: REPTILES N3 64, LEEPS 15A 50, SLEPT 15A 50, LEEP 15A 47, SEEP 15A 47
SLEPT 15A 50 Zweep
LEEPS 15A 50 mylover81
SEEP 15A 47 ceosickey
PEES 15A 37 paulineasb
PEST O1 33 Suzette

On 12th draw, AXING O6 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AX F5 55, JINX 13J 50, AX O1 48, XI O7 42, NIX O7 38
JINX 13J 50 ceosickey
AX O1 48 Zweep, mylover81
JINX K2 36 Suzette
TAXI 6H 27 paulineasb

On 13th draw, JIRD 13J 38 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JIVED 6B 36, JIBED 6B 35, DIV M5 34, JIRD D4 34, JIB D4 33
JIVED 6B 36 Suzette
JIBED 6B 35 Zweep
JIB D4 33 ceosickey
BID M5 28 mylover81
JIRD K2 24 paulineasb

On 14th draw, TROPPO 1J 33 --- TROPPO too much (music) [adv]
Other moves: ROOPIT 5J 30, OPPO 1L 27, TROOP D3 25, FORETOP 5E 24, ROOP 12K 24
ROOP 12K 24 mylover81
PORT D4 21 Zweep
LOP D4 19 ceosickey
PIT 5M 19 paulineasb
TEX 7M 11 Suzette

On 15th draw, ZINCO D1 57 --- ZINCO a zincographic block [n]
Other moves: ZO 15D 43, ZIG 2F 38, GINZO J3 35, VIZOR L9 34, ZINE 6B 33
ZO 15D 43 mylover81
ZONE 6B 33 paulineasb, ceosickey
ZINE 6B 33 Zweep
ZEX 7M 29 Suzette

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