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Game of September 28, 2011 at 11:25, 3 players - after 14 words played
1. 542 pts Stranger
2. 367 pts hannasaur
3. 125 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eklnory   H4    34    34   kyloe
 2. bdeerst   7C    67   101   bestrode
 3. aegintw   4D    82   183   tweaking
 4. ?gioost   L4   100   283   sooting
 5. dhioqrv   3I    44   327   qi
 6. elnnosu   5E    28   355   only
 7. eeiopsu   2J    37   392   poise
 8. ?eeinru   O2    79   471   reunite
 9. aaginor   G7    63   534   rangiora
10. aehnprt  11D   102   636   perianth
11. adehjmx   N4    66   702   maxed
12. adfiloy   8A    46   748   alif
13. deeiorv  13C    78   826   override
14. abdfors  14J    53   879   forbad


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7106 FileStranger    5 11:59  -337  542     1.7106 Stranger    5 11:59  -337  542 
  2.5076 Filehannasaur   2 16:44  -512  367            Group: novice
  3.5062 Filegmills0     0  8:48  -754  125     1.5076 hannasaur   2 16:44  -512  367 
                                             2.5062 gmills0     0  8:48  -754  125 

On 1st draw, KYLOE H4 34 --- KYLOE one of the small long-haired Scottish cattle [n]
Other tops: YONKER H4 34
Other moves: YOKEL H4 32, YOKER H4 32, KRONE H4 28, YONKER H3 28, YONKER H7 28
YONKER H4 34 Stranger

On 2nd draw, BESTRODE 7C 67 --- BESTRIDE to straddle [v]
Other moves: BESORTED 7E 63, BEDES G5 27, BREEDS 9C 27, BREDES 9C 26, KERBED 4H 26
BREEDS 9C 27 Stranger

On 3rd draw, TWEAKING 4D 82 --- TWEAK to pinch and twist sharply [v] --- TWEAKING the act of tweaking [n]
Other moves: WINGBEAT C3 80, SWEATING E7 74, TAWING 8J 44, TEWING 8J 44, WASTING E5 44
WINGE 6J 32 Stranger
SWEATING E7 24 hannasaur

On 4th draw, SOOTI(N)G L4 100 --- SOOT to cover with soot (a black substance produced by combustion) [v]
Other moves: BIG(F)OOTS C7 74, GOOI(E)ST 9C 73, O(L)OGIST 9C 73, BOOSTI(N)G C7 72, (C)OGITOS 9B 72
SOOTI(N)G L4 50 Stranger
G(H)OST L1 48 hannasaur

On 5th draw, QI 3I 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VOID 8A 39, HOORD 6J 34, HOOD 6J 29, HOO 6J 27, VIRID 8K 27
QI 3I 44 hannasaur, Stranger

On 6th draw, ONLY 5E 28 --- ONLY standing alone [adj] --- ONLY with nothing or no one else [adv]
Other moves: LEYS 5F 23, ENOL 8A 22, LUES 8A 22, NEON 5C 22, NEON 8A 22
ONLY 5E 28 Stranger
LOUNGES 10H 12 hannasaur

On 7th draw, POISE 2J 37 --- POISE to hold in a state of equilibrium [v]
Other tops: PEISE 2J 37, PIOUS 2J 37
Other moves: EPOS 8A 28, OPES 8A 28, PEES 8A 28, PIES 8A 28, POIS 8A 28
POISE 2J 37 Stranger, hannasaur

On 8th draw, REUNI(T)E O2 79 --- REUNITE to come together again [v] --- UNITE to bring together so as to form a whole [v]
Other moves: RE(T)INUE O2 76, URE(D)INE O1 76, NEURI(N)E M8 71, NEURI(T)E M8 71, (N)EURINE M8 70
URINE(S) 1E 20 Stranger
RUNE(S) 1F 17 hannasaur
I(S) O1 10 gmills0

On 9th draw, RANGIORA G7 63 --- RANGIORA an evergreen New Zealand shrub with large ovate leaves and small greenish-white flowers [n]
Other moves: AGAR 8A 25, AGIN 8A 25, AGON 8A 25, GAIN 8A 25, GAIR 8A 25
GRAN 8A 25 Stranger
BARGAIN C7 22 gmills0
SOARING E7 16 hannasaur

On 10th draw, PERIANTH 11D 102 --- PERIANTH an outer covering of a flower [n]
Other moves: PANTHER N6 89, HAPTERON 12A 86, PANTHER N8 82, HARP 1L 79, HEAP 1L 79
HEAP 1L 79 Stranger
PANTHER N8 32 hannasaur
PANTHER 13A 24 gmills0

On 11th draw, MAXED N4 66 --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: EXAM N5 61, AXED N5 59, EXAM 8A 59, JEHAD 12A 59, MAX N4 59
MAXED N4 66 Stranger
JA F14 50 hannasaur
XI 6N 25 gmills0

On 12th draw, ALIF 8A 46 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other tops: LOAF 8A 46
Other moves: FOID 8A 39, IDYL 8A 37, ODYL 8A 37, FAY 8A 34, FLY 8A 34
FLY 8A 34 Stranger, hannasaur
PLAY D11 18 gmills0

On 13th draw, OVERRIDE 13C 78 --- OVERRIDE to ride over [v]
Other moves: OVERRIDE 13D 63, LIVERED B8 38, LOVERED B8 38, VIRED 12A 37, DIVER 12A 32
DIVER 12A 32 Stranger
PROVE D11 22 gmills0
DRIVER 13B 20 hannasaur

On 14th draw, FORBAD 14J 53 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other moves: FORBS 14J 49, FRABS 14J 49, FADOS 14J 47, FARDS 14J 47, FORDS 14J 47
SOFAR 15G 34 Stranger
BROADS 1E 33 hannasaur
IS H13 4 gmills0

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