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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 12:11

Word find
Word played
1 BEFOPST             BESPOT H4 26 26  
2 ACEFSTW             FETWAS 10C 31 57  
3 DEIOPRV             DISPROVE 6F 70 127  
4 ?ABDGIT             DI(N)GBAT N6 90 217  
5 ?EHNOTY             HONEY(P)OT K5 102 319  
6 AEIOORS             ARIOSE O10 30 349  
7 ADEENUY             EAVED L4 34 383  
8 DEEIORU             ERODE 3I 25 408  
9 AAEGKLQ KEG D9 8 -22 8 4/4 LEAKAGE 5B 30 438 4/4
10 EIJMRSU JAM D4 24 -34 32 3/3 JURIES 14J 58 496 4/4
11 ACHINOU NICHE C1 20 -19 52 4/4 ANCHO 15F 39 535 4/4
12 ACILNOQ QI M13 22 -2 74 2/3 OILCAN 14A 24 559 4/4
13 AFILORY FLOR A12 33 -9 107 3/4 YOOF A12 42 601 4/4
14 GILMNRU MINE C2 12 -14 119 4/4 MALIGNER D4 26 627 4/4

Total: 119/627 or -508 for 18.97%
Rank: 5594

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