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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 13:43

Word find
Word played
1 ABDEIST ABIDES H3 24 -52 24 3/5 BASTIDE H4 76 76 3/5
2 ADEINRT             DENTARIA 5D 86 162 5/5
3 ABEOORS OBOES L1 26 -6 50 3/6 BROOSE L1 32 194 4/6
4 ?AGIIMN BAM(S) 1L 21 -61 71 3/5 A(D)MIRING 2H 82 276 4/6
5 AEFNOSV SAFE 1F 37 -14 108 3/6 FOVEA 1D 51 327 4/6
6 EFGOSTZ FOGS 11E 27 -12 135 5/6 TOZES 11D 39 366 4/6
7 AEHPSWY SHAW 7L 23 -20 158 3/5 PSHAW 4A 43 409 3/6
8 ADELNRY DRAPEY A1 36 -56 194 5/6 REPANDLY A2 92 501 3/6
9 ?EEGLVX OXE(N) E11 10 -31 204 5/5 EX(O) 12D 41 542 4/6
10 EGNRTUY Z(O)NE F11 14 -25 218 5/6 EGGY O1 39 581 4/6
11 ADEEMOT YAM 9A 11 -32 229 5/5 ADEEM 3C 43 624 4/6
12 ILNORTU RIOT 13A 11 -50 240 5/5 TORULIN M6 61 685 5/6
13 AENOOQV VAN 13B 15 -22 255 4/5 VANE 10E 37 722 5/6
14 AGLPQRU QUIP 11K 30 -13 285 3/5 QUAG L11 43 765 4/6

Total: 285/765 or -480 for 37.25%
Rank: 4514

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