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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 15:59

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADOQSU (S)QUADS H3 50   50 1/2 QUADS H4   50 1/2
2 EGIORST GORIEST 3C 36 -50 86 1/3     86 136 1/3
3 ?AABCMO B(O)OM 4A 31 -61 117 1/3 CABOM(B)AS 8A 92 228 1/3
4 AAEOSTV AMOVES E7 22 -14 139 2/3 AVOSET 2I 36 264 2/3
5 ?AIIKTX TAX 2D 55 -6 194 1/3 K(E)X 2D 61 325 1/3
6 DEINPTW WIPED 1K 50   244 2/3       375 1/3
7 DIOORTY DOOR 4A 31 -49 275 1/4 BOTRYOID C8 80 455 1/4
8 AGINNST DATINGS 15C 30 -56 305 2/4 STAUNING 5E 86 541 2/5
9 DEEFILR FED 15A 21 -44 326 4/4 (B)ELFRIED F8 65 606 2/5
10 AEELPRT DRAPE 15F 24 -48 350 2/4 PREALTER 12E 72 678 2/5
11 EEFMOTU DEMOTE 15F 27 -9 377 2/4 FOUET 6J 36 714 2/5
12 AABHIMN HAM 11K 28 -12 405 2/3 MIHA B12 40 754 2/5
13 AEGLRUY LADY 15A 36 -32 441 2/4 ARGUTELY J8 68 822 2/5
14 ABEHNRZ BAH A13 56   497 1/4       878 1/5

Total: 497/878 or -381 for 56.60%
Rank: 6170

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