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Game of September 28, 2011 at 16:43, 6 players - after 14 words played
1. 422 pts immy
2. 91 pts lesft
3. 58 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeiknu   H7    80    80   unalike
 2. cddenor   7H    65   145   uncorded
 3. iorstvz   O7    42   187   dzos
 4. efhimor   N9    35   222   homier
 5. aaaenpy  M12    32   254   pye
 6. ?afgilo   L4    80   334   gairfowl
 7. dilorty   5H    74   408   idolatry
 8. acegnns  11C    72   480   encasing
 9. aaeistw   O1    45   525   stewy
10. aeimqrt   4H    48   573   qat
11. abdelno   E7    63   636   blancoed
12. ahopsuw  15H    60   696   whaups
13. aeegiot   8A    27   723   teagle
14. aemortv   B1    80   803   overtame


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6857 Fileimmy        4 11:02  -381  422     1.6857 immy        4 11:02  -381  422 
  2.3991 Filelesft       0  7:21  -712   91     2.6059 raggedy01   0  0:56  -777   26 
  3.5871 Filenarisa      0  1:28  -745   58     3.6474 iwhist      0  0:34  -794    9 
  4.  -  Filezaniqk      0  1:34  -764   39            Group: novice
  5.6059 Fileraggedy01   0  0:56  -777   26     1.5871 narisa      0  1:28  -745   58 
  6.6474 Fileiwhist      0  0:34  -794    9            Group: not rated
                                             1.3991 lesft       0  7:21  -712   91 
                                             2.  -  zaniqk      0  1:34  -764   39 

On 1st draw, UNA(L)IKE H7 80 --- ALIKE having close resemblance [adj] --- UNALIKE not alike [adj]
Other moves: UNAKI(T)E H2 72, UNAKI(T)E H3 72, UNAKI(T)E H4 72, UNAKI(T)E H6 72, UNAKI(T)E H8 72
KNEA(D) H4 26 raggedy01
KNI(T) H8 14 lesft

On 2nd draw, UNCORDED 7H 65 --- UNCORD to free from cords [v]
Other moves: DECODER 13G 32, ENCODED 13C 30, RECODED 13C 30, RECODED 13G 30, DECODER 13C 28
DORNECK 12B 28 immy
DUNCE 7G 11 lesft

On 3rd draw, DZOS O7 42 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: DITZ O7 42
Other moves: VISITOR 11E 40, DZO O7 39, VOIDS O4 39, VIZORS L3 38, TORSIVE N1 36
DITZ O7 42 immy
ZEROS N6 36 narisa
ZEROS 13G 25 lesft

On 4th draw, HOMIER N9 35 --- HOMEY homelike [adj] --- HOMY homelike [adj]
Other moves: FOH I11 33, HEIRDOM M3 32, EF 6M 29, EH 6M 29, IF 6M 29
HOMIER N9 35 immy
HOMED M3 22 narisa
HEM 13G 15 lesft

On 5th draw, PYE M12 32 --- PYE a book of ecclesiastical rules in the pre-Reformation English church [n] --- PYE to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: PYA M12 32, PYA M9 32, PYE M9 32
Other moves: APAY M12 30, NAPERY L3 30, PANARY L3 30, YEAN M10 30, AY 6M 29
AY 6M 29 immy
PEN 13M 10 lesft

On 6th draw, GAIRFO(W)L L4 80 --- GAIRFOWL the great auk [n]
Other moves: FOLIAGE(D) 13B 76, FOLIAGE(S) 13B 76, GOLFIA(N)A 9C 64, GOLFI(A)NA 8B 64, GOLFI(A)NA I1 64
IF 6M 29 immy
GOOF K5 16 lesft

On 7th draw, IDOLATRY 5H 74 --- IDOLATRY the worship of idols [n]
Other moves: DRYLOT 15H 42, DOTY I9 27, TRY O13 27, IDYL I10 25, ODYL I10 25
DOY M3 22 immy

On 8th draw, ENCASING 11C 72 --- ENCASE to enclose in a case [v]
Other moves: CAGE O12 50, CAGS O12 50, CANG O12 49, ASPIC 12K 48, CANE O12 46
CANNY O1 33 immy

On 9th draw, STEWY O1 45 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other moves: AWES O12 42, SWAT O12 42, TWAE O12 42, TWAS O12 42, AWAITS 15H 39
TAW O13 27 immy
AW 9H 9 iwhist

On 10th draw, QAT 4H 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 4H 45, IMARET 15H 36, QAT F10 32, MINARET I9 30, QINTAR D9 30
QAT 4H 48 immy

On 11th draw, BLANCOED E7 63 --- BLANCO to coat a military belt [v]
Other moves: ABORNE N2 33, BADE 12A 27, BODE 12A 27, ENABLED 13C 26, BA(L)E 10F 25
NAB O13 24 immy

On 12th draw, WHAUPS 15H 60 --- WHAUP a European bird [n]
Other moves: PASH O12 55, SHAW O12 51, SWAP O12 48, SPAW O12 47, SHAWL 8A 45
WHAUPS 15H 60 immy
HAW O13 39 zaniqk

On 13th draw, TEAGLE 8A 27 --- TEAGLE to hoist [v]
Other tops: TAIGLE 8A 27
Other moves: NGAIO D11 25, TENIAE D9 25, GONIA I9 24, TANGO D9 24, TENGE D9 24
TAG O13 21 immy

On 14th draw, OVERTAME B1 80 --- OVERTAME too tame [adj]
Other moves: VAROOM 12A 40, RAGMENT D6 34, OVERTEEM 13C 30, TARE O12 30, TARO O12 30
TAM O13 24 immy

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