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Game of September 28, 2011 at 18:11, 7 players - after 14 words played
1. 531 pts PIThompson
2. 524 pts raggedy01
3. 489 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aekrttu   H4    28    28   kurta
 2. aeefirv   4H    26    54   keavie
 3. afmortt   3L    26    80   afro
 4. ?aggstw   O1    42   122   stowage
 5. ?aiostx   8J    93   215   taxors
 6. inoorrs   K6    66   281   orarions
 7. dehillu  J10    31   312   hie
 8. abdejmn   M7    58   370   jobname
 9. aaeepst   7B    63   433   aseptate
10. efgilnt   1H    89   522   feltings
11. deilnoy  N10    55   577   yield
12. bdegiot   C1    74   651   bodgiest
13. acinoru   F4    68   719   nocturia
14. dehilmo   8A    50   769   meth


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7686 FilePIThompson  5  9:49  -238  531     1.7686 PIThompson  5  9:49  -238  531 
  2.6054 Fileraggedy01   2 19:22  -245  524     2.7062 jeff        2 10:48  -280  489 
  3.7062 Filejeff        2 10:48  -280  489            Group: intermediate
  4.6390 Filedanmarcy    0 12:49  -312  457     1.6054 raggedy01   2 19:22  -245  524 
  5.6516 FileKenpachi    1 12:14  -338  431     2.6390 danmarcy    0 12:49  -312  457 
  6.5223 FileAndy1990    0 13:05  -417  352     3.6516 Kenpachi    1 12:14  -338  431 
  7.4250 Filelynne321MH  0  5:40  -673   96            Group: novice
                                             1.5223 Andy1990    0 13:05  -417  352 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4250 lynne321MH  0  5:40  -673   96 

On 1st draw, KURTA H4 28 --- KURTA a loose-fitting tunic of India [n]
Other tops: KRAUT H4 28
Other moves: KRAUT H8 20, KURTA H8 20, TAKER H4 20, TAKER H8 20, KRAUT H5 18
KRAUT H4 28 PIThompson
TAKER H4 20 Andy1990, jeff, danmarcy
TAKER H5 18 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, KEAVIE 4H 26 --- KEAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other moves: FREAK 4D 24, KAFIR 4H 24, KEFIR 4H 24, KERVE 4H 24, KIEVE 4H 24
AFIRE I2 22 raggedy01, PIThompson
FARE I3 21 jeff
FIVER G8 17 Andy1990, danmarcy

On 3rd draw, AFRO 3L 26 --- AFRO a thick curly African hairstyle [n]
Other moves: AFT 3L 24, FEMORA M3 24, FORAM 6F 24, FORUM 5E 24, OFT 3L 24
FAR 3M 22 PIThompson, danmarcy, Andy1990, Kenpachi
FAT 3M 22 jeff
FROM G8 15 raggedy01

On 4th draw, STOWAG(E) O1 42 --- STOWAGE goods in storage [n]
Other tops: TOWAG(E)S O2 42
Other moves: A(M)OWTS O1 36, G(L)OWS O1 36, G(N)OWS O1 36, G(R)OWS O1 36, A(M)OWT O1 33
STOWAG(E) O1 42 PIThompson
G(R)OWS O1 36 Kenpachi, raggedy01
G(L)OWS O1 36 jeff
S(H)OW O1 30 Andy1990
WARS N1 28 danmarcy

On 5th draw, TAXO(R)S 8J 93 --- TAXOR one who taxes [n]
Other tops: TAXI(E)S 8J 93, TAXO(L)S 8J 93, TAXO(N)S 8J 93, TOXI(C)S 8J 93, TOXI(N)S 8J 93
Other moves: AXI(L)S 8K 90, AXO(N)S 8K 90, IX(I)AS 8K 90, OXI(D)S 8K 90, OXI(M)S 8K 90
TOXI(N)S 8J 93 PIThompson
TAXI(E)S 8J 93 jeff
TOXI(C)S 8J 93 raggedy01
(E)XITS 8K 90 danmarcy, Kenpachi
TAX(E)S 8K 69 Andy1990

On 6th draw, ORARIONS K6 66 --- ORARION a type of stole [n]
Other moves: NORIS 9I 23, ROSIN 9I 23, SOON 9H 19, NIS 9K 18, NOO 7K 18
SOON 9H 19 jeff
NIS 9K 18 PIThompson
NOS 7K 18 Kenpachi, raggedy01
IN 9L 15 Andy1990
ON 7L 15 danmarcy

On 7th draw, HIE J10 31 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other moves: HET J6 29, HUT J6 29, HEALD J2 28, HI J10 28, REH 7K 28
HIE J10 31 PIThompson, Kenpachi
HET J6 29 jeff, danmarcy
HUT J6 29 raggedy01
HILLED 10J 20 Andy1990

On 8th draw, JOBNAME M7 58 --- JOBNAME a computer code for a job instruction [n]
Other moves: JET J6 53, RAJ 7K 44, ENJAMB 12J 40, ENJAMB J1 35, JE(E) 7M 35
JET J6 53 jeff, PIThompson, danmarcy, Kenpachi, raggedy01
JEAN J2 27 Andy1990

On 9th draw, ASEPTATE 7B 63 --- ASEPTATE not partitioned by septa [adj]
Other moves: PAXES L6 40, AXES L7 33, ASP 14L 29, PST 14L 29, SAP 14M 29
PAXES L6 40 raggedy01
SAP 14M 29 PIThompson, danmarcy, Andy1990
ASP 14L 29 jeff
SPA 14M 29 Kenpachi

On 10th draw, FELTINGS 1H 89 --- FELTING felted material [n]
Other moves: FLEETING D4 76, FLEETING D5 76, FETTLING F4 66, FETTLING F5 66, NEIF 8A 46
FELTINGS 1H 89 raggedy01
NEIF 8A 46 PIThompson
FLITE 8A 38 jeff
FIN 6B 31 danmarcy
FEN 6B 31 Kenpachi
GIFT F4 16 Andy1990

On 11th draw, YIELD N10 55 --- YIELD to concede [v]
Other moves: (R)OYNED N8 43, ODYLE N10 38, (R)OYNE N8 38, NYED 6A 34, Y*D 6B 33
YIELD N10 55 PIThompson
Y*D 6B 33 danmarcy, Kenpachi
YEN 6B 31 jeff
DAILY B6 21 lynne321MH
YODEL D4 20 raggedy01

On 12th draw, BODGIEST C1 74 --- BODGIE useless or fraudulent [adj]
Other moves: BIGOTED 2C 71, EDIT O12 31, BITO 6B 30, OBIT 8A 30, BITE 8A 28
BITO 6B 30 PIThompson
BID 6B 27 danmarcy, jeff
BIGOTED D2 26 lynne321MH
DOB O13 25 Andy1990, raggedy01
DEB O13 25 Kenpachi

On 13th draw, NOCTURIA F4 68 --- NOCTURIA excessive urination at night time, a problem of old men [n]
Other moves: AXON L7 37, CABRIO 1A 33, CABIN 1A 30, COBIA 1A 30, COBRA 1A 30
CABIN 1A 30 Kenpachi, Andy1990, danmarcy, raggedy01
COBIA 1A 30 PIThompson
CAB 1A 21 jeff
CROP E4 16 lynne321MH

On 14th draw, METH 8A 50 --- METH a stimulant drug [n]
Other moves: LITH 8A 44, HAEMOID B6 38, MOBLED 1A 36, HAILED B6 35, EMBOIL 1A 33
METH 8A 50 jeff
MOBLED 1A 36 raggedy01
MOBILE 1A 33 lynne321MH
HEM 6B 33 Kenpachi, danmarcy
HAEM B6 32 PIThompson
HOMED E11 32 Andy1990

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