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Game sheet of Suzette (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 19:45

Word find
Word played
1 ?AABDES AB(O)DES H3 22 -52 22 2/2 A(U)BADES H2 74 74 2/2
2 ABELNOO BALES 8D 10 -13 32 2/2 OBOLE G6 23 97 2/2
3 ?AEEIIY YEA 10F 14 -21 46 2/2 A(L)EYE I4 35 132 2/2
4 EELNOPW WEEP F10 30 -7 76 2/2 PEW F8 37 169 2/2
5 AALMNTV MALT 2G 8 -23 84 2/2 MALVA E9 31 200 2/2
6 DEEINTT BAITED 4H 18 -54 102 1/1 DINETTE 9I 72 272 2/2
7 CELLRUU CRUEL O6 21 -12 123 1/2 CERULE O4 33 305 2/2
8 DEFGOOS FEDS 14B 27 -26 150 2/2 DEFOGS H10 53 358 2/2
9 AEILNOT TOILS 15D 6 -71 156 2/2 TOENAILS 15A 77 435 2/2
10 ENRSUUZ ZONERS 13G 26 -28 182 1/2 ZONURES 13G 54 489 2/2
11 GIOQRTU QUAG 2F 34 -52 216 2/2 TORQUING K3 86 575 2/2
12 DIJNOSU JUDO B12 24 -20 240 2/2 JOIN L1 44 619 2/2
13 AACDENT JADE 1L 36   276 1/2       655 2/2
14 HIINOPR PINOT A11 8 -32 284 2/2 HOG 14F 40 695 2/2

Total: 284/695 or -411 for 40.86%
Rank: 4496

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