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Game sheet of Grace_Tjie (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 22:06

Word find
Word played
1 DEFLNOX FOXED H4 40   40 4/4       40 4/4
2 AAEINRU NARE G5 22 -8 62 4/4 ANURIA I4 30 70 4/4
3 HIMORSS FARMS 4H 20 -16 82 3/5 DIORISMS 8H 36 106 3/5
4 AEEPRTW WARE J2 24 -24 106 4/5 REWRAPT K5 48 154 3/5
5 ?EEEILS LEES J1 12 -62 118 4/5 SEELIES(T) O8 74 228 4/5
6 DEEGILT DEG N10 21 -53 139 4/5 LEDGIEST M2 74 302 4/5
7 AINQRTU QUINS 14K 28 -61 167 5/5 TRANQUIL 2F 89 391 4/5
8 ABDEILO OBA 1G 31 -11 198 4/5 DEMOB N6 42 433 5/5
9 AAEETUY AYE 1G 37   235 1/5       470 5/5
10 ?ABEHVY YEA N13 22 -24 257 4/5 B(E)HAVE O1 46 516 5/5
11 DEKLTTU DUKE 3C 20 -20 277 5/5 KLETTS 14J 40 556 5/5
12 ALNOOPU POO 15H 21 -8 298 5/5 NAPOO 15G 29 585 5/5
13 EILMOUW WEM 14F 22 -2 320 4/6 LIMO L1 24 609 5/6
14 CFGIJOS JO 14F 27 -8 347 6/6 JIGS 10F 35 644 5/6

Total: 347/644 or -297 for 53.88%
Rank: 6197

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