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Game sheet of narisa (file), Game of September 28, 2011 at 22:50

Word find
Word played
1 AEIMTTW TAME H5 12 -14 12 4/4 TWAITE H3 26 26 4/4
2 EIOSTTY TOYS 9E 21 -5 33 3/4 TYSTIE 3H 26 52 4/4
3 EFORSUX FIXERS L2 32 -5 65 2/4 OXER 4L 37 89 3/4
4 ADILNPP RAPID O4 24 -16 89 1/4 PALADIN 5E 40 129 3/4
5 ?BGPRUU TWAITE(S) H3 9 -55 98 2/3 (S)UPERBUG 8E 64 193 2/4
6 ?EEEMST             STERE(O)ME O1 131 324 4/4
7 ALOQTUV             TALAQ F2 36 360 4/5
8 AADNORU             OUTWAITED H1 39 399 4/5
9 AEEFKRS             FAKEERS N8 103 502 4/5
10 AGILMNR             MALINGER 12H 80 582 4/5
11 AEGINOS             AGONIES 13C 77 659 5/5
12 AHIIORZ             RIZA 12A 45 704 5/5
13 DEHNNOW             WONNED 11D 36 740 5/5
14 ACEORVY             CARVERY A7 45 785 5/5

Total: 98/785 or -687 for 12.48%
Rank: 5748

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