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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 00:20

Word find
Word played
1 BGLMOPU GUMBO H4 24 -4 24 2/2 PLUMB H4 28 28 2/2
2 ABDEJTU JEU 6F 26 -1 50 2/2 JEAT I3 27 55 2/2
3 AADEHOS HADS J2 34 -5 84 1/2 SADHE J2 39 94 2/2
4 ABCRSTU SCUBA 9H 24 -3 108 1/2 SCAB G2 27 121 1/2
5 AEHINTW WHITENS 2A 30 -2 138 1/2 AWHAPED 4D 32 153 1/2
6 IOOPRSZ POZ 3B 39 -3 177 1/2 ORZO 3B 42 195 1/2
7 AEIPRVW WIPE 5B 44   221 1/1       239 1/2
8 AILOQSV SALVO A5 34 -1 255 1/2 QI H1 35 274 1/2
9 ACEIRTX EXTRA I8 24 -14 279 1/2 JAXIE 3I 38 312 1/2
10 ?ADEEEN (S)EED N3 27 -56 306 1/2 BEDEA(F)EN 8H 83 395 1/2
11 DENORSU ROSED N1 32 -52 338 2/2 SOUNDER A5 84 479 1/2
12 DEFGKNY FENDY B10 55   393 1/2       534 1/2
13 EIKLRTV KEIR L1 26 -6 419 2/2 TREK 4L 32 566 1/2
14 ?ENOORU NERK(A) O1 24 -44 443 2/2 EURONO(T)E N8 68 634 1/2

Total: 443/634 or -191 for 69.87%
Rank: 7800

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