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Game of September 29, 2011 at 05:00, 2 players - after 14 words played
1. 117 pts leobill
2. 28 pts rosdee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bflruz   H4    52    52   zurfs
 2. aeeirtt   8A    74   126   iterates
 3. ceinost   C6    78   204   icestone
 4. adeiopw   B2    37   241   wiped
 5. bijorst   A1    45   286   job
 6. eilorsu  14C    70   356   soilure
 7. aaamnou   4H    32   388   zaman
 8. bdegipt   3I    37   425   betid
 9. ?eeentv  15I    82   507   evenest
10. cinorrs  10C    68   575   tricorns
11. dfgipsu   2J    38   613   fig
12. aadimno   6H    67   680   radioman
13. adehlrt   O4    45   725   handler
14. aeegovw  13I    40   765   weave


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4783 Fileleobill     0  6:41  -648  117     1.4783 leobill     0  6:41  -648  117 
  2.4062 Filerosdee      0  1:16  -737   28     2.4062 rosdee      0  1:16  -737   28 

On 1st draw, ZURF(S) H4 52 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: FURZ(E) H4 40, FURZ(Y) H4 40, FUZ(I)L H4 40, FUZ(I)L H8 34, FURZ(E) H5 32

On 2nd draw, ITERATE(S) 8A 74 --- ITERATE to repeat [v]
Other tops: ARIETTE(S) 8A 74, TREATIE(S) 8A 74
Other moves: FETERITA 7H 63, RETRAITE 6E 62, RETRAITE 6H 62, ARIETTE G8 60, ITERATE G8 60
ZAIRE 4H 28 rosdee
TEAZE 4E 14 leobill

On 3rd draw, ICESTONE C6 78 --- ICESTONE a mineral which yields aluminium [n]
CITES F6 15 leobill

On 4th draw, WIPED B2 37 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other tops: PAWED B2 37
Other moves: ZOWIE 4H 34, APODE B10 33, PAWED B11 33, WIPED B11 33, AWED D10 30
WATE F6 15 leobill

On 5th draw, JOB A1 45 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JIBS B11 41, JOBS B11 41, JINS 12A 38, JOT A1 37, JORS B11 35
JOTS F6 27 leobill

On 6th draw, SOILURE 14C 70 --- SOILURE a stain or smudge [n]
Other moves: LOURIEST F1 62, OUTLIERS 10A 62, OUTLIERS F6 62, EPULIS 4A 32, SPLORE 4A 32
RUSE 14A 19 leobill

On 7th draw, ZAMAN 4H 32 --- ZAMAN the raintree [n]
Other moves: ANOA C1 28, MARA H12 27, MORA H12 27, MORN H12 27, MURA H12 27
MORN H12 27 leobill

On 8th draw, BETID 3I 37 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other moves: BEGIRD H10 36, DEBIT 3I 35, BEGIRT H10 33, BIPED 13I 33, DEB C1 32

On 9th draw, EVENE(S)T 15I 82 --- EVEN smooth and level [adj]
Other tops: EVENTE(D) 15I 82, EVENTE(R) 15I 82
Other moves: EVENTE(D) N1 81, EVENTE(R) N1 81, EVE(R)NET N1 81, VENEN(A)TE 12A 80, EVE(R)NET 15I 79

On 10th draw, TRICORNS 10C 68 --- TRICORN a hat with the brim turned up on three sides [n]
Other moves: SP*C 4A 32, SPINOR 4A 32, CURSI 5G 30, URSON 5H 29, CIONS 13I 28

On 11th draw, FIG 2J 38 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FID 2J 38, FUD 2J 38, FUG 2J 38
Other moves: FUGUS 5G 35, SPIF 4A 34, PUDUS 5G 33, PUFFS 7E 33, DIFFS 7E 31

On 12th draw, RADIOMAN 6H 67 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: DAMAN 1K 38, DANIO 1K 32, MAIDAN 13I 32, AMID 1L 30, DAMAN 13E 30

On 13th draw, HANDLER O4 45 --- HANDLER one that handles [n]
Other moves: HANDER O4 42, HANDLE O4 42, HANTED O4 42, HANTLE O4 39, LATHEN O1 39

On 14th draw, WEAVE 13I 40 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: AVOW 1L 39, VEGA C1 38, VEGO C1 38, VEG C1 32, GAVE 13G 31

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