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Game of September 29, 2011 at 05:44, 4 players - after 14 words played
1. 384 pts JennyB
2. 138 pts gmills0
3. 107 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddlorw   H4    80    80   worlded
 2. acdeprw   G9    28   108   warped
 3. deghops  13E    68   176   sheepdog
 4. ?aeehlt   M7   102   278   lathees
 5. aagistu   F8    25   303   saga
 6. aeilsty   4G    78   381   sweatily
 7. acemrtv   8A    45   426   craves
 8. efinrty   8J    39   465   infare
 9. eimnqsu   E1    88   553   mesquine
10. eijoruy   1A    45   598   jorum
11. aegintu   K1    70   668   tautening
12. cilnorx   2I    62   730   oxalic
13. einoory   2B    40   770   reney
14. eiinotu   3C    29   799   nisei


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6018 FileJennyB      0 16:41  -415  384     1.6018 JennyB      0 16:41  -415  384 
  2.5055 Filegmills0     0  7:28  -661  138            Group: novice
  3.5279 Filemarigold    0  6:27  -692  107     1.5055 gmills0     0  7:28  -661  138 
  4.4062 Filerosdee      0  0:25  -771   28     2.5279 marigold    0  6:27  -692  107 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4062 rosdee      0  0:25  -771   28 

On 1st draw, WORLD(E)D H4 80 --- WORLDED containing worlds [adj]
Other moves: WORLD(E)D H6 76, WORLD(E)D H8 76, WORLD(E)D H2 74, WORLD(E)D H3 74, WORLD(E)D H5 72
WORD(E)D H4 28 JennyB
WORD(Y) H4 24 marigold

On 2nd draw, WARPED G9 28 --- WARP to turn or twist out of shape [v]
Other tops: COWPED 5G 28
Other moves: AWED G8 26, COWPEA 5G 26, WARED G9 26, PAWED G9 25, WADER G9 25
WARPED 4H 24 marigold
PACED I1 21 JennyB

On 3rd draw, SHEEPDOG 13E 68 --- SHEEPDOG a dog trained to guard and herd sheep [n]
Other moves: SHEEPDOG 13D 67, DOSEH F6 41, OHED H12 40, HOPED F6 37, PEH F8 36
HOP H13 32 JennyB
HEDGES 13C 22 marigold

On 4th draw, LATHEE(S) M7 102 --- LATHEE a heavy stick used as a weapon [n]
Other moves: HELOTA(G)E 5E 90, (C)HELATE F5 82, A(T)HLETE F5 74, HEL(O)TAGE L7 74, ATHLE(T)E F5 71
HEEL(S) M9 52 JennyB
HALT(S) 12K 25 marigold

On 5th draw, SAGA F8 25 --- SAGA a series of novels dealing with a family history [n]
Other moves: AGA F9 24, AGAST 8K 24, AGITAS F5 24, AGUES 12J 24, GAITS N8 24
AGAST 8K 24 JennyB
AGA 8M 12 marigold

On 6th draw, SWEATILY 4G 78 --- SWEATILY in a sweaty manner [adv] --- SWEATY covered with perspiration [adv]
Other moves: STAGEY L10 39, EYLIADS 14B 37, SLATEY L3 37, LYASE 8K 36, EYASS E10 34
SLATE E4 12 JennyB

On 7th draw, CRAVES 8A 45 --- CRAVE to desire greatly [v]
Other tops: CARVES 8A 45
Other moves: VACATE 8J 42, CRAMES 8A 39, TRAVES 8A 39, CAVA 8L 36, CAVE 8L 36
CRAVE 8K 33 JennyB

On 8th draw, INFARE 8J 39 --- INFARE a reception for newlyweds [n]
Other moves: FESTY E11 34, FISTY E11 34, FAIN 8L 33, FAIR 8L 33, FANE 8L 33
FINERY 11J 24 gmills0
FIRE N6 21 JennyB

On 9th draw, MESQUINE E1 88 --- MESQUINE mean [adj]
Other moves: REQUINS B8 72, MESQUINE O7 70, QUINE 12A 50, QUEYNS N1 40, QUINSIED J6 40
QUIMS J6 38 JennyB
QUINS J6 36 gmills0
QUEEN 11K 28 rosdee

On 10th draw, JORUM 1A 45 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: JURIED 14B 41, JUS E11 40, JERRY B6 39, ROGUY L11 32, ENJOY K7 30
JURY N1 28 gmills0
JOEY 11K 28 JennyB

On 11th draw, TAUTENING K1 70 --- TAUTEN to make taut [v]
Other moves: GAUNTED 14A 31, UNGATED 14A 31, GAITED 14B 29, GANTED 14B 29, YUGARIE N4 28
AGENT 14A 14 JennyB
EIGHT 10J 13 gmills0

On 12th draw, OXALIC 2I 62 --- OXALIC pertaining to a oxalis [adj] --- OXALIS a flowering plant [adj]
Other moves: XI F2 52, AXONIC C8 46, OX 2A 45, TOXIC 1K 45, CALIX 2J 40
XI F2 52 JennyB
ONYX N2 28 gmills0

On 13th draw, RENEY 2B 40 --- RENEY to renounce [v]
Other moves: EYOT 1H 35, RYOT 1H 35, OYE 2A 33, OY 2A 29, YOGIN L11 29
YORE N6 19 JennyB
DRY J13 9 gmills0

On 14th draw, NISEI 3C 29 --- NISEI one born in America of immigrant Japanese parents [n]
Other tops: TENIOID 14A 29
Other moves: INTOED 14B 27, OINTED 14B 27, TOISE 3B 27, UNITED 14B 27, UNTIED 14B 27
TORE N6 10 JennyB

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