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Game sheet of marigold (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 08:42

Word find
Word played
1 ?AAILSW             SA(H)IWAL H8 76 76  
2 ADIMSST AMIDST 15D 60 -53 60 3/3 DISMAST 15F 113 189 3/3
3 BDELOTU BLUES K11 14 -78 74 2/3 DOUBLETS 8A 92 281 3/3
4 BEGHOTV BEHOVE F3 16 -17 90 3/3 GLOBE 14G 33 314 3/3
5 CEEFKTT TEAK 9F 19 -13 109 3/3 FECK 13K 32 346 3/3
6 AGJNOTW             JAWING 11E 34 380 3/3
7 AEEHITT HA(H) 10F 31   140 1/3       411 3/3
8 AILORTY             DILATORY A8 89 500 3/3
9 HIOQRST             QIS K9 60 560 3/3
10 ?GIOPUZ             ZOUK(S) N10 74 634 3/3
11 EEHIRRT             HIREE B11 34 668 3/3
12 EFOPRTU             PROF O8 43 711 3/3
13 AENOPVY             PAY 12D 34 745 3/3
14 CENOTVX             COX C13 50 795 3/3

Total: 140/795 or -655 for 17.61%
Rank: 5522

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