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Game sheet of Lucylulu (file), Game of September 29, 2011 at 09:30

Word find
Word played
1 ACDOPRS             COPRAS H4 26 26  
2 ?DEHIRS             AIRSHED(S) 8H 95 121  
3 ?ABLORY             (S)OR(T)ABLY O8 86 207  
4 EGNOTUU TOE N12 16 -16 16 2/3 OUTSUNG K5 32 239 3/3
5 ADEFNRS DEAF L2 21 -17 37 2/2 SNARFED N2 38 277 3/3
6 AEENSTV VEST J2 17 -45 54 1/2 VENTAGES 11F 62 339 3/3
7 AGIINOW OW O3 20 -10 74 1/2 WAINING 3I 30 369 2/3
8 EFINOUU OF 2I 31 -6 105 1/2 FOGIE O1 37 406 2/3
9 AEHMORU             MAHOE 2H 40 446 2/3
10 ADEERUW             WEARED 1D 61 507 2/3
11 EEILORV             OVERLIVE F5 74 581 2/4
12 CDJNNOY             JENNY L1 51 632 2/4
13 ABELQTU             QUELEA 12D 39 671 2/4
14 LOOPTTU             POTTO 13I 28 699 2/4

Total: 105/699 or -594 for 15.02%
Rank: 5661

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