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Game of September 29, 2011 at 12:33, 4 players - after 14 words played
1. 317 pts naomiari
2. 290 pts ayoba
3. 276 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaioprt   H8    74    74   atropia
 2. ?aiiosu  15C    48   122   audios
 3. aeoortv   9F    64   186   rotovate
 4. ?bcdirs   N9    96   282   scribed
 5. ailnntu  11B    66   348   lunation
 6. ehjoprs  15J    48   396   ephods
 7. aeijrty   D8    48   444   jitney
 8. adeenrt   L6    70   514   nattered
 9. acgilmo  13C    40   554   myalgic
10. aeefinr   8L    35   589   tref
11. efhorsw  O12    31   620   fehs
12. aemoqrs   E4    41   661   qorma
13. aklnouy  14J    30   691   yu
14. aeegins   6B    65   756   anergies


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5849 Filenaomiari    0 13:57  -439  317     1.5849 naomiari    0 13:57  -439  317 
  2.5528 Fileayoba       0 14:51  -466  290     2.5528 ayoba       0 14:51  -466  290 
  3.5470 Fileginalee     0 19:16  -480  276     3.5470 ginalee     0 19:16  -480  276 
  4.5040 Filegmills0     0  3:47  -705   51     4.5040 gmills0     0  3:47  -705   51 

On 1st draw, ATROPIA H8 74 --- ATROPIA a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: ATROPIA H2 70, ATROPIA H3 70, ATROPIA H4 70, ATROPIA H6 70, ATROPIA H7 70
PATIO H4 20 naomiari
APART H4 16 ginalee

On 2nd draw, AU(D)IOS 15C 48 --- AUDIO reproduction of recorded or broadcast sounds [n]
Other tops: AIO(L)IS 15C 48, A(R)IOSI 15D 48, OUI(J)AS 15C 48, (M)IAOUS 15C 48
Other moves: AI(D)OS 15D 45, AI(T)US 15D 45, AU(L)OS 15D 45, AU(R)IS 15D 45, AU(T)OS 15D 45
SAI(D) 15H 39 naomiari
SAI(L) 15H 39 ginalee
SOU(P) 15H 39 ayoba

On 3rd draw, ROTOVATE 9F 64 --- ROTOVATE to till by means of a hand-operated machine [v]
Other tops: ROTOVATE 9B 64
Other moves: OVERAPT 12C 24, OVERTOP 12B 24, PAREV 12H 20, PARVE 12H 20, PARVO 12H 20
PROVE 12H 20 ginalee
VETO 14A 18 naomiari
TAVER I4 11 ayoba

On 4th draw, SCRIB(E)D N9 96 --- SCRIBE to mark with a pointed instrument [v]
Other tops: SC(A)BRID N9 96
Other moves: ASCRIB(E)D 14H 86, BA(L)DRICS 14G 86, BA(U)DRICS 14G 86, BA(W)DRICS 14G 86, C(Y)BRIDS N4 82
BID 8M 22 naomiari
B(E)D 8M 19 ayoba
TRIB(E)S L9 14 ginalee

On 5th draw, LUNATION 11B 66 --- LUNATION the interval between two successive new moons [n]
Other moves: TALI O12 32, UNAI 8L 32, LUNA 8K 24, TULADI 15J 24, TUNA 8K 24
NA O14 16 ayoba
ANNUL K9 10 ginalee
VIAL J9 9 naomiari

On 6th draw, EPHODS 15J 48 --- EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n]
Other moves: JOHNS D8 46, HEP 8M 41, HOPER 12A 40, HOPES 12A 40, JOURS C9 40
PODS 15L 30 ginalee
PRODS 15K 27 naomiari
JOB 13L 24 ayoba

On 7th draw, JITNEY D8 48 --- JITNEY a small bus [n]
Other moves: RAJ 8M 44, TAJ 8M 44, TERAI 8K 37, JITTERY L6 36, JITTERY L7 36
JAY 14B 33 ayoba
JAY 14A 31 naomiari
JIBE 13L 26 ginalee

On 8th draw, NATTERED L6 70 --- NATTER to chatter [v]
Other tops: RATTENED L6 70
Other moves: DATER 8K 41, DENAR 8K 41, DENET 8K 41, DERAT 8K 41, DETER 8K 41
ENDEAR K5 14 ayoba
TRAY 13A 14 ginalee
TAD 14A 11 naomiari

On 9th draw, MYALGIC 13C 40 --- MYALGIA muscular pain [adj] --- MYALGIC pertaining to myalgia [adj]
Other moves: CAMOGIE M3 37, CLOAM M3 33, GLOAM M3 31, CLAIM B10 30, CLOAM B10 30
CLAM M4 20 naomiari
AMA C13 20 ayoba
AGO E6 13 ginalee

On 10th draw, TREF 8L 35 --- TREF unfit for use according to Jewish law [adj]
Other moves: FEARE K7 29, NEAFE K7 29, EF 8N 27, TEAR 8L 26, TEEN 8L 26
EF 8N 27 naomiari
FINER M3 23 ayoba
AFIRE K2 18 ginalee

On 11th draw, FEHS O12 31 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOHS O12 31
Other moves: AFORE K9 30, HO 14J 30, WO 14J 30, OHO M13 28, HOWRE M5 26
HO 14J 30 naomiari, ayoba
WHORE K2 24 ginalee
WRENS 6I 10 gmills0

On 12th draw, QORMA E4 41 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMA K2 34, QORMA M2 34, ARAME K9 27, AROMA K9 27, AMOVES J6 24
QI 9C 21 gmills0, naomiari
MORSE K2 16 ginalee
MO E7 13 ayoba

On 13th draw, YU 14J 30 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other tops: KAURY 6B 30, YO 14J 30, YOUK K4 30
Other moves: LANKY M2 29, OKAY K4 29, YAK K5 28, YOK K5 28, YOKUL K3 28
QUAKY 4E 26 ayoba
LANKY 6J 22 ginalee
QUAY 4E 20 naomiari

On 14th draw, ANERGIES 6B 65 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GANJA 8A 39, AGNISE F1 30, AINEE F3 28, ANISE F2 26, SAINE F2 26
GAIN F2 22 naomiari, ayoba
GIVES J7 20 gmills0
SINGE K2 14 ginalee

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