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Game of September 29, 2011 at 13:16, 4 players - after 14 words played
1. 372 pts naomiari
2. 324 pts Stranger
3. 244 pts rosdee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adhirz   H8    52    52   hafiz
 2. degimsu  11C    74   126   misguide
 3. aeilpru   C8    76   202   plumeria
 4. aceostt   K9    94   296   costate
 5. aefqrrv  15H    36   332   fever
 6. abegist   F8    68   400   baggiest
 7. aanoorw  J10    32   432   wean
 8. ?blnoor   G3    74   506   borneol
 9. dilmnow   5A    78   584   lindworm
10. adeeklt   8J    46   630   leaked
11. aerstuu  M10    24   654   urates
12. enopqux   B9    52   706   ex
13. adoortu   3D    62   768   outboard
14. ceeghor  N10    55   823   heroe


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5841 Filenaomiari    0 12:03  -451  372     1.7130 Stranger    1 10:31  -499  324 
  2.7130 FileStranger    1 10:31  -499  324            Group: intermediate
  3.4095 Filerosdee      0 22:24  -579  244     1.6939 sunshine12  1  5:18  -695  128 
  4.6939 Filesunshine12  1  5:18  -695  128            Group: novice
                                             1.5841 naomiari    0 12:03  -451  372 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4095 rosdee      0 22:24  -579  244 

On 1st draw, HA(F)IZ H8 52 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: IZARD(S) H3 50, IZ(Z)ARD H3 50, Z(E)RDA H4 48, ZAIR(E) H4 46, ZIRA(M) H4 46
HAZ(E) H7 30 rosdee
(T)ZAR H7 24 naomiari

On 2nd draw, MISGUIDE 11C 74 --- MISGUIDE to guide wrongly [v]
Other tops: MISGUIDE 11G 74
Other moves: DIMES I7 28, DEGUM G5 26, DIME I7 25, DISME G6 25, SEDUM G5 25
HA(F)IZES H8 18 naomiari
(F)UDGE 10H 10 rosdee

On 3rd draw, PLUMERIA C8 76 --- PLUMERIA a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: PLAGUIER F8 65, PALIER K6 42, PLEURA K7 42, PULIER K6 42, LEPRA K8 40
PULER K7 40 Stranger
RIPE K11 38 naomiari
PAIR 9G 10 rosdee

On 4th draw, COSTATE K9 94 --- COSTATE having a rib or ribs [adj]
Other moves: COSTATE D2 75, COSTATED I4 72, COTTAGES F6 69, COSTATE G2 66, COSTATE I2 66
CAPES 8A 30 Stranger
COPES 8A 30 naomiari
SHE 8G 6 rosdee

On 5th draw, FEVER 15H 36 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other tops: FAVER 15H 36
Other moves: FOVEA 10J 34, QUA 10B 34, FAVE 15H 30, FEARER 15G 30, FEARER 15J 30
FAVER 15H 36 Stranger
QUA 10B 34 naomiari
RAVE 15H 21 rosdee

On 6th draw, BAGGIEST F8 68 --- BAGGY loose fitting [adj]
Other moves: ATABEG 15A 36, SEABAG 15A 36, BEPATS 8A 33, BAGIES M10 30, BEPAT 8A 30
GAPES 8A 27 naomiari
STAB 15A 27 Stranger
TAPES 8A 24 rosdee

On 7th draw, WEAN J10 32 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: ANOW G6 30, AROW G6 30, NAW G7 29, NOW G7 29, RAW G7 29
W*P 8A 24 naomiari, Stranger
TOWN 12K 14 rosdee

On 8th draw, BORN(E)OL G3 74 --- BORNEOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: BORN(E)OL E3 72, BORN(E)OL I3 70, (D)ROOB G5 26, BORON(S) M10 25, BROOL(S) M10 25
BOON(S) M11 23 naomiari
ROB(E) B12 23 Stranger
CORN 9K 7 rosdee

On 9th draw, LINDWORM 5A 78 --- LINDWORM a wingless dragon [n]
Other moves: DWAM 15A 39, LOID H1 30, OLID H1 30, WOAD 15A 30, WOLD B12 30
MOW H2 25 naomiari, Stranger
WORM 5E 18 rosdee

On 10th draw, LEAKED 8J 46 --- LEAK to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v]
Other moves: TEALIKE B1 42, LEAK 15A 39, TEAK 15A 39, DEKE B12 37, LAKELET A1 36
KEPT 8A 33 naomiari
LAKED A5 30 Stranger
NAKED 13J 20 rosdee

On 11th draw, URATES M10 24 --- URATE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: AUREUS M10 24, SALUTER A3 24, URAEUS M10 24, UTERUS M10 24
Other moves: ARETS M11 22, AURES M11 22, CRATE 9K 22, KRAUTS M8 22, KURTAS M8 22
RATES M11 22 sunshine12
RUSTLE A1 21 Stranger
REST I3 20 naomiari
TUSKER M5 12 rosdee

On 12th draw, EX B9 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: POX B12 48, PIX D10 46, EQUIP B2 44, NIXE D10 44, EXPO 8A 42
PIX D10 46 Stranger
QUEEN N6 40 naomiari
QUA 15A 36 sunshine12
QUIP 14A 30 rosdee

On 13th draw, OUTBOARD 3D 62 --- OUTBOARD a type of motor [n]
Other moves: URP 8A 25, DOLOUR A3 24, OUTDOOR 4G 23, LOORD A5 22, TOROID B1 22
LOORD A5 22 Stranger
DRAT 15A 18 naomiari, rosdee
LORD A5 15 sunshine12

On 14th draw, HEROE N10 55 --- HEROE a man revered for his bravery, courage etc [n]
Other moves: CHOOM H1 42, CHEGOE 2A 37, CHARET 15A 36, HERE N10 34, HERO N10 34
HEROE N10 55 sunshine12
HEAR 15A 24 rosdee
OHO H1 18 naomiari

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