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Game of September 29, 2011 at 14:00, 4 players - after 14 words played
1. 369 pts worsie
2. 336 pts ginalee
3. 250 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeejru   H4    36    36   bajree
 2. aeghors  10B    83   119   gheraos
 3. ?aaeost   E4    78   197   anoestra
 4. addeilw   D1    40   237   wilded
 5. eenoort   5H    66   303   aerotone
 6. ?fknrsu   O4    95   398   refusnik
 7. ablmnoz   8A    45   443   lazos
 8. adiowyy   1D    36   479   widow
 9. beiipst  12J    34   513   pities
10. aaemrtu   L3    72   585   maturate
11. cdeilny   F4    37   622   dey
12. aeginnx   N9    51   673   ax
13. accegin  13D    69   742   accinge
14. biimnrt   M1    34   776   timbo


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5990 Fileworsie      1 14:09  -407  369     1.5990 worsie      1 14:09  -407  369 
  2.5461 Fileginalee     0 15:59  -440  336     2.5461 ginalee     0 15:59  -440  336 
  3.5976 Fileannelhynz   2  8:30  -526  250     3.5976 annelhynz   2  8:30  -526  250 
  4.4624 FileSuzette     0  7:38  -639  137            Group: not rated
                                             1.4624 Suzette     0  7:38  -639  137 

On 1st draw, BAJREE H4 36 --- BAJREE a type of millet [n]
Other tops: ABJURE H3 36
Other moves: ABJURE H4 32, ABJURE H7 32, ABJURE H8 32, BAJREE H3 32, BAJREE H7 32
JEER H5 22 Suzette, worsie
JEER H8 22 ginalee

On 2nd draw, GHERAOS 10B 83 --- GHERAO to coerce by physical means [v]
Other moves: GHERAOES 9B 68, GHERAOES 9F 68, GHERAOES 8B 63, GHERAOES 8F 63, HOSER 10F 34
GASHER 10F 32 worsie
HAS 10F 30 Suzette
ASHORE 5H 18 ginalee

On 3rd draw, A(N)OESTRA E4 78 --- ANOESTRUM period of sexual inactivity [n]
Other tops: AE(R)ATORS E4 78
Other moves: AE(R)OBATS 4D 68, SABOTA(G)E 4F 68, (R)ABATOES 4F 68, AERATO(R)S E8 64, AEROSAT(S) E8 64
SHOE(S) C9 16 worsie
HO(I)ST C10 14 Suzette
BEAST 4H 14 ginalee

On 4th draw, WILDED D1 40 --- WILD to go about in a group attacking others [v]
Other moves: DEAWS 8A 39, DAWD F4 37, ALEWS 8A 36, DAWDS 8A 36, WADDS 8A 36
WHALED C9 34 Suzette
WILDS 8A 33 ginalee
WADES 8A 30 worsie

On 5th draw, AEROTONE 5H 66 --- AEROTONE a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air [n]
Other moves: WOOER 1D 24, WROOT 1D 24, WROTE 1D 24, THEREON C9 22, ENEW 1A 21
TROW 1A 21 worsie, ginalee
TREW 1A 21 annelhynz
TOW 1B 6 Suzette

On 6th draw, REFUSN(I)K O4 95 --- REFUSNIK a Soviet citizen who is refused permission to emigrate [n]
Other moves: UNFRO(C)KS M1 88, FUNK(E)RS F1 84, FORS(W)UNK K4 78, FORS(W)UNK M4 66, REFUSN(I)K 8G 65
FUNKERS O1 57 worsie
W(O)RKS 1D 33 ginalee
FUNKS N3 22 Suzette
F(A)KERS O2 17 annelhynz

On 7th draw, LAZOS 8A 45 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other tops: AZONS 8A 45, ZEAL 9G 45
Other moves: ZEA 9G 44, ZEL 9G 44, AZON F1 37, ZA 4K 37, BALMS 8A 36
ZEAL 9G 45 annelhynz, worsie
BLOWN 1A 30 ginalee

On 8th draw, WIDOW 1D 36 --- WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v]
Other moves: WAY 4K 32, WOODY M3 32, YAW 4K 32, YAY 4K 32, HOWDY C10 30
WOODY M3 32 ginalee
WEY 9G 26 annelhynz
DOWRY J2 24 worsie

On 9th draw, PITIES 12J 34 --- PITY to feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) [v]
Other moves: BITES 12K 32, PIETS 12K 32, SEPT F4 32, TIPIS 12K 32, BETS 12L 30
BITES 12K 32 worsie, ginalee
BOPS G9 18 annelhynz

On 10th draw, MATURATE L3 72 --- MATURATE to develop fully [v]
Other moves: BRAME 4H 30, BRUME 4H 30, MATZAH C5 30, TARAMEA B2 30, AMRITA 2A 27
MATTER L3 18 ginalee
MORE G9 16 annelhynz
TIMER M11 14 worsie

On 11th draw, DEY F4 37 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: DYE F5 35, LEY F4 35, CLY M1 30, ICY M1 30, NYED F3 30
NY M2 24 annelhynz
DYE M1 22 worsie
HIDE C10 16 ginalee
YIELD A5 9 Suzette

On 12th draw, AX N9 51 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX N9 51
Other moves: AXONE M3 48, AXON M3 41, EXON M3 41, EXO M3 37, AX I8 36
AX N9 51 annelhynz
HEXING C10 34 ginalee
AXE 2F 31 worsie

On 13th draw, ACCINGE 13D 69 --- ACCINGE to gird [v]
Other moves: AGONE M3 30, ACINI 2B 25, AGON M3 23, INANE N2 23, ACINIC K10 22
ACE M1 18 annelhynz
HINGE C10 18 ginalee
EN 13J 8 worsie

On 14th draw, TIMBO M1 34 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other moves: BRIM 12A 30, NIMBI 14J 29, TIMON M2 28, MIRITI 2A 27, MINOR M2 26
NIB H13 15 worsie
TRIM 14J 15 ginalee
MO G9 14 annelhynz

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