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Game of September 29, 2011 at 15:30, 5 players - after 14 words played
1. 442 pts PIThompson
2. 421 pts jeff
3. 247 pts ginalee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adimosu   H8    24    24   odiums
 2. eoooruy  12H    20    44   moory
 3. ?aellot   K5    78   122   fellator
 4. aefnnss   5H    60   182   naffness
 5. ?aeefit   O5    80   262   safeties
 6. aiinorv   H1    30   292   virino
 7. aegghpv  N10    50   342   phage
 8. aeimort  13C    79   421   atomiser
 9. bcelnty   N5    35   456   syen
10. abeehnn  12A    38   494   heben
11. aentvwz  A12    48   542   haze
12. adkqrsu   2G    98   640   diquarks
13. cdorttu  B14    31   671   od
14. ccdeipr   M2    30   701   kreep


Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7678 FilePIThompson  4 11:51  -259  442     1.7678 PIThompson  4 11:51  -259  442 
  2.7064 Filejeff        3 10:10  -280  421     2.7064 jeff        3 10:10  -280  421 
  3.5460 Fileginalee     1 12:15  -454  247            Group: intermediate
  4.6083 Fileraggedy01   0  7:02  -617   84     1.6083 raggedy01   0  7:02  -617   84 
  5.4620 FileSuzette     1  1:41  -638   63            Group: novice
                                             1.5460 ginalee     1 12:15  -454  247 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4620 Suzette     1  1:41  -638   63 

On 1st draw, ODIUMS H8 24 --- ODIUM hatred [n]
Other tops: MODIUS H4 24, SODIUM H7 24
Other moves: ADSUM H8 22, DOUMAS H4 22, MAIDS H4 22, MAUDS H4 22, MIAOUS H4 22
MAIDS H4 22 jeff, PIThompson
ADIOS H4 14 ginalee

On 2nd draw, MOORY 12H 20 --- MOORY marshy [adj]
Other tops: YOUR G11 20
Other moves: YOU G11 19, YORE I12 18, YOUR I12 18, OYE G10 17, OYE G7 17
MOORY 12H 20 jeff, PIThompson
YORE I12 18 raggedy01

On 3rd draw, (F)ELLATOR K5 78 --- FELLATOR one that fellates [n]
Other tops: ALLOT(T)ER K5 78, ALLO(T)TER K5 78, (B)ALLOTER K5 78
Other moves: TOLLA(G)ES 13A 66, (C)OLLATES 13A 66, (F)LOATEL G4 66, (F)LOATELS 13A 66, (R)EALLOT G4 66
TEAL 11J 19 PIThompson
TO(N)AL 11J 18 jeff
LOAT(H) G4 6 raggedy01

On 4th draw, NAF(F)NESS 5H 60 --- NAFFNESS incompetence [n]
Other moves: FAE J6 31, FLANES 8J 30, SAFES 13K 29, FA J6 28, FE J6 28
FLANES 8J 30 jeff
SAFES 13K 29 raggedy01, PIThompson
SAFE 13K 27 ginalee

On 5th draw, SAFETIE(S) O5 80 --- SAFETY to protect against failure, breakage, or accident [v]
Other tops: SAFETIE(D) O5 80
Other moves: FEA(L)TIES 13A 72, FETIA(L)ES 13A 72, TA(B)EFIES 13A 72, (S)AFETIES 13A 72, (S)AFETIED 9A 66
(L)EAFS O1 33 PIThompson
FATES O1 27 jeff
FEATS O1 27 ginalee

On 6th draw, VIRINO H1 30 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other moves: AVION H1 27, RAVIN H1 27, VIRION 4D 25, VIRINO 4C 23, VIRINOS 13B 22
RAVIN H1 27 jeff
AVION H1 27 PIThompson
RAVEN M2 16 ginalee

On 7th draw, PHAGE N10 50 --- PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n]
Other moves: PAH N8 35, PEH N8 35, SHEA N5 35, EPHA N9 33, HEAP N10 33
PEH N8 35 PIThompson
SHE N5 32 jeff
PAVE N11 23 raggedy01
HAVE M2 20 ginalee

On 8th draw, ATOMISER 13C 79 --- ATOMISER an device which sprays finely [n]
Other moves: AMORTISE 13B 77, EROTISM 13C 33, MAISTER N2 33, MOISTER N2 33, SMIR N5 29
SMIT N5 29 jeff, PIThompson
TIMERS 13C 18 ginalee
TIMER 3D 8 raggedy01

On 9th draw, SYEN N5 35 --- SYEN an offshoot [n]
Other moves: BY 14E 34, SYE N5 32, YBLENT L1 32, BYTE 12A 30, CYTE 12A 30
BY 14E 34 PIThompson, jeff
BENTY D10 20 ginalee

On 10th draw, HEBEN 12A 38 --- HEBEN a hard wood like stone [n]
Other moves: H*B* 12C 35, H*B* 12A 34, HEBEN 14C 31, BENEATH D8 30, BAH 12C 29
HEBEN 12A 38 PIThompson
BAH 12C 29 jeff
BATHE D11 22 ginalee

On 11th draw, HAZE A12 48 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: WINZE 2G 37, WANZE M1 34, ZETA 14A 34, AVIZE 4F 33, WHEAT A11 33
HAZE A12 48 PIThompson, ginalee, jeff, Suzette

On 12th draw, DIQUARKS 2G 98 --- DIQUARK a low energy configuration of two QUARKS [n]
Other moves: QUIRKS 2F 49, QUIRK 2F 48, DUSK 15L 45, QUAKER M1 44, RUSK 15L 39
QUIRKS 2F 49 PIThompson, jeff
SQUID 2E 35 ginalee

On 13th draw, OD B14 31 --- OD a hypothetical force of natural power [n]
Other moves: OR B14 28, COTTED 14J 26, COURED 14J 26, COTTER 14J 25, COUDE 14J 25
OD B14 31 jeff, PIThompson

On 14th draw, KREEP M2 30 --- KREEP a basaltic lunar rock [n]
Other moves: CREPED 14J 28, CREPE 14J 26, CRIPE 14J 26, PRICER 3C 26, DEI 3K 25
CREPED 14J 28 PIThompson
RIPE 3H 25 jeff
PRICED 9C 15 Suzette

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